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Show Pale oo ~ Throughout the country retired citizens are complaining about being boredin their period of retirement, — but that doesn’t seem to bea problem for our special sen- me ior citizens RSA Emma Olsen, Mary Woolley and Thelma Smurthwaite Suatch as Bruce and Weston Hansen lower stone marker on plot near DUP museum and Capitol. Quotation on Constitution Life rAo EZ ADC DUP to dedicate monume Dedication of a Bicentennial marker bearing a quotation of President Brigham Young will highlight the 75th anniversary convention of Daughters of Utah Pioneers Saturday. The quotation is taken from President Young’s farewell address to the Mormon Battalion on July 9, 1846, at Council Bluffs, Iowa. It reads: “I want to say to every man, the Constitution of the United States, as framed by our fathers, was dictated, was revealed, was put into their hearts by the Almighty, who dwells in the heavens; and I tell you in the name of Jesus Christ, it is as good as ever I could iask for. I say unto you, magnify the laws. There is no law in the United States, or in the Constitution, but I ‘am ready to make honorable.” The bronze plaque will be affixed to a stone monument to be placed on a plot of ground between the DUP Pioneer Museum building, 300 N. Mai 7 State Capitol. . Ae Mrs. Kate B. Carter, DUP president, wil@p at the 2:30 p.m. dedication ceremony, and Clyde L. Miller will accept the monument. Mrs. Carter will also list the accompli ©} ame the DEF Ia. its 75 years of existence at the morning session of the convention at 9:30 a.m. in the Lafayette Ballroom of Hotel Utah. in Morgan County. Recently one of our more active and certainly wellloved ladies, received a serious ankle and foot injury in| a fall. It wasn’t an ordinary fall encountered by 2 simple sprain while taking a simple walk, but the accident occurred while Grace Kilbourn, who is 74 years young was up Hardscrabble fishing Canyon on June 4. She had caught a fish and was climbing up the steep bank when she slipped and fell. She was quite a distance from the others inher party, and had to crawland hobble a half-mile before they could hear her. She is recovering from her injuries, but is still confined to crutches, and her foot is still quite swollen. Grace is president of her DUP club and is a special worker in the Ogden Temple. She is also very active in the Porterville Ward, On May 30, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Kilbourn attended an open house in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond (Marsha nee The program will also include a talk by Gaylen S. Young on “Brigham Young, the Great Pioneer,”’ musical selections and officers’ reports. Joy F. Dunyon, co-president of the Days of *47, will speak on ‘‘Patriots and Pioneers”’ at a noon luncheon _ of county DUP presidents in the Empire Room. _. The convention will conclude with a program of pioneer music at the museum at 3 p.m. ramento, Calif. They spent Saturday night, with another brother, A.C. Bowen and his wife Ada, in Salt Lake, where they celeprated Father’s Day. Tuesday about noon the whole kit and kaboodle, to use Grace’s words arrived, to spend a! days at Bub’s cabin in? few Hardscrabble, and enjoy the! beautiful canyon scenery and the cool evening breezes, and ° one another’s company. , Joining them later in the week were John’s grand- daughters, Lynn and JaAnna Nelson of Salt Lake, and Kevin and LaRae Olson of Ogden. Grace in addition to being an avid and accomplished fisherman, who on one 0occasion while fishing at F laming Gorge, where it is legal Lee) Ferland, at Provo. to fish with two hooks caught Vern’s son During their a fish oneachline, simultanstay in Virginia at Ft. Eusis also interested in eously, tis, he became acquainted geneology and a dozen other (Marsha McAdams the with hobbys at which she is very Lee) family, and when they accomplished. for their came to Utah She can give a book reTemple, Work-...Marvin- 2A view which can have her nyes Aepi ayy ye suede audience laughing one minute x * * and crying the next. SUA ‘rayeeds Suipnpouod ou} She has written articles — P< *1OW YO slouvlyj PAB News 4en) for the Morgan County gower pue YWeD fq and served for a short time } as one of their correspond RO0A & ae a joriotte a UdAIS SBA ¥ ents. oyos fq, US * 9SeHIN BWIe N%d The secret of this acolg JeM pue @ ouvid and beloved plished fq Waals SPA HTB ¥ ‘pregcom seems tobe life happy lady’s 1p ys au} ul dnoig yseltid people and keeping g jdlovin e pouu pues au} Aq peyueseid sem ‘jooyos Aepuns guimoyactive and involved with life. sem In addition to all her many -joy Ayeyetpowlut pled IS accomplishments, Gracehas ILI JUW N 1}99 yor ‘3Uu at least a dozen new projects * * * -Ajyowlanned and we are looking hearing more eUt eforward to -909 Jortou eu} Aq SuoTykepun:about her new adventures, TOOYD e1EM ~ UdAIS yand to quote her Grace exPerhaps pue Burjeey pooujseltd gy pects to recovers quesa1d S19yyzeJ Ui} JO yor ethis is the real secret of| *YIWIS OI}1oq WO} AT aying young. She expects — 2 Aq pepntouod sem wesgonst uegood from life and people ; Tul ko AC . Aq Pe! yand, because she looks for aus ‘uoru est&ued wed -w10008 ‘OJOS SUBS 19389 yne best, usually finds it.~ pus 412}® aaes ue — gyjouer Xo ; ‘ ie . . |