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Show Criminal Justice History General Information 235. Laws of Evidence (3) Deals with the principles and rules of law emphasizing evidentiary problems related to criminal cases. 236. Juvenile Law and Procedure (3) A study of Utah laws, organization and procedures dealing with the youth. 239. Traffic Law (3) A study of state and local traffic laws, case law and enforcement policies, traffic evidence and penalties. 281. Experimental Course (1-5) This number is used for newly developed experimental courses. 289. Cooperative Work Experience (1-8) Open to all students in the Criminal Justice Department who meet the minimum Cooperative Work Experience requirements of the department The course objective for each student will be developed between the student, the department and a suitable employer providing the opportunity for an on-the-job experience. Evaluation of course participants will be shared between the employer, student and the department Grade and amount of credit will be determined by the department 292. Short Courses, Workshops, Institutes and Special Programs (1-6) The specific title with the credit authorized for the particular offering will appear in the quarter schedule and on the student transcript. 302. Criminal Justice Management (3) Current command level problems and trends in criminal justice organizations and management including work environment, motivation, leadership, morale, discipline, evaluation, planning, and functioning of line and staff. 304. Community Relations (3) Criminal Justice-citizen partnership in crime prevention and reduction. Ways criminal justice agencies and the community can interact more effectively. 306. Corrections in the Community (3) An overview of community based correctional programs focusing upon the historical origin, development and current practices in probation, parole, the halfway house, work and educational release, as well as furlough programs. 312. Civil and Criminal Liability (3) Important civil problems, origin, and jurisdiction of civil actions, civil procedure, civil responsibility, problem areas, and liability of police officers. 336. Prisons—Contemporary Issues and Dilemmas (2) A course which focuses upon the contemporary adult prison with a particular emphasis upon current problems, issues and dilemmas. (May be taken in conjunction with Soclgy 335.) 339. Traffic Theory and Operations (3) Role of law enforcement in traffic safety, particularly the background of traffic safety administration, traffic laws, accident investigation, officer survival skills, patrol practices, and a variety of highway-related problems. 406. Special Problems in Criminal Justice (3) Causes, prevention, and control of terrorism, white collar, organized crime or problems of particular interest to class members. 410. Laws of Arrest, Search and Seizure (3) Laws of arrest search and seizure. 411. Trace Evidence Analysis (4) Principles and techniques of laboratory analysis. Hairs, fibers, glass, paint soil, and arson accelerants. Stresses laboratory methods. Prerequisite: CJ 135. 412. Forensic Biology (4) Body fluids and crime scene recognition, collection, and analysis, preparations and research. Prerequisite: CJ 135. Case 413. Firearms Identification (4) Examination of firearms, toolmarks, bullets and cartridge cases. The microscope and other tools. Prerequisite: CJ 135. 414. Forensic Chemistry (4) Recognition and analysis of chemicals, toxicants, and drugs associated with criminal activity. Prerequisite: CJ 135. 415. Utah Criminal Code (5) Study of crimes against persons and property; crimes of theft and fraud. Prerequisite: CJ 133. 420. Ethical Issues in Criminal Justice (3) Critically examines selected criminal justice ethical issues such as capital punishment official carruption, use of deadly force, discretion and deception by the police. Prerequisite: CJ SSI01. 470. Comparative Criminal Justice Systems (3) Compares United States criminal justice system with nearby countries and European and Asian systems. Prerequisite: CJ SS101. 481. Experimental Course (1-5) This number is used for newly developed experimental courses. 483. Directed Readings and Special Projects (1-5) Assigned reading or project with evaluation by faculty member. 486. Criminal Justice Field Experience (3-6) Field experience with city, county, and state criminal justice agencies. Registration is by permission of the instructor. Students may take this course twice for a total of six (6) credit hours, with consent of instructor. 489. Cooperative Work Experience (1-8) See 289 for description. 492. Short Courses, Workshops, Institutes and Special Programs (1-6) The specific title with the credit authorized for the particular offering will appear in the quarter schedule and on the student transcript 498. Research Methods in Criminal Justice (3) Emphasis on the practical application of basic research practices to law enforcement and corrections problems. Prerequisites: CJ SS101, Soclgy 360 or Psych 360, junior or senior standing. 499. Criminal Justice Seminar (3) An in-depth exploration of selected issues and dilemmas surrounding the criminal justice field. Prerequisites: CJ SS101, junior or senior standing. DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY Chair: Richard C. Roberts. Location: Social Science Building, Room 234 Telephone Contact: Marilee Sackolwitz 626-6706 Professors: Joseph M. Dixon, James A. Dolph, Gordon K. Harrington, Richard C. Roberts, Richard W. Sadler, Leland B. Sather, Richard 0. Ulibarri; Associate Professor: Gene A. Sessions; Assistant Professors: Jerome Bernstein, J. Henry Ibarguen. Description History is a record of political, social and cultural events and achievements of mankind Historians analyze and evaluate this record in an attempt to understand and interpret the present Education The history offerings are designed to: provide adequate programs to prepare teachers; prepare students who plan to do graduate work; and provide courses which contribute to general education of all students. PROGRAM: HISTORY MAJOR AND HISTORY TEACHING MAJOR-BACHELOR DEGREE General Requirements: • Specific College Requirements (see index). • Requirements for General Education (see index). • A minor is required. • History majors must have a C or better in major courses. • An overall GPA of 2.00 or C is required. (AU teaching majors must achieve an overall 2.50 GPA) • 183 total hours required for this degree. Sixty of the 183 total hours must be upper division. (Courses numbered 300 and above.) • Transferring students with History majors must take at least two approved History courses at Weber State College. Students who are History teaching majors must satisfy the School of Education Certification Program (See Teacher Education). These courses must include the following: Educ 195 (1), 300 (2), 350 (5), 363 (3), 364 (4), 462 (4), 495 (15), 499 (3). Specific Requirements: • Minimum of 55 credit hours in History courses, with 30 hours of upper division work • History courses required (28 credit hours): Hist SS101 (4), SS102 (4), SS103 (4), SS170 (5), 200 (5), SS270 (3) - (should be taken before upper-division coursework; Libsci PD101 and Engl 102 are prerequisites); Hist 499 (3) - (should be taken during the Senior year. Hist 200 is a prerequisite). • Balance of the program (27 hours) must include at least one course from each of the three areas: United States: Hist SS305 (3), SS307 (3), SS309 (i\ SS312 (3), SS313 (5), SS315 (i\ SS319 (5), 326 (3), 375 (3), 415 (3), 420 (5), 422 (3X 423 (3), 425 (5), 426 (3), 427 (3), 428 (3), 429 (3). Europe: Hist 341 (5), 342 (3), SS430 (5), SS431 (5* SS432 (5X 433 (5), 440 (5), 442 (3), 443 (3), 444 Q\ 450 (3), 451 (3X 459 (3). Third World- Hist SS301 (5), 374 (5), 460 (5), 461 (5), 465 (3), SS470 (5), SS471 (5X 472 (5X 473 (5). • Additional history courses to elect from: Hist 481 (1-5), 483 (1-2), 495 (1-5), 498 (2). • Support courses: History majors and History Teaching majors are encouraged to take Poise SSI 10 (5); Teaching Majors must take Commun HU102 (3) or its equivalent and Educ 450 (3). History Teaching majors must take Hist 427 (3), 428 (3) or 429(3). It is strongly recommended that students who plan to work for an advanced degree in History study a foreign language during the undergraduate years and take a course relating to the use of computers. PROGRAM: HISTORY DEPARTMENTAL HONORS General Requirements: • Enroll in General Honors Program and complete at least 10 hours of General Honors courses (see the Interdisciplinary Programs section of the catalog). • Maintain an overall GPA of 33. • Fulfill requirements for History departmental or teaching major. Specific Requirements: • In fulfilling requirements for a History major, take at least twenty hours of History courses on an Honors basis. • Take an additional 2 hours in a History Honors senior project course. A student may receive History Honors credit in any upper division History course including: Directed Readings Hist 483 (for a maximum total of 5 hours). Permission from the department chair should be sought before registering in a course for Honors credit. A written agreement should be reached with the appropriate professor regarding the work expected for Honors credit. (See the Interdisciplinary Programs section of the catalog.) Student Services Interdisc. Programs Allied Health Sciences Arts & Humanities Business & Economics Education Natural Sciences Social Sciences Technology 188 189 Continuing Education |