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Show _ FRANK FRANCIS! ————— en oo News (Continued from Page ) their beaver traps along’ streams of the valley. VIEWS” Morgan is one of the ties of Utah which the Fourth of July & Ulews the Weber river originally was Weaver river and Great Salt Lake was Weaver lake, named after Pauline Weaver, an early trapper. communi- is celebrating in a big way In 1846 L. W. Hastings led the Harlen emigrants down the Wethe Morgan News & Views, as speaker of the ber river, through day, gave a brief history of Morgan country, on their way to California. as compiled by the Utah historical records survey, At the narrows of the river the wagons were let down the rocky ‘In earlier times “Weber canyon, gorge by ropes. ' which opens into the valley where Morgan is situated, ‘was a muchThomas Thurston, Roswell Stev-| traveled Indian- highway, the trails ens, Charles Shreeve Peterson and still being visible alofig the moun- his two sons, after the arrival of = tain sides. yz ‘the Mormon pioneers, left Center- ~~ ville in the spring of 1855 and =< The redmen, following the nat- : established themselves..at Weber SS ural opening in the range, hunted city. Then on February 19,1¢72, the SS in Salt Lake valley, gathered salt settlement became known as YPeterand made war. son. ’ ae Bea <a ee ee Comanches passed through Weber. canyon to a winter camp in s Promontory cave, where they lived * on the buffalo which came down = from the north. That was when the : lake was much higher than at present and was not as salty. Morgan county was named in honor of Jedediah Morgan Grant,| father of Heber J. Grant, who had| assisted many of the settlers in the | pioneer period. The first county seat was at Weat Littleton. then ber city, and Floods discouraged the people of Littleton and they and the county elephant has been uncovered on the} seat moved to Morgan city in 1868, bouch land of Ogden, dating back! while the Union Pacific was buildto when Lake Bonneville was re- ing through the valley. ceding from its higher levels. In 1865 the first school was openFather Escalante, in his explora- ed in the home of Elizabeth Couch, tions, was on Utah lake in 1776. He the teacher. In the distant past buffalo, cameS: els and elephants were in this re: gion. Part of the skeleton of an w= SS * SS - aS Se5 READY TO re a SON ee i “Partners” Alton C. Me all (left) and Lawrence W. Jenkins put the finishing touches on a deluxe antique surrey they have finnished restoring. The age of the surrey is not defi- UNDER nite, but patent da parts were issued to “HUTTON 1889.” Restoration of the surrey by the two retired railroaders took more than 300 hours. —_—, must SKILLFUL HANDS ; At — Tottering Old Surrey Regains Youth : y ; . t have been there on the first Fourth of July when the Declaration of Independence was given to the world, but he was too far removed from civilization to be aware of that stupendous event. that region Sioux, time told the of Indians battles with the | state. As late as 1876 warpath were in David Tracy, when at Croydon, wi ; Indians on the Morgan valley. section foreman i- DON BAKER Alton C. McCall and Lawrence running condition once again. was sent iW. Jenkins . . . who have been| “when we started, we made/nickleplate good years. Their from neighbors for ‘‘partnership” the fact that several/yy our minds that we were/discovered it to be made of ‘Yep, it was quite“and a project,'the air as a horseman with a big I going to do it right,” said Mr.|brass; as a result, the owners Said Mr. McCall, “ stems McCall. they just) alMof the Chinese grew inquisitive One and was lifted by the queue high in in to have - the into restoring’ the surrey removed, workers they re glad it’s over with. don’knife de ‘And once we started it, the|work. | And they both agree that will probably be the last. | FROM MORGAN Was _ OSMAN at iam | Every ken ‘The surrey belongs to Mr. and|cleaned, ‘the = task.-of coe Jenkinsicibegans Wwe surrey leather the 865 E. Country Hills reassembing new with niete 06 “metal was complete primed and g : seanciive trace work offs ofthe: as it stands today, it's a given a on dali ene hee Seaieain ‘Mrs. Clyde Patterson of Morgan|shiny new coat of black paint. with a ‘who bought the rig in Provo last; The weather beaten oak that! nodel to ; Ps c (formed the body of the carriage satires year. a oo re Erb s ee b It is difficult to trace the|was sanded down, replaced and! ..3: pins a fancy Fass Nene P history of the surrey, but the|varnished to accent its natural ‘hub caps. 'Pattersgns believe it was_made color. | ee Y; 7 wd S @ iedek, “ot ul ssouppe jim aode 7 aes , ° ‘ ‘aeok 4se A tea uSied, sa Wed 94} poyentur YoIyM sila pee IATO Jo dnous yeursio 8Y} jo aL ya Arean udasor fa nanr an a motion as though to ‘elected not to replate the grill/think we'll ever do it again.”” array. nem. but, was stopped: by. the “I don’t think you'll fin ‘completed an impressive|\darn thing became such a! Seats were reupholstered in another like it in the Unite restoration of an antique, deluxe |challenge we had to finish it,” |bright red leather and the old States, Mr. Jenkins grinned. model surrey that could be/his ‘partner’ agreed. ‘top was replaced with a new. And they’re probably right. prams reaee lined plushly covering vinyl BOLT BY BOLT | _ -almost 80 years old. | “It?s the first carriage we} ,|with red velveteen. ; ‘ever worked on,” explained Mr. | > . oe y 7 ob ae mracatt Then Mr. McCall and Mrs. Jenkins proudly. made “UeU AYO MoU ey, — NAG | «YOR “peoy 3iq e,, Useq pey yey Aed pjnoys oya JIAO S}UaUIOI3e orm ¢ ~ 8 | «20d SNA Odd LV syiVv1 NOA A A Peas of nm || | That near-tr agedy squelched any further curiosity which the ChiBeton a, pane had, as_ they he Na be hig eo General William H. his trappers, was = the ore country as early as 1824, Later Jim Bridger and Peter Skene Ogden set (Continued on Page 2, Col. 5) grassof the Today Morgan valley is recognized as one of the garden spots of Utah and the people are among the most progressive citizens of the in this ‘carriage over. to Mr. McCall, They enlisted the aid of two bred white Arabian. nese, prenlur sed: SE NeaS Cae .a pair of Old time blacksmiths, John| Ogden area residents may gefeathers and war paint, who car. . Jenkins Mr. “Mc-jand SOUTH OGDEN—The Carriage Works’’| ‘retired railroad men with plenty Donaldson and Walter Telford,|a good look at the entiriried spears with many scalps im‘Call-Jenkins paled, ‘who ‘“‘dished”’ the wheels so the package in future parades. ; doesn’t really exist. The “carriege craftsmen” pu The braves In fact, the ficticious firm is! time, tools and confidence carriage will corner properly. stopped to gaze at kind of a private joke between that the rig could be put in top When the ornate grillwork;More than 300 hours of worl, e Strange section workers. By In 1867 vast swarms of hoppers destroyed one-third crops of the farmers. | es SEE. " -T8hew nee AEH <— < 7 |