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Show Faculty & Professional Staff Faculty & Professional Staff Earl A. Jenne (1960) - Asistant Professor of Zoology. B.S, MS, University of Utah, 1953, 1958. Stanley E. Jenne (1982) - Associate Professor of Accounting. BS, Weber State CoUege, 1976; M.S, Colorado State, 1977; PhD, University of Illinois, 1982. Don N. Jensen (1967) - Director of Educational Studies, Academic Advancement BS, Utah State University, 1957; MS, Utah State University, 1959; PhD, University of Utah, 1973. Emron A Jensen (1963) - Professor of Zoology. B.S, MS, PhD, Utah State University, 1950, 1961, 1963. I LaMar Jensen (1955) - Asociate Professor of Mathematics. B.S, M.S, University of Utah, 1953, 1955. J. Neil Jensen (1970) - Professor of Zoology. BS, MS, University of Utah, 1964, 1965; PhD, Arizona State University, 1969. Ron I Jensen (1987) - Computer Programmer. BS, Weber State CoUege, 1986. Scott L. Jensen (1973) - Browning Center Manager and Asociate Professor of Theatre Arts. B.F.A, M.FA, Utah State University, 1970, 1973; M.B.A, University of Phoenix, 1987. Sidney D. Jensen (1963) - Director of Electronic Systems. B.SEE, MS, Utah State University, 1956, 1970. Richard M. Jenson (1960) - Asociate Professor of English. B.S, M.Ed, EdD, Utah State University, 1952, 1959, 1984. I Burdett Johnson (1970) - Professor of Elementary Educatioa BS, CoUege of Southern Utah, 1957; M.Ed, Utah State University, 1965; EdD, University of Wyoming, 1970. Lou W. Johnson (1965) - Director of the Dee Events Center. B.S, B.S, Weber State CoUege, 1967, 1974; MB.A, Utah State University, 1977. Mary R. Johnson (1970) - Asistant Professor of Music. BM, MM, University of Rochester Eastman School of Music, 1967, 1969. Nancy S. Johnson (1987) - Lecturer. BM, Kansas University, 1980; MM, Virginia Commonwealth University, 1984. Paul H. Johnson (1977) - Department Chair and Asociate Professor of Criminal Justice. B.A, University of Oregon, 1958; M.PA, University of Georgia, 1971; PhD, Sam Houston State University, 1975. Roger L Johnson (1979) - Patrol Sergeant Campus Security. Paul R. Joines (1978) - Asociate Professor of Music. BM, Kansas State University, 1962; M.A, University of Texas, 1965; DMA, University of Oregon, 1975. Brian R. Jones (1987) - Assistant Professor of Theatre Arts. B.A, Wabash CoUege, 1982; M.FA, University of Florida, 1984. Franceen C. Jones (1987) - Asistant Advisor of Signpost BS, Weber State CoUege, 1987. Richard V. Jones (1982) - Professor and Dean of the School of Educatioa BA, MA, Stanford University, 1956, 1956; EdD, University of California-Berkeley, 1966. Roydon O. Julander (1960) - Professor of Political Science. BS, M.S, PhD. University of Utah, 1958, 1962, 1987. K LaMar C. Kap (1966) - Director, Services for the PhysicaUy ChaUenged B.S, Weber State CoUege, 1964; M.S.W, University of Utah, 1974. John Z Kartchner (1967) - Asistant Professor of Foreign Languages. BA, M.A, Brigham Young University, 1963, 1967. Diane Kawamura (1978) - Asociate Professor of Radiobgical Science. BS, MEd, Weber State CoUege, 1980, 1981. Karen F. Keenan (1986) - Forensic Chemist BS, Weber State CoUege, 1985. Donald K. Keipp (1985) - Asistant Professor of Music. BA, University of Northern Iowa, 1972; MA, DMA, University of Iowa, 1974, 1985. Fred H. KendeU (1968) - Project Coordinator, Architectural and Engineering Services. Keith R. Kerr (1968) - Management Information Systems Specialist Business Affairs. E. Robert King (1975) - TV/Audio Studio Manager. BS, Weber State CoUege, 1984. John H. Knight (1973) - Director, Campus Recreation, Student Life. B.S, Weber State CoUege, 1968; M.S, University of Utah, 1976. Ruth V. Knight (1971) - Community Service and Title I Director, Continuing Educatioa BS, Birmingham Southern CoUege, 1947. James E. Kopecky (198 ) - Veterans Upward Bound Director. B.S, Weber State CoUege, 1984. Marie L. Kotter (1973) - Vice President for Student Services and Professor of Medical Technology. BS, MS, PhD, University of Utah, 1968, 1973, 1979. Pritiwanti Kumar (1981) - Instructor of English. B.A, AUahabad University, 1955; M.A, Rajasthan University, 1957; MA, University of Utah, 1977. Raj Kumar (1974) - Asociate Professor of Communicatioa B.S, M.S, Agra University, 1951, 1953; E.Ed, Government Pedagogical Institute, AUahabad India, 1955; M.A, Kent State University, 1971. Ronald V. Ladwig (1982) - Professor of Theatre Arts. B.A, University of Denver, 1960; MA, California State University, 1967; PhD, Bowling Green State University, 1978. John E. Lambom (1985) - Instructor of libraries. B.A, University of Idaho, 1976; MA, Utah State Universiity, 1978. Brad M. Larsen (1979) - Sports Information Director. B.S, Utah State University, 1978. Juliana P. Larsen (1983) - Director, Student Health Center. B.SN, University of Utah, 1986. Lael Larsen (1973) - Asistant Professor of Nursing. BS, University of Utah, 1953; M.S, Brigham Young University, 1983. Mary Jo LaTulippe (1976) - Counselor, Women's Education Resource Center. BA, Utah State University, 1958, MA, Brigham Young University, 1967. Douglas M. Laufer (1985) - Asistant Professor of Accounting. B.S, University of Denver, 1974; M.S, Colorado State, 1980; PhD, Oklahoma State, 1985. Larry W. Leavitt (1984) - Asociate Professor of Manufacturing Engineering Technology. B.S, MS, Brigham Young University, 1973, 1985. Mark LeToumeau (1987) - Asistant Professor of English. B.A, University of Vermont 1977; M.A PhD, Purdue University, 1979, 1986. John L. Lewis (1983) - Asistant FootbaU Coach. Elden E. liechty (1962) - Professor of Economics. B.S, M.S, Utah State University, 1958, 1968; PhD, University of Utah, 1972. Louise P. Iintz (1984) - Assistant Professor of Gerontology. B.S, Weber State CoUege, 1974; MS, University of Utah, 1981. C. Daniel Iitchford (1970) - Professor of Distributive Technology. B.S, MS, Utah State University, 1969,1972; EdD, Virginia Polytechnic, 1977. E. Jeffery Livingston (1980) - Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs and Professor of Business Administration and B.S, Brigham Young University, 1968; MBA, University of Utah, 1969; PhD, Arizona State, 1974. Barry A. Lloyd - Asistant Professor of Chemistry. BA, M.S, PhD, University of Utah, 1975, 1977, 1985. Jim W. Lochner (1970) - Professor of Health, Physical Educatioa Recreation, and Dance. BA, Colorado State CoUege, 1962; MA, Adams State CoUege, 1964; EdD, University of Northern Colorado, 1969. Karen Lofgreen (1979) - Assistant Professor of Elementary Educatioa BS, Utah State University, 1956; MEd, Brigham Young University, 1972. Charles Losh (1987) - Director of Vocational/Technology Inservice Educatioa B.S, George State University, 1983. Scott A Loughton (1980) - Assistant Professor of English. B.S, Weber State CoUege, 1971; MA, PhD, Brigham Young University, 1974, 1986. W. Blair Low (1963) - Professor of Secondary Educatioa BS, M.S, EdD, Utah State University, 1950, 1956, 1971. Kathleen Lukken (1975) - Professor and Program Director of Dental Hygiene. BS, Marquette University, 1970; M.S, University of Iowa, 1975; PhD, University of Utah, 1985. Linda G. Lunceford (1986) - Administrative Assistant to the Academic Vice President. Teddy C. Lung (1988 ) - GED. Specialist B.GS, Weber State CoUege, 1983. Cory H. Lyman (1988) - Counselor. BA, M.S.W, University of Utah, 1985, 1987. M James E. Macdonald (1982) - Asociate Professor of Business Administratioa BS, Eastern Illinois University, 1972; PhD, MBAJS.D., Indiana University, 1980, 1981. Mac O. Madsen (1964) - Asistant Professor of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance. BA, M.A, Brigham Young University, 1959, 1961. Susan Makov (1977) - Asociate Professor of Visual Arts. B.F.A, Syracuse University, 1974; Diploma, Brighton Polytechnic, England; M.F.A, State University of New York-Buffalo, 1977. Gary Malecha (1987) - Asistant Professor of Political Science and Philosophy. BA, CoUege of St Thomas, 1976; M.A PhD, University of Notre Dame, 1978, 1986. Ronald M. Mano (1985) - Professor of Accounting. BS, M.B.A, University of Utah, 1968, 1970; PhD, University of Nebraska. G. Reed Marchant (1987) - Assistant Professor of Electronic Engineering Technology. B.E.S, Brigham Young University, 1959, M.E.A, Ph. D, University of Utah, 1967. Kathleen Mark (1984) - Instructor of Nursing. B.S, University of Utah, 1982. Carl D. Marti (1971) - Professor of Zoology. B.A, Tarkio CoUege, 1966; MS, PhD, Colorado State University, 1967, 1970. Daniel L. Martino (1965) - Asociate Professor of Music. B.A, MA, University of Minnesota, 1938, 1945. David M. Maxson (1982) - Director of Physical Plant MerriU I May (1968) - Professor of Psychology. B.S, Brigham Young University, 1960; PhD, University of Arizona, 1965. James R. McBeth (1965) - Professor of Visual Arts. BS, M.F.A, University of Utah, 1958, 1965. Shannon Rae McBride (1984) - Program Administrator, Continuing Education. A Earl McCain (1969) - Professor of Secondary Educatioa B.S, Pern State CoUege, 1958; MA, New Mexico Highlands University, 1959; EdD, University of Northern Colorado, 1972. Fran McConaughy - Assistant Professor of Dental Hygiene. BS, Weber State CoUege, 1982; MS, University of Utah, 1987. Donald C. McCormick (1970) - Asociate Professor of Anthropology. BS, Brigham Young University, 1961; PhD, University of California-Berkeley, 1973. Nancy S. McDonald (1984) - Program Administrator, Continuing Education. BS, S.U.C. Brockport; M.S, Utah State University, 1984. John P. McDoneU - Assistant FootbaU Coach. Lee McKenzie - Asociate Professor of English. B.A, North Texas University, 1955; MA, PhD, University of Oklahoma, 1973, 1980. Wiffiam H. McVaugh (1976) - Professor of Psychology. B.S, Brigham Young University, 1961; PhD, University of California-Berkeley, 1971. Barbara D. MerriU (1984) - Cooperative Education Coordinator, Career Services. Chloe D. MerriU (1979) - Department Chair and Asociate Professor of Child and Family Studies. BA, M.A, Utah State University, 1977, 1979; PhD, Colorado State University, 1984. Jimmie D. MerriU (1968) - Professor of Elementary Educatioa BS, M.S, Brigham Young University, 1956, 1967; EdD, University of Oregon, 1968. Michael W. Meyer (1983) - Instructor of English. BA, BA, Briar Cliff CoUege (Sociology) (English), 1977, 1981; MA, Marquette University, 1984. Trudy Michael - Instructor, Radiological Sciences. B.S, Weber State CoUege, 1985. Scott C. Mickelson (1975) - Assistant Director, CoUege Store. B.S, Weber State CoUege, 1975. Robert S. Mikkelsen (1955-60, 1965) - Professor of English. B.A, M.A, PhD, University of Utah, 1950, 1953, 1971. Gail P. MUes (1966) - Asistant Professor of Mathematics. B.S, M.S, Utah State University, 1961, 1965. Gary L. MiUer - Assistant Professor of Zoology. BS, MA, William and Mary, 1976, 1979; PhD, Mississippi State University, 1982. Patricia MiUer (1987) - Zoology Laboratory Manager. B.S, University of Tennessee, 1974; MS, Mississippi State University, 1980. Richard R. MiUer (1969) - Department Chair and Professor of Mathematics. B.S, PhD, University of Utah, 1963, 1969. 260 261 |