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Show Kelly Aiken resigned from the planning commission for personal reasons. Mayor Butler appointed Rick Taylor to finish out the rest of Mr. Aiken's term. At the January 20, 2005, council meeting, Steve Davis, independent Auditor, found the city was in good financial condition, and in compliance with state regulations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2004. The report has been accepted by the state. Some amendments to the FY 2004-05 budget were necessary due to new developments, including the construction of the office and senior citizen building. A public hearing on the amendment was held on April 21, 2005, as well as on the tentative FY 2005-06. After comments from the public, the public hearing was closed, and the public meeting re-opened. After discussion by the council, the resolution amending the FY 2004-05 was approved. The increase of development fees, maintenance cost of parks if the city obtains them from the L. D. S. Church, the cost of utilities for the new building, and health insurance for employees were all discussed, before the Resolution to approve the FY 2005-06 budget was approved. At the November 17, 2005, council meeting, Steve Davis, Independent Auditor, advised that his firm has completed the annual audit and prepared the financial statements for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2005. He reported that the city is in good financial condition and has a surplus. The city is in overall compliance and he will submit the audit report to the state. This year was an election year for the city, always a very important event. Announcement of the elected positions open for filing for this year's election was made in the July Pioneer Post. Three positions were open, mayor, councilor-west district, and councilor-east district. The filing period ran between July 15, 2005 and 5:00 p.m., August 15, 2005. Minimum requirements to qualify as a candidate, as required by state law, as well as regulations governing campaign finance disclosure were reviewed by Becky Burt with each person who filed. Mayor Butler was the first to declare candidacy for mayor for the next four years. The municipal election held in November had the following candidates for the three positions open for voting. These were: Mayor: Keith Butler, (incumbent) and Gerald Bischoff. Council East: Delbert Hodson (incumbent) and Kent Meyerhoffer. Council West: Kim Slater (incumbent and unopposed). No primary election was necessary. The Weber Fire District held a bond election in conjunction with this election. The fire district proposed to site some new locations, by bonding, to provide better coverage. Chief Dave Austin of the Weber Fire District explained the Fire District's position regarding the bond election for a new fire station, indicating there has been a lot of growth in the communities. He explained that if the bond is passed, five fire stations will be replaced and repositioned to improve emergency response times to meet safety needs for existing and expanding population. Impact fees have been collected which will go toward these new stations. He said that the current fire station now in use, is constructed with cement walls and ceiling. The district has been advised this building will not hold up in an earthquake. The names of Etna Lucas, Naomi Eilers and Larae Brown were submitted to and approved by the council as election judges, with Gerald Taylor as alternate, for the municipal election held on November 8, 2005, at the new municipal complex. Beside voting on the candidates listed above, there were two propositions on the ballot. The first by Weber County was to impose a property tax for a consolidated dispatch district. The second, Weber Fire District requested approval for a 20-year bond for $6 million in capital improvements. There were 313 votes cast, plus five absentee ballots. The two propositions were narrowly passed in our voting district; Proposition #1, 160 in favor, 154 opposed; Proposition #2, 158 in favor, 153 against. Both were passed by the entire County. Mayor Keith Butler was elected for another term with 267 votes against Mr. Bischoff's 52. Kim Slater was voted in for another term with 131 votes. At the close of the poll, it was learned that 21 voters had mistakenly been issued ballots for the wrong district, affecting the results for the East District Council. For that reason results on the Hodson/Meyerhoffer voting could not be released that night. A restraining order was requested by William Morris, City Administrator and Attorney, in Judge W. Brent West's Second District Court, Ogden, Utah, on November 9, 2005, to preclude any announcement of the |