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Show 512 Japanese-American Industrial Corporation Railroad, Beet and Mining Labor Agents 141 Twenty-fourth Street Allen Transfer Co. Albert Allen, Prop. Office 412 25th St. Both Tels. 22 R.L. POLK AND CO’S Shaw Mercantile Co, Myrtilla Shaw mgr, gen mclse, 203 Washington av. Shaw Merlin, farmer, bds 1265 Washington av. Shaw Minerva P (wid Ambrose), res 1265 Washington av. Shaw Myrtillo, mgr Shaw Mercantile Co, res 559 Wash¬ington av. Shaw Nettie H, bds 559 Washington av. Shaw Nina (wid Wm), res 1545 Washington av. Shaw Oril, student High School, bds 743 Washington av. Shaw Orland W, bartndr F and A Bar and Cigar Store, bds 743 Washington av. Shaw Orley, student High School, bds 520 16th. Shaw Pearl R, student Weber Stake Academy, bds 559 Washington av. Shaw Robert A, student Inter-Mt Bus Coll, bds 1516 Washington av. Shaw Sylvia R, student Weber Stake Academy, bds 1558 Washington av. Shaw Vesta, stenog E A Stratford, bds 1545 Washington av. Shaw Vida F, bkpr Troy Steam Laundry Co, bds 743 Washington av. Shaw Welcome D, storekpr J G Read and Bros Co, bds 743 Washington av. Shaw Wilber, harnessmkr C W Cross Co, res 1506 Wash¬ington av. Shaw Wm, clk, bds 2539 Adams av. Shaw Wm A (Shaw Merc Co), supt P O Sta A, res 347 2d. Shaw Wm D, eng Utah L and Ry Co. res 373 2d. Shaw Wm H, baker, bds 1516 Washington av. Shaw Wm O, student, bds 520 E 16th. Shaw Wm W, moved to Lewiston, U. Don’t Lend Your Directory KELLY AND HERRICK Fire and Life Insurance, Real Estate and Loans 2500 WASHINGTON AVE. BOTH PHONES 76 513 Robt. F. Fleeman GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER 2225 Washington Avenue Bell Tel. 359-Y; Ind. 3692-A OGDEN STEAM LAUNDRY CO. O.A. PARMLEY, Manager 437 TWENTY-FIFTH STREET BOTH PHONES 174 OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY SHAW'S BARGAIN STORE CO, Frank Shaw Mgr, General Department Store, Crockery, Tinware, Glass¬ware, Notions, etc, 2420 Washington av, Bell Tel 918-K. Sheaffer Rudolph H, repr S P Co, bds Ogden Hotel. Shealey Wm J, organizer, bds The Virginia. Shearer Ray R, dining car cond O S L R R, Union Depot. Sheehan Bridget, tchr, rms 2639 Jefferson av. Sheehan Harry F, clk Geo A Lowe Co, res 2781 Grant av. Sheehan Nellie, tchr, rms 2639 Jefferson av. Shelburne Amelia L (wid Robert W), res 648 24th. Sheldon Maida L, student High School, bds 2628 Lafay¬ette av. Sheldon Stephen F, res 2628 Lafayette av. Shelton Martin B, porter M M Schofield, rms 307 24th. Shelton Thomas M, laundryman, res 2660 Lafayette av. S helton Wandah, student Inter-Mt Bus Coll, bds 2060 La¬fayette av. Shepherd Anthony B, grocer, 110 23d, res 112 same. Shepherd Benjamin F, eng, res 2220 Lincoln av. Shepherd Catharine B, tchr, bds 730 24th. Shepherd Edna A, opr Utah Ind Tel Co, bds 112 23d. Shepherd Mrs Ellen M, furn rooms, 2220 Lincoln av, res same. Shepherd James H, driver, rms 2747 Park av. Shepherd Mabel, cashr W U Tel and Cable Co, bds 528 24th. Shepherd Sarah (wid Tames H), res 2747 Park av. Sheppard Harry H, mach S P Co, rms 20825th. Sheppard John, clk U P R R, res 234 W Patterson av. Sherer, see also Scherrer and Sharer. Sherer Charles B, student, bds 116 23d. Sherer Mrs Mary E, res 116 23d. Sheridan Hugh E, appr S P Co, bds 467 26th. Sheridan James, messr Postal Tel-Cable Co, bds 467 26th. Sheridan Margaret (wid Hugh E), res 467 26th. Ogden Planing Mill Co. Sash, Doors, Turning, Stair Work All kinds of Mill Work 2160-2170 WASHINGTON AVE. Phone 666 Ind. |