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Show 666 CONTINENTAL SUPPLY CO. DEALERS IN AND IMPORTERS OF JAPANESE PROVISIONS and GENERAL MERCHANDISE Branches: Sparks, Nev., Cheyenne, Wyo. Phone: Bel.1047, P. O. Box 86. OGDEN, UTAH N.O. OGDEN CO. CLOTHIERS TO MEN WHO CARE Ladie’s and Gentlemen’s SHOES R.L. POLK AND CO’S *GUNS AND AMMUNITION. Becraft L H, 301 24th. Browning Bros Co, 2461 Washington av. Hansen H C and Son, 2528 Washington av. (See front cover.) Wheelwright Bros Merc Co, 2476 Washington av. (See right side lines.) *HABERDASHERS. Browne S H Co, 2449 Washington av. (See right top lines.) , Ogden N O Co, 236 25th. (See left top lines.) Rosenbluth and Oppman, 352 25th. (See right bottom lines.) Watson - Tanner Clothing Co, 376 24th. (See right bottom lines.) *HACKS. Allen Transfer Co, 412 25th. (See left top lines and top edge of leaves.) Everett J F and Co, 2219 Washington av. (See left side lines.) Nelson and Fell, 326-328 24th. Slade's Hack Line, 408 25th. (See left bottom lines.) HAIR DRESSERS. Guiney Leona, 429 25th. Keller S E, 2468 Washington av. *HAIR GOODS. Keller S E, 2468 Washington av. HARDWARE DEALERS. Boyle Furniture Co, 2337 Washington av. (See right top lines.) Boyle Hardware Co, 2455 Washington av. Lowe Geo A Co, 2326 Washington av. McElroy George, Plain City. Rasmussen O D, 2357 Washington av. (See front cover.) Richardson and Grant, 2419 Washing¬ton av. Simmons J C, 222 Washington av. Watson-Flygare Hardware Co, 2414 Washington av. (See right bot¬tom lines.) Wheelwright Bros Merc Co, 2476 Washington av. (See right side lines.) *HARDWOOD LUMBER. Eccles Lumber Co, 154-164 24th. (See p 198.) Jones E J, 2830 Wall av. (See left top lines.) Ogden Planing Mill Co, 2160-2170 Washington av. (See right bot¬tom lines.) Pioneer Coal and Lumber Co, 345 2d. (See p 458.) Utah and Oregon Lumber Co, 145 24th. (See p 584.) *HARNESS HARDWARE. Hoxer John, 2268 Washington av. (See back cover.) HARNESS MNFRS AND DEALERS. Consolidated Wagon and Machine Co, 2284 Washington av. (See left top lines and page 8.) Cross C W Co, 2250-2252 Washing¬ton av. Cross G E, 418 24th. Hoxer John, 2268 Washington av. (See back cover.) Platt J C Saddlery Co, 2277 Washing¬ton av. Read J G and Bros Co, 338-340 24th. Stevens Sidney Implement Co, 2532 Washington av. Studebaker Bros Co. 2224 Washing¬ton av. HATS, CAPS AND FURS. (See also Clothing Dealers; also Men's Furnishings.) Browne S H Co, 2449 Washington av. (See right top lines.) Burt S J and Bros, 2431 Washington av. Cohen Benjamin, 252 25th. Slade’s-Malan Transfer Co. FOR EXCURSION TRIPS 408 25th ST. BELL TEL. 321 IND. 224 667 J.C. NYE Real Estate, Loans and Fire Insurance 2411 WASHINGTON AVENUE B.H. GODDARD LIFE INSURANCE 412 Eccles Bldg. Bell Tel. 534-Y CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Ives C D, 2483 Washington av and 382 25th. (See p 305.) Kuhn A and Bro, 2363-2365 Washington av. Nye Fred M Co, 2413 Washington av. (See p 422.) Ogden N O Co, 236 25th. (See left top lines.) Pingree Bros Co, 261-263 25th. Putnam One Price Clothing House, 2345 Washington av. Rosenbluth and Oppman, 352 25th. (See right bottom lines.) Toggery The, 2449 Washington av. (See right top lines.) Watson-Tanner Clothing Co, 376 24th. (See right bottom lines.) HAY AND GRAIN. (See also Flour and Feed; also Grain Dealers.) Cragun Bros, 347 23d. Farr T and Co, 2270 Washington av. (See p 216.) Farrell H C, 2430 Grant av. Grout C F, 352 24th. *HEADSTONES. Parry Joseph and Sons Co, 2253 Wash¬ington av. (See p 443.) *HEATING AND VENTILATING. Donaldson W S and Sons, 411 23d. (See p 188.) Halverson Bros, 425 25th. (See left side lines.) Meek A W, 2548 Washington av. (See p 388.) Ogden Plumbing Co, 421 23d. Smeding John, 420 24th. HIDES, PELTS AND FURS. Ogden Hide, Pelt and Wool Co, 2424 Wall av. Runyan O M, 2263-2269 Wall av. (See left side lines.) *HOME BUILDERS. Brummitt J J, 2374 Washington av. (Seep 117.) Trenton Land and Investment Co, 303- 304 First Nat Bank Bldg. *HORSE BLANKETS. Hoxer John, 2268 Washington av. (See back cover.) *HORSE CLIPPERS. Ogden Feed and Sale Stable, 2219 Wash¬ington av. (See left side lines.) *HORSE DEALERS. (See also Live Stock.) Everett J F and Co, 2219 Washington av. (See left side lines.) Lashus G W, 2525 Lincoln av. HORSE SHOERS. (See also Blacksmiths; also Carriage and Wagon Mnfrs.) Anderson and Larson, 156 24th. Carlsen and Son, Riverdale. Ernstrom Peter, 2216 Washington av. Huss George, rear 334 24th. Larsen J M, 2081 Washington av. Nelson and Hutchinson, 3029 Washing¬ton av. Ogden Elec Mach and Carriage Co, 2247 Washington av. Savage and Bune, Washington av s e cor 22d. (See p 501.) *HOSIERY. Browne S H and Co, 2449 Washington av. (See right top lines.) Ives C D, 2483 Washington av and 382 25th. (See p 305.) Nye Fred M Co, 2413 Washington av. (See left top lines.) Rosenbluth and Oppman, 352 25th. (See right bottom lines.) Watson-Tanner Clothing Co, 376 24th. (See right bottom lines.) *HOSIERY MANUFACTURERS. Utah Knitting Co, 302 25th. Universal Collecting and Advertising Association RHIVERS, SHORTEN AND GRANSHAW, Proprietors 421 ECCLES BUILDING Both Telephones 1042 |