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Show Three-County DUP Meeting Great Success A three-county Daughters of Utah Pioneers was held Satur¬day, May 2, 1970 in the Francis, (Summit County) LDS Cultural Hall. The three counties consisted of Wasatch, Summit and Mor¬gan. Over one-hundred mem¬bers were present including twenty-five from Morgan, forty-eight, from Summit, twenty-one from Wasatch and a number of visitors from the Central Committee. Mrs. Kate B. Carter, pres¬ident of Utah DUP and author of many books on Utah-history, was present and spoke at length on the necessity of keeping personal records and urging that every eligible woman be contacted and made a member of the organization. The highlight of the meeting was the "Notes from History of Park City given by Summit County Historian Berneil Kummer, a former Morgan girl, sister to Sheriff Porter Carter and related to the large Porter family. She told of the early days in Park City with dates as far back as the late 70's, and incidently told that The Park Record was the oldest published paper in Utah. It is still carried on by the publisher of the Mor¬gan News, the H. C. McConaughys. Mrs. Kummer has writ¬ten a book on Park City which will soon be available to the public. The origin of the Rhodes Valley (Kamas) Camp was given by Mrs. Mae Olsen also of Summit County. Two musical numbers were given by the "Six Notes" of South Summit. Daughter Evalyn Stembridge of Summit County con¬ducted the meeting with the invocation by the Chaplain of the Francis Camp. Following the luncheon there was a tour of the Kamas Fish Hatchery and a visit to the DUP cabins in Francis and Kamas. |