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Show J. G. KIHLSTROM GE.NERAL CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER SHOP AND RESIDENCE 1736 GIBSON AVE. BELL PHONE 599-Z DOMOTO and CO. Blankets, Comforts and Pillows 153-155 25th Street R.L. POLK AND CO’S Heiclt Fred C, foreman S P Co, rms 204 23d. Heiloo Jacob, porter Leedom and Cornwell, res 2720 Madi¬son av. Heiner Heber J, clk Edgar Jones Co, res 544 24th. Helander Charles V, carp, res 283 Harrisville av. Helgeson Helge, janitor First Nat Bank Bldg, res same. Heller Mayte A, milliner Toller La Mode, bds 2550 Or¬chard av. Heller Thomas B, res 2550 Orchard av. Heller Walter E, mgr Royal Steam Laundry, res 641 26th. Hellewell Bertha J, clk Wheelwright Bros Merc Co, bds 878 25th. Hellewell Elizabeth (wid Robert), bds 2566 Monroe av. Hellewell George E jr, bkpr Standard, res 2542 Monroe av. Hellewell Harry, fireman U P R R, res 2547 Lincoln av. Helm John A, eng, res 3472 Washington av. Helman John T, moved to Logan, U. Helms Albert E, eng S P Co, res 761 23d. Helsley Nevada, student Sacred Heart Academy, bds 1070 Oak av. Hemes Roy, student High School, bds 218 Washington av. Hemmings Alice (wid Thomas), res 2239 Jackson av. Hemmings Thomas, clk H L Griffin Co, res 2241 Jack¬son av. Hemphill George B, res 319 26th. Hender Harry, mach S P Co, rms 2236 Madison av. Hendershot Charles M, emp Becker B and M Co, res 1890 Park av, Riverside Park. Hendershot Eleanor L, moved to Chicago, 111. Hendershot Evelyn O, bds 805 24th. HENDERSHOT FLAVIUS J, Florist and Floral De¬signs. Office and Residence 805 24th, Bell Tel 206, Ind 805, Greenhouse 800 24th. Hendershot Frank J, clk County Clerk, res 2168 Adams av. Hendershot Harold H, cementwkr, res 1846 Park av, Riverside Park. Jogalong Transfer Co. Place your orders with us for that good COAL 328 ½ 25th Street Both Tels. 283 277 Hyrum Belnap Lumber Company All Kinds Building Material 235 Twenty-Fourth Street The Toggery MEN'S FINE FURN¬ISHINGS, SHOES, HATS and CLOTHING 2449 Washington Avenue OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY Hendershot Henry H, draftsman W M Bostaph, res 1846 Park av, Riverside Park. Hendershot Robert B, appr S P Co, bds 805 24th. HENDERSHOT SHERMAN H, Mgr Troy Steam Laun¬dry Co, 2538-2540 Wall av, Bell Tel 966, Ind 16, res 2555 Quincy av, Ind Tel 472. (See left side lines.) Hendershot Wm H, surveyor, bds 1878 Park av, Riverside Park. Henderson Abraham M, fireman, res 2940 Pingree av. Henderson Alvin, driver Jogalong Transfer Co, bds 2821 Grant av. Henderson Carroll R, brkman, bds 2940 Pingree av. Henderson David, shoemkr, res Harrisville. Henderson David, tchr Utah State School. HENDERSON HIRAM H, Lawyer, 214-215 First Nat Bank Bldg, Both Tels 129, res 654 24th, Bell Tel 249-Z, Ind 249. Henderson James C, moved to Bingham Canyon, U. Henderson John E, hlpr S P Co, rms Denver House. Henderson John R, hlpr S P Co, res 2938 Wall av. Henderson Stella M, bds 2940 Pingree av. Henderson Wm J, mach S P Co, rms St Paul House. Hendricks Charles M, printer Wasatch Printing Co, rms 2520 Washington av. Hendricks Mrs Josephine, bds 455 31st. Hendry, see also Henry. Hendry Elizabeth, moved to Salt Lake City. Hendry John, electr, bds 2724 Pacific av. Hendry Michael M, mining, res 2943 Childs av. Hendry Sarah (wid Allen), res 2724 Pacific av. Hendry Sarah J, moved to New York City. Heninger Lorin G, rest, 2470 Grant av, res 227 29th. Heninger O Grant, student High School, bds 227 29th. Heninger T Harold, waiter L G Heninger, res 2826 Lin¬coln av. Henkel Arthur, student Utah State School. Henley, see Hinley. Watson-Flygare Hardware Co. Paints, Oils, Varnishes and Brushes 2414 WASHINGTON AVENUE |