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Show eR A score of Utah preteens steps will ring in the Fourth of July” New DUP Organized * New Leaders Chosen Mrs. Emma Clark took the oath of office as president of the newly organized DUP Camp on March 29. Mrs. Glenna Porter officated at the ceremony. The Hardsgrabble Camp will join with the Morgan Camp and in the ed April 11. 1901. with the of remembering the contributions of the men, women and children who, pioneered our state on a foundation of ! greatness. They also planned to preserve historical landmarks which played an important part in our States history as well as preserving the individual community histories. _ Collecting and preserving Stories and histories about individuals was a very important part of “the DUP’s *Zetivities: ‘These manuscripts have been lpublished and comprise 12 volumns of ‘‘Heart Throbs of The West,” six volumns of a a Building which overlooks Salt Lake Valley. Funds have ‘also helped finance the Carriage House which was completed in 1973. The Pioneer Memorial houses beautiful relics, housewares, quilts, tools, and artifacts of early the his- tory. The beatity and talent that are a part of the quilts, clothing, and art works of these people are really awesome in of “president, announced Ted Popkins and Joy F. Dunyon will serve as co-chairman of the annual bell-ringing event. Bells of all sizes and tones, most from pioneer days, will be taken from the museum and rung by the youngsters to celebrate the nation’s 199th birthday. Key bell will be a heavy cast iron model from the old Brigham Young Schoolhous¢ which stood near Eagle Gate, Mr. Popkins " a anteaters said. *‘We’d like to get a really good turnout,’’ the cochairman added. ‘“‘We’re hoping for a lovely summer morning, and at 10 a.m. it should be rather cool.” everyday pioneer Daughters the countless hours required to complete many of these items. From the intricate stitches on a wedding gown to the crude hand tools which built sturdy majestic houses of worship are | indeed a tribute to the industry and devotion of these stalwart ancestors of ours. ouse is a show Milton L. Weilenmann, executive director, State Department of Development Services, will be principal speaker. Also participating will be Boy Scout Troop 215, soloist Glen Slight and the DUP Central Company Chorus. Po bell se rina ractices from: \Brigham h with Young’s a pri-_ vate tion school for 4th house, of July in preparaceremony. events of any novel, about these people. Among the ideals the DUP stands in support of are home, State, agriculture school. and religion. The things that make our beloved state of Utah just place for the early vehicles and the large items accumlated. Kate B. Carter, president of the way we want it to be. the DUP for 36 years, was Kate B. Carter was a person herself an intrigal part of the with a deep faith and almost DUP History. She has worked always her lessons were begun dilligently to publish the individual transcripts. For many years — with a verse of scripture. There have even been several she stressed the duplication of monuments and plaques comindustry, faith, devotion to duty merating special spots in and love of home and family in foreign countries in tribute to her daily work with the DUP. the pioneers who left there to These stories have been find their homes in our beloved accompanied by picture, illus“trations, dail¥ diary excerpts: ; mountains. “A people who forget their and newspaper clippings. Mrs. past shall have no future,’’ was Carter always stressed the idea a remark often stated by Pres. that true facts and just as Carter over the years as she interesting and exciting as the > the. Mount Joy Camp Morgan County area. There are twenty-three members in this new camp. Other officers are first vicepresident Grace Kilbourn, second vice president Jane Porter, and recording secretary and treasurer is Janie Helms. Lorene Andersen is in charge of the register;-Connie Carter is historian; Vanna Carter chorister and Sandie Carter organist. Mrs. Gwen Adams will be the camps chaplain, and Marian Fisher is parlimentarian. Four of the group’s members attended state convention on April 2 in Salt Lake City. They were Grace Kilbourn, Resa Waller, Emeline Florence and Jane Porter. The original DUP was found- ‘Treasures of Pioneer History,’’ and 19 volumes of ‘‘Our Pioneer Heritage.”’ The DUP is a non profit organization. The proceeds from the volumes of pioneer stories have been used to finance the beautiful Pioneer Memorial the 1 N. Main. ‘El Mrs. Kate B. Carter, DUP Friday at 10 a.m. on the ' ' : : ' ' ; of Utah Pioneers Museum, 300 gave so much to make the DUP organization what it is today. The DUP organization averages between 900 and 1,100 new members each year, and these new members help contribute many exciting new stories and histories ab the ou early t pioneers, As long as the enthusasium remains among the members old and new this organization will continue to be a vital and exciting part of Utah’s history past and present. ae leaders: ardsgrabble DUP The new leaders of the Hardsgra Camp study a pioneer book. Left to right are Mrs. Jane Porter, second vice president; Mrs. Finina Clark, president; Mrs. Grace Kilbourn, first vice president; Mrs. Janis Helms, secretary. |