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Show centeredness, acquiring things, but through truth and true free¬dom, through discovering for ourselves eternal verities worth living and dying for. "In helping us to learn this lesson through making available books like this one, the Daughters of Utah Pioneers do us great service and deserve our appreciation." -Marion D. Hanks, Member, First Council of Seventy, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints "The twelve volumes of Heart Throbs of the West, and the volumes of Treasures of Pioneer History, are possible because of the care with which Utah's pioneers recorded their own adven¬tures, and because of the interest which Kate B. Carter, president of the Daughters of Utah Pioneers has stimulated in a living past. The present volume is particularly appealing, not only for the many descriptions of the distant past, largely told by the pioneers themselves, but also for the chapters of recent history on "Our Living Pioneers' and "Story of Pioneer Memorial Building and Museum.' The unstinting pioneer drive to build the kingdom is duplicated in this modern drive by the Daughters to restore and mend and make beautiful our own towns and villages and indi¬vidual lives. The 'remembrance of things past,' and particularly the committing of that remembrance to writing, is thus an en¬nobling and enriching experience. "This book, and those which have preceded it, are monu¬ments to Mrs. Kate B. Carter and the Daughters of Utah Pio¬neers and their illustrious ancestors." - Leonard J. Arrington "The pioneers held that to be worthwhile a thing must be stimulating mentally, pleasing socially, elevating spiritually and of value economically. This philosophy underlies this series of books. Not only do they awaken within the reader the motives, feelings and lives of the pioneers, but they meet the requirement that it must be justified economically. The proceeds of each volume went into the building fund. When construction of the Memorial Museum was threatened by price advances, due to delay in court proceedings, the Daughters of Utah Pioneers sold these books and put the entire proceeds to the credit of the build¬ing fund. As a result the building is in use today- a tribute to the people of Utah, the unflagging zeal of the Daughters, and their vision in publishing Heart Throbs of the West. Without this source of income, financing the building would have been ex¬tremely difficult. Heart Throbs meet the ideals of the pioneers, and the building stands as a monument, achieved as the pioneers would achieve." - Martin M. Larson, Former Chief Justice, Supreme Court of State of Utah "As General President of Relief Society I have enjoyed greatly my relationship and cooperation with you and your offi¬cers of the Central Company, Daughters of Utah Pioneers. And as a member myself of this great and important organization and a daughter of one of the pioneers of 1847- John Brown- I ap¬preciate and prize my personal relationship, and honor the offi¬cers who are carrying on the work so nobly and successfully." -Amy Brown Lyman, The following letter was sent to Mrs. Kate B. Carter, July 30, 1945: "My Dear Sister: "This is a word of appreciation for this year's excellent 24th of July celebration, which closed last night with the presentation of The Creation' at the University Stadium. "I am sure that honor was done to the memory of our illus¬trious pioneers by the fine events you sponsored and I commend you and your associates for the good work. "You have accomplished much in preserving valuable relics and other material and I hope that the day is not far distant when all these precious relics will be safeguarded from the ele¬ments and be preserved in such a way that at the end of another hundred years those who dwell here will have reason to admire the fruits of their forebears' labor and that will by that time be even more precious than they are today. "Faithfully yours, "George Albert Smith, President "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints" Another letter: "Your very interesting favor of November 12 is received and I have been interested in informing myself of the work that has been accomplished by the Daughters of Utah Pioneers. "I am sure your organization is to be congratulated on what you have accomplished, and I wish you continued success. You are descendants of a group of great women who pioneered the wilderness and laid the foundation for the delightful, comfort¬able homes that we now enjoy. Not only were these women un¬selfish, but they were energetic and capable and they be- bequeathed to their daughters many valuable attributes. They were broadminded and tolerant and they did not stoop to petty things. They stood by the side of their fathers and husbands and assisted them in every way in the development of the glorious state in which we are permitted to live. I trust that the noble characteristics of those from whom the daughters have de¬scended will be perpetuated, for in that way the society that you represent will be magnified and all those who are worthy will be happy to be identified with your organization. "Always remember that it was The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints that made it possible for all of us to partici- |