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Show 642 HALVERSON BROTHERS SANITARY PLUMBING, STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING Motto "Satisfaction" NUMBER 425 TWENTY-FIFTH STREET. BELL PHONE 1322 FRED M. NYE CO. THE CLOTHEIRS PARAGON TROUSERS 2413 WASHINGTON AVE. R.L. POLK AND CO’S BAKERS AND CONFECTIONERS —RETAIL—Cont. Home Bakery and Grocery, 2234 Jeffer¬son av. Kennedy Angus, 2454 Washington av. (See p 328.) Kennedy and Whittrock, 2534 Wall av. Kennedy's Cafe and Bakery, 2454 Wash¬ington av. (See p 328.) Mann Joseph, 262 W 20th. Old Homestead Bakery and Confection¬ery, 311 24th. Palace Bakery, 356 25th. Snedden D B, 2234 Jefferson av. Stone S E, 2534 Wall av. Ward C W, 2341 Washington av. *BAND INSTRUMENTS. Wardleigh H C, 2376 Washington av. (See p 598.) BANDS AND ORCHESTRAS. See page 44. *BANK, OFFICE, BAR AND STORE FIXTURES. Fleeman R F, 2225 Washington av. (See right side lines.) Newton and Burnham, 2254 Washington av. (See left top lines.) Ogden Planing Mill Co, 2160-2170 Washington av. (See right bot¬tom lines.) BANKS AND BANKERS. (See also page 37.) Commercial National Bank, Washing¬ton av s w cor 24th. (See front cover.) First National Bank, 2384 Washing¬ton av. Japanese - American Bank, 277 24th. (See back cover.) Ogden Savings Bank, 2384 Washing¬ton av. Ogden State Bank, 2500 Washington av. (See front cover.) Pingree National Bank, 2487 Wash¬ington av. *BAR FIXTURES. Fleeman R F, 2225 Washington av. (See right side lines.) Newton and Burnham, 2254 Washing¬ton av. (See left top lines.) Ogden Planing Mill Co, 2160-2170 Washington av. (See right bot¬tom lines.) *BAR SUPPLIES. Wheelwright Bros Merc Co. 2476 Washington av. (See right side lines.) BARBERS. Blodgett W M, 375 24th. Brighton and Friese, 130 25th. Burk W I, 223 Washington av. Chakas C G, 119 25th. Davis S J, 2317 Washington av. Dee C J, 314 25th. Farber A J, 349 24th. Folkman H N, 380 23d. Fuller Myron, 102 25th. Gaymon G W, 2401 Washington av. Gysin P A, 228 25th. Harris J D, 411 25th. A. R HEYWOOD. President A. G. FELL, Vice-President O. M. RUNYAN. Cashier Commercial National Bank OGDEN, UTAH CAPITAL $100,000 SURPLUS AND PROFITS $75,000 Russell-james co. Full Line of Fish, Game and Poultry 2458 WASHINGTON AVENUE 643 Do not fail when hungry or thirsty to call at the ELITE CAFÉ OR BAR When in town 2415 Washington Ave. INSURANCE GARRISON, FOSTER AND GARRISON, BEST RATES QUICK ADJUSTMENTS Both Phones 2411 Washington Ave. CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Higoshi Toko, 165 25th. Hoosier Barber Shop, 158 25th. Johnson W E, Harrisville av, Five Points. Johnson and Planz, basement Broom Hotel. Kato Karashita, 150 25th. Lampert J A, 2474 Grant av. McCamant and Griffin, 318 25th. Martin T H, 364 25th. Nakamura Y, 205 25th. Oda Suekichi, 275 24th. Robinson G R, 2460 Wall av. Rollow A J, 2464 Grant av. Ryan and Buttorff, 2438 1/2 Washington av. Schofield M M, 307 24th. Smith J A, Union Depot. Tribe C J, 2374 Washington av. Walter G B, 181 25th. Watts W H, 1824 Washington av. *BATH TUBS. Meek A W, 2548 Washington av. (See p 388.) *BATHS. Utah Sanitarium Co, Utah Hot Springs, 9 miles north. Viava Co, 323 Eccles Bldg. *BEE KEEPERS' SUPPLIES. Foulger Fred and Sons, 740 24th. BEER AGENTS. See Brewers' Agents. BEES' WAX. Runyan O M, 2263-2269 Wall av. (See left side lines.) *BICYCLE LIVERIES. Becraft L H, 301 24th. *BICYCLE REPAIRERS. Drabble W H, 2540 1/2 Washington av. (See p 192.) Hansen H C and Son, 2528 Washington av. (See front cover.) Ogden Automobile Co, 323 24th. BICYCLES AND BICYCLE SUP¬PLIES. Becraft L H, 301 24th. Browning Bros Co, 2461 Washington av. Drabble W H, 2540 1/2 Washington av. (See p 192.) Hansen H C and Son, 2528 Washington av. (See front cover.) Hutchison T A, 306 25th. Ogden Automobile Co, 323-325 24th. BILL POSTERS. Utah Bill Posting Co, 2522 Washing¬ton av. BILLIARD AND POOL HALLS. (See also Hotels; also Saloons.) Baker J C, 314 25th. Bramlett and McGuire, 134 25th. Higoshi Toko, 165 25th. Muramoto Matajo, 275 24th. Pearl The, 124 25th. Reed Hotel Billiard Hall, 2504 Wash¬ington av. Sherwood P F, 2504 Washington av. Shontz H O, 333 24th. BLACKSMITHS. (See also Horseshoers; also Carriage and Wagon Mnfrs). Anderson and Larson, 156 24th. Bushnell Bros, Franklin av. Carlson and Son, Riverdale. Christensen Robert, Wilson's la n e cor 24th. Hill J W, View. Holmes Wm, Wilson's la. Huss George, rear 334 24th. Jansen Benjamin, 423 22d. Larsen J M, 2081 Washington av. Lund J F, Plain City. Matson Magnus, 154 Washington av. Nelson and Hutchinson, 3029 Washing¬ton av. ROSENBLUTH AND OPPMAN Clothiers and Haberdashers KUPPENHEIMER CLOTHING 352 TWENTY-FIFTH STREET BELL TEL. 631 |