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Show . NotesSeason oe a ne OE am. SS . TS | story, “The Ragged Cloak’ by | | | | | | ett Mt. Joy DUP The Mt. Joye Camp of the DUP held their monthly meeting last Friday with Captain Grace Kilbourn in charge. The lesson was given by Mrs. Jessie Creager on the early pioneers who came to Utah from Scotland and Wales. Before adjourning, refreshments were served by Mrs. William Redden and Lepr kevde = Morgan Camp DUP meeting will be held February 26 at 2 p.m. The lesson will be given by Flora Tonks. Refreshments will be served by Dora Rich and Catherine Eddington. Paskett gave a Christmas reading; Captain trefie Rowser read SS saan OT Od OO OT a “Thank You” Sarrewean ft County Weber y . ee 2 7-179 The Mt. Joye Camp of the DUP will meet Friday, February 27 in the Pioneer Building. The lesson will be given _ by Mrs. Olis Smith. Members _ please attend. cei eee aS i rate / ae Slade ; eS aan oS Relic Board, for their con- thanking them tribution of $15. After the meeting, gifts wer exchanged, under the direction of Violet Ovard and DellaStephens. There were thirty-two members present. The next meeting will be held on January 15 at 7:30 p.m. Mt. Joy DUP _ letter from the _ De , —————... The Mt. Joy Camp of the DUP | met Friday in the Pioneer Building and seventeen mem bers enjoyed the lesson given by Mrs. Thelma Rogers on The Organization and Purpose of the Nauvoo Legion”. Light lunch was served by Bernice Redden, Eliza Halls and Daisy Crouch. » —Uareh F=f cabins. Officers from the three counties who will be taking part are: Summit County, Rhea M. Bagaell; Morgan County, Emma M. Harding aad Wasatch County, Emily Conrad. The program will include two numters from the “Six Notes” of South Summit; notes from the history of Park City by the county historian, Berneil Kun - The gan. Vernon Olsen and talks from Central Company visitors, There will also be roll call and reporis from the county and individual camp officers. The officers of the Francis Camp, the smallest camp with the biggest heart, cordially invite all me:nbers to take part Summit Over and Mor- one-hundred mem- 2DUP Camps Plan Meetings Mt. Joy Camp of the DUP will hold their monthly meeting Friday, January 28, at 2 p.m. in the DUP Building. The lesson “ PioneerStories” will be given by Mrs. Edna Carter, the history by Mrs. Mary Smith and hostesses will by La Fern Boyce, Jessie Creager and Mrs. Daisy Crouch will soon be available Sef $9972 Carriage House donation paid? Sg tn oe x Pies ¢ a : <a . group © ~ os v - tn. - ee LEI a ya" 2: ESS «- eae = - & = A — pe on ~ ; — 2 . - ah 2 7 a ay as conven- * X* the Empire Room in the Hotel Utah. The talks given there centered on the Nauvoo Legion and the Utah Militia, In the afternoon part of the cabins in Francis and Kamas. 2 Ve DUP interesting meeting held in the - Hatchery and a visit to the DUP Eat kK * morning, dinner was served at to the — ; ” Sth SO in Seven members of the Morgan Camps of DUP attended the National DUP Convention Saturday in Salt Lake City. After a very informative and public. The origin of the Rhodes Valley (Kamas) Camp was given by Mrs. Mae Olsen also of Summit County. Two musical numbers were given by the “Six Notes” ofSouth Summit. Daughter EvalynStem- _ bridge of Summit County conducted the meeting with the invocation by the Chaplain of the Francis Camp. Following the luncheon there was a tour of the Kamas Fish The Morgan ‘Camp of the Daughters of Utah Pioneers will hold their monthly meeting Thursday, January 27 at their DUP Building at 2 p.m. This is our last meeting before the yearly report is sent to the Central Committee. Are your annual dues and Gee held tri-county * was present and spoke at length on the necessity of keeping personal records and urging that every eligible woman be contacted and made a member of the organization. The highlight of the meeting was the “Notes from History of Park City given by Summit County Historian Berneil Kummer, a former Morgan girl, sister to Sheriff Porter Carter and related to the large Porter family. She told of the early days in Park City with dates as far back as the late 70’s, and incidently told that The Park* Record was the oldest published_ paper in Utah. It isstill carried, on by the publisher of the Morgan News, the H. C. McConaughys. Mrs. Kummer has written a book on Park City which The Mt. Joye Camn will meet this afternoon (Friday) at 2 p.m. in the Pioneer Building. Mrs. Grace Kilburn will preside. All members please be present. st be mit and Morgan will be held May 2 at the Francis Ward Chapel, at Francis, Summit County. Local DUP Chapters are urging aS many representatives as possible to attend this convention. Transportation will be furnished. Those in need of this Service will please contact Emma Harding, Grace Dickson or Bernice Bates, : The convention will convene at 10 a.m. with luncheon served at noon. ident of Utah DUP and author ~of many books on Utah.histes— cee i to tion, including Wasatch, Sum- bers were present including twenty-five from Morgan, forty-eight, from Summit, twenty-one from Wasatch and a number of visitors from the Central Committee. Mrs. Kate B. Carter, pres- in this convention. : NS as plans for the coming conven- A three counties consisted © a NM... Joye Camp of D.U.P. will meet Friday, April 24 in the Pioneer Buiding at 2 p.m. All members are asked to atten d * of Wasatch, 4 Bell and Charlotte Chapin, A three-county Daughters of _ Utah Pioneers was held Saturday, May 2, 1970 inthe Francis, (Summit County) LDS Cultural Hall, ‘ * p> - Morgan Camp of the DUP meeting will be held April 23 at 2 pm a the Pioneer building. I'he lesson will be given by Ida O’Driscoll. Ratraeh ments will be served by Thelma Great Success mer; a reading of the origin of Rhoads Valley Camp by Mae aS Utah, will be discussed,Francis : ~—Dora Rich. Se _Three-County DUP Meetin Gre PLES SZ O tion Three-County DUP Meeting . et OO Reates ™ GAerds 2 7/9 70 Mt. Joy DUP HENEFERThe Henefer Chapter of the DUP held its Christmas party on Thursday, December 18. It began with a ham dinner being served at 6 p.m. The prayer and blessing was given by Margarite Richins. Beautiful table and building decorations were provided by Selma Taylor, Carla Lythgoe and Shirley B. Dearden. The lesson titled “Christmas in Union Fort, Utah,” was given by Darlene Richins. Christmas songs were under the direction of Darlene and Elliene Richins; Marguerite Ll 20,1770 Cee i 17, ss Henefer DUP Notes Holiday Mrs. Henry Heiner. ~ IDG: oe DUP e ani p Cam gan The Mor DUP Mount Joy Camp of the the first will meet together for , on son sea the of g meetin , in p.m. 2:00 at 25 September memthe Pioneer Building. All ent at bers are urged to be pres this meeting. eto, bee, 4- 707 ' | ec, evi? | — SS oe | greetings. ; Francis DUP Christmas a dinner Margaret Sangster was §1 by Daisy Crouch followed by the lesson, ‘Early Pioneer e Christmases” given by Grac Kilbourn. Christmas gifts were exchanged. Mrs. Bernice Bates, Captain of the Mt. Joy DUP was ce Nel Creager sang two Piss. os, “Dear Little sol l voca hleStranger” and “Star of Bet anied hem”. She - was accomp son. by Mrs. LoRaine Wilkin les the: gave t ran Dur Celeste ed, son, which was entitl . «Christmas in Pioneer Days d ente pres cis Fran Ivy Mrs. s iam’ Will and ie “Ann the poem, exPrayer.” The ladies then and changed Christmas gifts | in held their Christmas party the Pioneer Building last Friday afternoon at 1 p.m. Twentyone ladies were present. The L-shaped dinner table with Christmas affects. was bie a of miniature Santa Claus boots holding candy canes were placed at each setting. Mrs. Lissie Heiner was chaplain of After fo A three-county DUP convention will be held Saturday, May 2 from 10 to 1:30 p.m. in the Francis Ward Chapel announced local DUP officers today. All DUP members and officers are invited to attend the meeting which will include a luncheon served at noon and an afternoon tour of the Fish Hatchery and the Kamas and The Mt. Joy Camp ofthe DUP the day. i 3. County DUP Session May2 Mt. Joy Camp Morgan DUP. _-~ in Yule Party bers of the Daughters their of ae Utah Pioneers held a week annual Christmas party -eight ago Thursday. Twenty . ated icip part ladies the Mrs. Grace Dickson was sted chairman of the party, assi deby others, Dorothy Wright es. tabl corated the 4a The ladies were served n endelicious luncheon and the mas joyed a delightful Christ POC Ed -l87 aE ~ ee eee ore TT. went on a tour in Ogden, where they viewed the only Stake Relief Society Building that was ever built in Utah, This has been turned over to the DUP for a Relic room. This was of great interest to the ladies, Those who took part in some and all of the day’s activities _ were Mrs, Grace Dickson, Mrs, Grace Kilbourn, Mrs. Orpha Vest, Mrs, Ida O’Driscoll, Mrs. . Emma Harding, Mrs. Leah Johnson and Mrs, Edna Carte r, | a | . |