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Show Farmer Five Stops Delta Title March Flashing a brilliant third-quarter attack which consistently penetrated a stubborn Delta defense, the Granite high school cagers ad¬vanced to the quarterfinal round in the state tournament by scoring a 27 to 19 victory over the Millard district champion Thursday in onej of the feature lower bracket encounters. The Farmers, spotting a heignt advantage to their towering south¬ern opponents, made up for this deficit with a baffling passing at¬tack which consistently proved a puzzle for the Rabbits to solve. Entered as the third-place team in the Jordan district race, and winner over Morgan, 21 to 16, in a playoff game to decide a tourney post, the Farmers will clash with Davis Friday in a game which should provide considerable excitement. Delta took a 5 to 2 lead in the first quarter, baskets by O. Bennett and Pace, plus a foul by O. Bennett, proving better than foul tosses by Wood and Taylor. At the half the score was tied at 9-all, but in the third session the Farmers, led by Carlysle Mac- kay, curly headed reserve forward, jumped into a 19 to 12 lead. Mackay scored only a setup in this period, but his fine passing to Taylor and Rynearson brought further scoring. In the final canto the Farmers tallied eight points to th seven made by Delta. Rynearson, Kramer and C. Mac¬kay played fin ball for Granite.; O. Bennett, Pace and Roberts looked best for Delta. The scores: DELTA GTF P O.Benett.rf 3 3 2 8' Pace, If.. 3 2 1 7 Watts, c.. 0 10 01 R.Benntt,rg 1 1 0 2 : I Roberts, Ik 1 1 0 2 . Holman, rf 0 0 0 0 Lyman, lf. 0 0 0 0 Adams, c. 0 0 0 0 Totals . . 8 8 3 191 GRANITE GTF P Taylor, rf.. 3 1 1 7 Wood, If.. 0 111 Rynearson.e 4 4 19 I Kramer, rg 0 111 H.Mackay.lg 0 0 0 0 Wright, lg. 0 0 0 0 Totter, c.. 0 0 0 0 IC.Mackay,lf 3 2 1 7i Swanson, rf 0 3 2 2 Totals. .10 12 7 27 Score by quarters: Delta Granite 2 9 19 27 Hillman referee; Stevenson, umpire. Provo Mauls Uintah Five; Score, 51-33 Playing sensational ball, which featured beautiful shootings speedy rustling of the ball and tight de-fensive work, the Provo Bulldogs routed the Uintah five from the con¬solation bracket in Thursday's initial night game. The score was 51) to 33. The Alpine runners-up, after playing fairly well in the opening half, j i came back with renewed life as the third period got under way and completely ran away from a hard- j fighting but weary Uintah five, j The type of ball dished up by Coach' Glen Simmons' boys Friday appears to forecast plenty of trouble for Logan in the consolation final. Both teams got away to a slow start, their nervousness accounting' for some poor shooting as numerous setups were missed. Two long shots by Don Olson, coupled with two foul tosses, gave the Region Five winners a 6-5 lead at the end of the opening period. Vernon Peter¬son, stellar shooting guard, kept the J Bulldogs in the running, this boy counting all of his team's five points during this canto. Uintah retained a slim margin un¬til the last few minutes of the half, when Glen Allen, Provo's scrappy center, got away for three field goals in two minutes of play, to send his five into a 19 to 15 edge. Anderson dribbled in for a goal and Hoover tanked a nice shot to end scoring for the half, with the count 21 to 17 for Provo. Allen oontinued to pace his team¬mates in the third period, getting away for some nice shots, while Raymond Anderson, hard-driving Uin¬tah forward, made a real fight to keep his team in the running. The, period score was 32 to 24, for Provo. Provo literally ran away from the scrappy Uintah boys in the final canto, running up 19 points while holding the opponents to 9. The splendid all-around work of Allen, center, with the rustling of Hoover and Peterson, featured the winners' play. Anderson, Cook and j Noel did some fine wc»k for the losers. PROVO GT F P Daniels, rf 2 0 0 4 Hoover, lf. 6 2 2 14 Allen, c . . 8 2218. Peterson, rg 4 5 2 10 Hayward.lg 10 0 2 Jensen, rf . 0 0 0 0 Lewis, rg. . 1 1 1 3 Colton, lg 0 0 0 0 Fielding, rf 0 0 0 0 Totals . 22 10 7 51 UINTAH GT F P Anderson, rf 3 4 1 7 Olsen, lf . . 3 1 1 7 Alexander, c 2 2 2 6 Noel, rg . . 3 0 0 6 Cook, lg . . 1 3 2 4 Hadlock, rf 0 0 0 0 Jones, rg . . 0 0 0 0 Woods, rf . 0 3 3 3 Totals .12 13 9 33 Score by periods: Provo 5 21 32 51 Uintah 6 17 24 33 ; Christensen, referee; Smith, umpire. Tigers Bombard Hoop In Second Period to Defeat Fliers, 39-24 Dixie Puts Up Game Battle, But Height, Scoring Power of Ogden Proves too Much; Winners Show Rare Scoring Punch The Tigers of Ogden are on the threshold of the 1936 Utah state basketball championship following their impressive 39 to 24 victory < over a battling Dixie quint Friday evening in the Deseret gym. The Tigers have overpowered Ephraim, Murray and Dixie in their drive for the title. In each instance they have demonstrated remarkable scoring punch when points were needed. Against, Ephraim they rolled up a 40-25 margin and then edged out a stubborn Murray quint, 27-25, in an overtime affair. Thus in three games they have tallied 104 points, against 76 for their rivals. < The Fliers were simply over¬matched Friday. Following a fast first quarter in which the rolled up a 6to 5 margin, they were liter-ally swept off their feet in the sec¬ond session, the towering Junction City lads hitting the hoop for 19 points as Dixie tallied only one foul toss. Norton Runs Wild Big Charley Norton, veteran cen¬ter, scored four field goals in the second period. Calvin Agricola rang up five points and Pat Deming came through with a beautiful shot from the side. Joe Aguirre and Adam Bengoeschea added field goals to the total, and the dirge for the Fli¬ers was written. In the third quarter the game lads from St. George made their last desperate stand against a team which is favored by many to scale the championship heights for the first time since 1932. Charley Pick-ett and Earl Tobler, held completely in cmeck during the first two quar¬ters, sparked the Fliers' bid for hon¬ors, the former tanking a pair of neat ones under the basket shots and Tobler bagging a field goal from the side and a pair of charity tosses. Aguirre and Agricola scored the only points made by Ogden in the third frame, but it proved to be just a lull before the storm of baskets which poured through the hoop in the final canto. With the score 28 to 16 and some six minutes remaining in the last quarter, Tobler rang up a neat goal rom the side, but this was nullified by Bengoeschea's ringer from close range. Therol McArthur sent the Fliers up a notch with a bril¬liant one-hand shot, and Pickett tossed one over his head from the foul line while closely guarded, to give Dixie fans cause for joy. Ex¬cept for a long shot by McArthur that proved to be the Fliers' last chance for fame. Agricola tagged, a foul throw and big Pat Deming, towering guard, electrified fans by zooming under the hoop for two setups. Bengoeschea tossed in a shot from the foul line and then closed the game with a whirling shot from the left side of the court. All Tigers Shine The Tigers had no outstanding players, every man contributing a fine performance. Norton and Bengoeschea chalked up 11 and 10 points, respectively, to lead the at¬tack. Deming scored six points, and Agricola eight. Earl Tobler, with seven counters, was high for Dixie. Pickett played a nice gam at center, and McArthur's speed pleased the crown on hand for the encounter. The score: DIXIE G TF p Tobler rf . 2 8 3 7 McArthur lf 2 3 1 5 Pickett c 3 2 0 6 Fawcett rg 1 1 1 3 Milne lg . . 12 13 Snow lf 0 0 0 0 Whitehd rg 0 0 0 0 Totals. . 9 16 6 24 OGDEN G T F P Bengoesha rf 5 2 0 10 Aguirre lf 2 10 4 Norton c . . 5 1 1 11 Briggs rg . 0 0 0 0 Deming lg 3 10 6 Weise rf . . 0 0 0 0 Clark c ..0 0 0 0 Agricola lg 3 4 2 8 Totals. . 18 9 3 39 Score by quarters: Dixie 6 7 16 24 Ogden 5 24 28 39 Referee, Howard; umpire, Watts. Weber Downs Rabbits in Slow Game Weber, playing in the second- round losers' division, defeated Delta, 41-9, in one of the poorest basketball games of the tournament, Friday. The third place team from the northern region rolled in point after point on the helpless Delta crew, which was never in the race. Delta failed to score a point in the first quarter and then after ringing up five in the second canto was able to snare only one field goal in each succeeding quarter. While the Rabbits were missing what few shots they had at the iron, Jack Thomas and Albert Wimmer were taking full advantage of the weak defense to boost their tourna¬ment scoring records. Thomas slipped through 19 points and Wim¬mer turned in 14. Weber played sloppy basketball, but that's all that was necessary to take the contest. The game was made all the more un¬interesting by some of the poorest, officiating of the entire tournament. Fortunately only a small crowd was on hand to witness th© opening affair. WEBER G T F P Wimmer rf 7 0 0 14 Thomas lf 8 8 3 19 C. Ahlberg c 0 0 0 0 Judkins rg 1 2 1 3 Bingham lg 1 2 1 3 Evertson rg 4 0 2 2 Garner lf 0 0 0 0 G. Albrg rg 0 0 0 0 Hodson lg . 0 0 0 0 Totals. 17 16 7 41 DELTA G TF P O. Benntt rf 1 0 0 2 Pace lf ... 2 3 0 4 Watts c . . 0 2 0 0 Roberts rg . 0 3 11 R. Benntt lg 0 2 0 0 Adams c . . 110 2 Smith rg . . 0 0 0 0 Holman rf . 0 2 0 0 Totals. .. 4 111 9 Score by quarters: Weber g 21 34 41 Delta o 5 7 Referee, Beal; umpire, Hunter. |