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Show Legacy Daughters of Utah Pioneers The President's Pen It has been a tradition, particularly in the Salt Lake Area, to have county meetings once each month to which the entire membership of the county is invited. The program includes a guest artist or group and perhaps a guest speaker. The upcom¬ing lesson is reviewed by the county lesson leader, or in some cases the guest speaker's subject is from the lesson manual. I have attended these meetings in past years and they have been most enjoyable. On the negative side, I have heard these remarks from county officers: "We have too many meet¬ings. We hear the lesson at the county meeting and the next month it is reviewed by the recording sec-retary. Then we hear it again at the camp meeting and the next month, we hear it again from the camp secretary. That's four times we hear the same lesson." When I mentioned this to one president, she defended the pro¬gram: "This county meeting is what keeps our organization alive. The camps take a turn as host¬esses, sponsoring the county meeting and furnishing the pro¬gram. A prize is given to the camp which has the most members in attendance each month. So far as the secretary's review of the minutes is concerned, she should NAME only the topics covered and not retell the entire lesson." In many areas county meetings are limited to two or three a year. This is not very many when you consider one of these has to be the election meeting in the election year. I recognize that in some areas the members are scattered and it is not practical to have a meeting every month. But in these areas the active members are fewer, and the enthusiasm is not as great. Now, you're expecting me to say, "Have a meeting every month," but I won't. The important thing is to keep up your enthusiasm by social events and regular meetings. Let me em¬phasize REGULAR. We all like to know what to plan on, and especially to know that the meetings are worth our time. When I say meetings for the entire membership, don't forget the social activities are considered meetings. Let me take this opportunity to commend county officers who have sponsored outstanding jubilees, seminars, opening socials and Christmas parties which greatly enhance the program. President Reagan recently remarked, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!" If your program is working well, don't disturb it. Daughter's Diary THELMA MYERS HOLBROOK Thelma Myers Holbrook was enthralled as a child when she lis¬tened to the tales of a neighbor who lived next door to her parent's home in West Jordan, Utah. Great were the far-reaching effects of the bearded, elderly, native pioneer, telling fascinating early experience stories, for these early stories were the motivation for Thelma's life of service to Daughters of Utah Pio¬neers. Thelma was born in Riverton, Utah, the daughter of Louis J. and Ida Garrett Myers. She moved to Salt Lake City when she was fourteen years old and after graduating from East High School, attended L.D.S. Business College. She worked in several de¬partment stores on Saturdays until she finished her business training. Then, putting this knowledge to good use, she was employed in several downtown offices. Later she married Horace G. Holbrook, D.D.S. and they are the parents of two children, Michael and Garna, and grand¬parents of four grandsons and four grandaughters, and one great grandson. When Thelma attended her first Daughters of Utah Pioneers meeting she was fascinated by the powerful, pioneer history that was read. Her interest was awakened as she recalled the stories of her youth, and she soon joined a camp and was later elected captain. In 1957, Thelma was appointed historian of the Central Com¬pany. In this position she read and filed several thousand pio¬neer histories. Then in April, 1961, Thelma was elected second vice president of this organization. At the same time she was appointed to the board of the Days of '47, a civic organization |