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Show Ten Get Positions On Northern Division Cage Team Ogden-Weber Each Place Three Stars On Mythical Quint Five Schools Represented On Standard-Examiner-Deseret News Honor Roll; Logan Rates Two Men; Preston and Box Elder Place One Each; Adam Bengoschea Named Captain TEN brilliant basketball players of the northern division gain places on The Standard-Examiner-Deseret news all- star machine for 1935. In view of the colorful array of cagers in the circuit the usual procedure of selecting a first and second team is discarded. Ogden courtiers, champions of the division, rate three men on the honor roll. Weber High, joint holders of second place with Lo¬gan High, place three men on the squad. Logan rates two men on the honor machine while Box Elder and Preston each land one player on the selection. Adam Bengoschea of the Tigers, captain and forward, is honored with the captaincy of the team. The bril¬liant all-around athlete at Og¬den High is as cool as a cucum¬ber under fire. He directed the play of the Tigers in big league style during the championship sea¬son just closed. Much of the suc¬cess of the Ogdenites was due to the untiring efforts of Bengoschea. Other forwards on the honor ma¬chine are: Carter and Morris of Weber and Otterbeck of Logan High. These three players turned in brilliant performances all season, Izatt of Logan, another classy play¬er, gains honorable mention. Norton of Ogden and Winger of Preston land the pivot positions. There is little to choose between these two athletes. Both displayed unusual ability during the pennant race. Winger and Norton will de-velop into sensational collegiate performers. Pour capable guards, performers that would do credit to any schol¬astic team in the land, rate the guard posts. This quartet is com¬posed of Braegger of Box Elder, Deming of Ogden, Targhele of We¬ber and Yeates of Logan. Honorable mention is accerded the following hoopsters: Harris, Bear River; S. Oyler, Bear River; Izatt, Logan: Eames, Logan; Johnson, Preston; Colletti, Weber; Wimmer. Weber: Agricola Nineteen Players Honored For Cage Work HERE'S the list of the out¬standing cagers of the northern division of the state scholastic basketball league for 1935: Forwards—Bengoschea, Ogden; Carter, Weber; Morris, Weber; Otterbeck, Logan. Centers—Norton, Ogden, and Winger, Preston. Guards—Braegger, Box Elder; Deming, Ogden; Targhele, We¬ber; Yeates, Logan. Honorable mention: Izatt, Lo¬gan; Harris, Bear River; S. Oy¬ler, Bear River; Eames, Logan; Johnson, Preston; Colletti, We¬ber; Wimmer, Weber; Agricola, Ogden; Briggs, Ogden. |