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Show Tour of Great Salt Lake On Agenda for DUP Group Daughters of the Utah Pioneers will reflect on the history of the Great Salt Lake and its role in the develop¬ment of Utah during their an¬nual convention next Saturday at Hotel Utah. "We've been styding the lake in camp programs, and trips to historic sites such as the lake and dedication of markers are part of our con¬ventions," said Mrs. Kate B. Carter, president. She said 700 to 800 persons from many parts of the na¬tion, including Houston where a new DUP county organiza¬tion has been set up, will attend the Hotel Utah conven¬tion. It opens at 9:30 a.m. with a chartered trip to the lake at 1:45 p.m. Featured speakers at the morning session will be Lucybeth C. Rampton, wife of Gov. Calvin L. Rampton, who will discuss woman suffrage; Mrs. Carter, who in her re¬port will tell of a vast estate that has been willed to the DUP, and Neal A. Maxwell, commissioner of education, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Maxwell will discuss "Today's Genera¬tion Gains from the Lives of Yesterday's Pioneers." The trip to the lake will in¬clude a visit to Antelope Island, depicted in an 1886 oil painting by Alfred Lam- bourne, Pioneer artist. This and another painting was presented to the Pioneer Me¬morial Museum by descend¬ants of David L. Davis, a Welsh immigrant who super¬vised construction of boats on the Great Salt Lake. Lambourne was born in England and came to Utah in 1886. During the early part of that decade he became in¬trigued with islands in lake and in November 1895 home- steaded on Gunnison Island for 14 months where he paint¬ed and wrote about the beauties of his "lonely rock of the Azores." The Central Company Cho¬rus, directed by Mary Good¬man and accompanied by Bessie Meredith, will sing at the convention. Volume 13 of "Our Pioneer Heritage' by Mrs. Carter, proceeds of which go to maintain the mu¬seum, will be sold during the convention. It is Mrs. Carter's 32nd book. |