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Show Quotation on Constitution DUP to dedicate monument Dedication of a Bicentennial marker bearing a quotation of President Brigham Young will highlight the 75th anniversary convention of Daughters of Utah Pioneers Saturday. The quotation is taken from President Young's farewell address to the Mormon Battalion on July 9, 1846, at Council Bluffs, Iowa. It reads: "I want to say to every man, the Constitution of the United States, as framed by our fathers, was dictated, was revealed, was put into their hearts by the Almighty, who dwells in the heavens; and I tell you in the name of Jesus Christ, it is as good as ever I could ask for. I say unto you, magnify the laws. There is no law in the United States, or in the Constitution, but I am ready to make honorable." The bronze plaque will be affixed to a stone monument to be placed on a plot of ground between the DUP Pioneer Museum building, 300 N. Main, and the State Capitol. Mrs. Kate B. Carter. DUP president, will preside at the 2:30 p.m. dedication ceremony, and Lt Gov. Clyde L. Miller will accept the monument. Mrs. Carter will also list the accomplishments of the DUP in its 75 years of existence at the morning session of the convention at 9:30 a.m. in the Lafayette Ballroom of Hotel Utah. The program will also include a talk by Gaylen S. Young on "Brigham Young, the Great Pioneer," musical selections and officers* reports. Joy F. Dunyon, co-president of the Days of '47, will speak on "Patriots and Pioneers" at a noon luncheon of county DUP presidents in the Empire Room. The convention will conclude with a program of pioneer music at the museum at 3 p.m. |