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Show ~ ~Elsie Bell New | ssie Creager Morgan County New County Nbjes VlidaySo7/ MI.Joy Camp” niente ' eto ManillaCa ér . ¢ Mrs. Manilla Carter is : ' { ~ DUP President the ganist; er. Grace Dickson, The following been retained for or- chorist- officers another have year: Mrs. Ivy Francis, secretary and treasurer; Mrs. Margaret Thackeray, historian; Mrs, Eliza Rich, parliamentarian; Mrs. Mary Welsh, chaplain; Mrs. Afton Brough, registrar. Outgoing officers are Creager, captain; Jenna first vice and ond i Lettie Jessie Rich, Stuart, sec- vice. A pot luck luncheon followed by the lesson, “The Story of Telegraphy,” by Eliza Rich was en-joyed, Mrs. Beth a guest. Geary of Ogden was DUP To Meet | Mt. Joye Camp of the Daughters of Pioneers will hold their next meeting March 24, (Fri- day) in the Pioneer Building at 2. p.m. The lesson “Mormon Scouts” - will be given by Mrs. Mary. Smith and hostesses will be- Viva Terry, Esther Heiner and Thelma Rogers. All members circle this date and please plan to attend. tect — —- weSy.Ak ee Mt. Joye Camp in Final Meet @ 2. — FL DUP President The Summit and Morgan County Daughters of Utah Pioneers con‘vention was held. at the Morgan ‘DUP Building, Aug. 22. gan Camp DUP with Orpha Vest, first vice; Mrs. Bessie Brough, and Summit counties Morgan held their conjoint annual DUP Convention Saturday, June 27, in | Meeting commenced at 10 a.m. : | the Courthouse County Morgan : ‘with County President Dora C.} | ayditorium. Rich conducting, under the direcThose elected officers for the ‘tion of first vice president Celia! coming year were Jessie Creager, W. Morrison of the Central Compresident; Edna Carter, 1st vice pany, accompanying her were 2nd vice Elsie Bell, president; ‘Thelma Holbrook, historian, and| i president; Olis Smith, secretary; Inez B. Allred, chaplain, from the | Eliza Halls, treasurer; Eunice Central Company. Lake, keeper of relics; Cora Jones, Reports were given of the | organist; Hazel Sommers, chorcamps and =instructions were, ‘ister; Amy Heiner, historian; and given by the Central officers. Lydia Parkinson, registrar. | Special musical numbers given | Retiring president, Mrs. Alta! were: A musical reading by Car-| Thackeray, conducted the meet. ma Newbold, accompanied by her! ing. Mrs. Thackeray gave a re-| daughter Karen, and a duet by port on the past two years’ actiManilla Carter and Alta Thack-| vities in the Morgan County DUP ery. organization. Elva Richins gave a. | Lunch was served at noon to the| report from the Henefer Camp, | fifty-eight people present by the | and president, Fawn Smith, of County Camp. Hoytsville gave the report for the The Morgan County Camp was| accomplishments in DUP work in reorganized and those voted in} Summit County. were: Elsie Bell, president, with | Visiting members from the-Gen-) Alta Thackery and Lissa Heiner | tral DUP Camp were President| as vice presidents; secretary, Olis | Kate B. Carter, Librarian Mrs. Smith; treasurer, Eliza Halls; | |Brown and Mrs. Amanda Waderhistorian, Jessie Creager; regist-.. strap, the representative for this chorister, |, ra, Lydia Parkinson; area. President Carter gave a organist, Cora: Amy Heiner; very inspirational talk on the imJones; custodian of relics, Eunice }: portance of DUP work. Addresses Lake; Chaplain, Mary Welch and}; ‘were also given by the other two Parlimentarian, Thelma Rodgers, |* ladies. Musical numbers were rendered by Darlene Richins and - | Marvella onvention ' Summit and Morgan. counties ; DUP convention will be held Saturday, June 27, at 10:30 a.m. in the court house auditorium. Visitors from ‘the Central Camp Will be in attendance. Luncheon will be Served for 75 cents per plate. the mt represented Capt. Bernice Bates conducted the meeting, and the lesson “Pioneer Choirs” was given by Grace Kilburn, The prayer was given by Mrs. Jessie Creager, The meeting was adjourned for the summer. Morgan Camp of the Daughters Is. Thursday, pg Manila Elsie Carter,| Bell, table and and| decorations. | Eunice Lake' the nominating her fine com.| past year was given the 7 fa} May 24, 1973 the new and Mr county ee gf “ y : — Ree seek ‘DUP Installs” Mt. Joye Camp of the DUP held their Christmas dinner The party Friday, December 1’. in the long table was decorated Christmas motif with place ecards of miniature sleighs filled with candy andnuts. Mrs. Grace Kilburn was acting chaplain. Christmas carols were Sung bepre-~ fore and during the dinner, pared by the officers, Bernice : New Officers Friday, May 5, the Mt, Joy Utah Camp af the Daughters of ing clos Pioneers held their for ined comb al soci and meeting until the year and adjourned September. coming New officers for the installed and d cte ele e uae wer re- Bates, Edna Carter, Grace Kil- burn and Bernice Redden. After of dinner there was an exchange gave Crouch Daisy gifts. Mrs. the lesson, “Heart Warming Stories” pertaining to Christm . ip early pione: - days. pres~ Fourteen members were ent, th with daughter, Mary Smi Capg Bernice Bates as placin officers tain and the following 1n- to aid her. Edna Carter was n, tai stalled as first vice cap tain; cap vice ond sec , Hall za Eli Lydia Olis Smith, secretary; rar ist reg r) ove Parkinson (hold "Movcan DUP organist; Redden, Bernice ter and ris cho n, bur Kil Grace To Host Meet Daisy Crouch, Chaplain. Saturday, May 13, Morgan Daughters of Utah Pioneers will play host to the Tri-County Camps, Morgan, Wasatch, and Summit, Eachcounty takes their turn at holding the conference and the time and date is set by the Utah Central Company, under the direction of Mrs. Kate Carter, This year is Morgan’s Jessie Creager was named rs historian and Thelma Roge ofParliamentarian. The new ie ficers were installed by Jess Creager. “Isle of The lesson on the uch Man” was given by Daisy Cro Delicious refreshments were cers served by the outgoing offi and a pleasant social hour en- joyed. turn, Meetings will be held in the County Auditorium commencing at. 10 a.m. Luncheon will be served in the Morgan Pioneer Building and the price will be $1.25 per plate. Further information may be had from Mrs. Emma Harding, Dora Rich or Bernice Bates. ~ There will be representatives from the present, Central DUP Meets — Company | ay ee The Mt. Joy Camp of the DUP will meet today\;\Fria warm welcome Jessie Creager as day, December 14 at tp-m. Gifts will be exchanged, the president. | lesson will be given and this. is a no-host dinner (in other words potluck). Members ‘ please stand notified. leadership “during of Utah Pioneers was re-organ-. ized as follows: Dora C. Rich was re-elected as Captain with Clara Beth Rich and Manilla Carter vice captains; Celeste Durrant, secretary and treasurer; Sarah Scott organist and Jessie F rancis chorister; Lois Peterson registrar; ElmaDickson, historian and Lucille Williams, custodian of relics. The lesson, “The Isle of Man” was cf Creager, charge of the Dora Rich mp fh direction _mittee for the convention when a ‘new slate of officers were installed. The group expressed appreciation to Mrs. Alta Thackeray for The final meeting of the Mt, Joye Camp of the Daughters of Utah Pioneers was a very Successful one when thirteen members enjoyed a delicious potluck lunch followed by an interesting life history of William Dearden given by his See eee Mrs. EdnaCarer, Re-Organized Coun- Edna Carter, with Orpha Vest in| os of DUP Geary of Summit | ty, and by the children of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Little of Morgan. The 36 members in attendance| enjoyed a noon luncheon under. Juanita - ZS ' DUP Joye Mt. . ae 4 ~ newly elected captain of the Mor- second vice; Larue Waldron, 7 : New DUP Head | » J." the DUP Party — The Mount Joy Camp of i ~ the DUP will hold their Christmas party Friday, December 14, 1973 at 1 p.m. at the DUP Building. It will be a pot luck dinner and gift exchange. DUP To Meet 77, Mt. Joy Camp this meet will of the of Utah Pioneers Daughters afternoon (Friday, Jan. 25) in the Pio- neer Building at 2 p.m. The lesson, “The Pioneer Diary” will be given by Grace Kilburn and the history will be given by Nora Christensen. Hostesses are Lydia Parkinson, Juanita Creager and Jessie Creager. MarySmith, Captain of Mt. Joye, will preside. presented by Elma Dick- son. Grace Eddington read a history of .her grandfather. Lunch was served by Helene Kippen and each lady was given a small gift in gratitude- WREST. Sp ON ay PDP ETD ny a eines TY parece * 4 2 INA. Veo POINTER 4 > OMe T 76, QUE YYUD! 4.4U 4 tis SE NU ee ers ee ee |