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Show Wade Ace of Lot—Revell, Briggs, Black And Carroll Other Medal Winners BY LES GOATES STEEPED in tradition and bearing the stamp of ultimate finality, the twenty-seventh annual all-state high school basketball team is projected upon the sport light today by THE DESERET NEWS, as a supple-ment to the longest continuous honor roll of its kind in the whole world. Tn perpetuation of this custom, which antedates the great and col- rirful state tournament itself, THE NEWS will present handsome sil¬ver and gold medals to the five players select¬ed for the 1930 honor team. The selection presented here¬with, by reason of priority and prestige, is the official pick of the National Interscholastic Athletic asso¬ciation and is given place in the Spalding Guide, which is the bible of basketball for all member schools throughout the United States. From a field which is perhaps adequate as any that has played the popular court game in the Utah championshins, the writer, assisted by ptaff writers, coaches, critics and cranks, has followirrg courtiers for his fifteenth annual all-state team: FORWARDS—Wade. Dixie; ReveII. Ogden -CENTER—Carroll, Jordan.' GUARDS-Black, Jordan and Briggs, Ogden. On the second team, which is comprised of stars who drew the heaviest poll for first team players, aside from the win¬ning first, five are: FORWARDS— Bengoshea, Ogden and Christensen, Jordan; CENTER—Norton. Ogden, GUARDS—Wright, Murray and Roberts, Lehi, A veritable galaxy of might-have-beens, is given men¬tion on the annual roll of honor. Some of these are quite as capable as their more fortunate colleagues, but their teams were not, as good and so they had to be relegated to the rear rank. Team Almost Picked Itself There was little argument over the 1935 honor selections. Wade, Revell and Carroll picked themselves as early as the second day of the tournament. They stood out like eagles among a lot of chatter¬ing sparrows with only Bengoshea and Christensen as their only com¬petitors. With the guards it was mure difficult to make a selection inasmuch as the field in this department of play was so evenly balanced. This observer liked Black and Briggs from the start and when the little Jordan flash ran loco around the place in the semi¬finals his place was clinched. Briggs played, such a splendid game against Dixie in the other semi-final tussle, that he simply could not be omitted. Annually there bobs up in the big joust, a player who catches the eye, of the populace as the year's standout, the cynosure of interest the nee plus ultra, as it were. This time it was Denby Wade. the Dixie flash, who got his athletic start in THE DESERET. NEWS Junior Pentathlon games, and under the tutelege ot' that splendid counselor and gentleman, Lee Hafen, has de¬veloped into the finest all-around high school athlete in the state. In extenuation of any possible breach ood eyesight your reporter M have evidenced in this sen, let him say that Denby was feading scorer in the tourna the best passei, the fastest fi break, the dominating a great, ball club and in tall, he was the most! He would run off most) ege forwards playing in r, were he eligible in; Ion Page 2. Column 4) State Tourney Sidelights BY LES GOATES SUPPORTING his selection an all-state forward, Denby Wade, the Dixie Flier who got his athletic start in the Deseret News junior pentathlon games, retained his scorling lead at the state tourn¬ament yesterday with 14 points scored against Ogden. Wade now has 49 points, an average, of 16.3 per game. High iscorer on the third day of the meet was Pete Bogden, a very sprightly guard from Murray who broke loose like a rash to score 19 points over the Ephraim defense. He tops the guard cagers. Here are the leaders at the end of the third day's play. FORWARDS g. T. T. P. r»isLe ... 20 .16- S.-ia Revell, Ogden 14 7 2 30 Hatch. South Rich 13 A3 5 29 Thomas. Wasatch ......13 4 2 30 M. Bailey, Nephi » 10 7 35 Farrer, Beaver 11 5 2 34 S. Kennedy, South Rich.. 9 13 5 23 Bongocschea, Ogden ....10 4 2 22 Otterbecbeck, Logan 9 10 4 22 Mortenson, Jordan 10 3 1 21 Christensen, Jordan .10 5 1, .21 Murdock, Wasatch 10 4 0 20 Johnson. Murray 9 2 2 30 Izat, Loyan 9 5 2 30 Orel. Nephi 6 11 6 18 Watts, Murray S 7 2 18 centers g. t. jr. p. Baldwin, Beaver 13 10 ti 33 Carroll, Jordan 13 9 2 36 Heaton, Dixie 8 14 5 21 Howe, Wasatch # 10 5 21 Norton, Ogden ,. 8 7 £ 20 Anderson. Ephraim ...... 7 7 5 19 Alexander, Uintah 10 7 17 right, Murray B » ? 1' price, T,ehi . 6 11 4, 16 Heesch, Granite 5 13 5 15 GUARDS g. t.f. P. Bogden, Murray 14 13 6 31 Black. Jordan 10 8 3 33 Roberts. Lehi 7 5 1 15 Frei, Dixie 7 "> J la Briggs. Ogden 7 0 O 14 Bird, Salina .5 13 Tadd, Wasatch 5 8 2 12 Detmers, Beaver 5 5 3 12, O, Kennedy, South Rich .. 5 10 S 12 Anent Denby Wade and the Jun¬ior Pentathlon games, have you noticed the ease, grace and accur¬acy with which this fine athlete tosses in free throws. He got that form practicing this event in the pentathlon, at which, he was state champion, Denby is also a fine high jumper and that's another junior pentathlon event in which" he de¬veloped his'present fine form. Soon¬er or later the junior high school coaches of Utah are going to wake up to the advantages of these events to fill in their spring pro¬grams and develop fine athletes. An nil-state team of the best college prospects has been sub¬mitted to the writer, consisting of Revell. Ogden and Wade, Dixie. forwards! Carroll. Jordan, ccnter and Roberts, Lehi and Bill Larson. Ephraim, guards. This is the same as the official News team, except the guards and If you're picking them for sly.e and speed in prospective collegiate careers. Roberts and Larson would be a good selection. Grant Sainsbury, News staff photographer. shot 25 individual'photos as all-state prospects and the first; five he posed, were the snaps that got into the 'paper. Grant takes no chances. Husky Quints Well Matched For Big Game Aggressive Jordan Team Favored For Crown By JIMMY HODGSON THE final page of Utah's most colorful basketball season will be written tonight when the two powerful :ourt quints from Jordan and Ogden battle it out for the state high school champion¬ship at the Deseret Gym, starting at'9 p.m. The contest brings together two of the strongest and best matched teams that have ever fought "or the Beehive title in the 27 years that the glamorous courtt'est has been piling up its spicy history. The' finalist teams are the ttwo largest in the entire tournament. Every regular on both tgams re¬ceived very serious consideration for all-state honors, so uniformly outstanding has been their per¬formance. Jordan is being given the slight edge in the battle with its power¬ful defensive pair of Kline Black and Dave Madsen, and its aggres¬sive. swift and smooth-scoring combination of Jack Christensen and Chris Mortensen at forwsard and Neal Carroll at. cenlfcr. Lanky Players Carroll is he tallest man on IfcBrP squad at six feet three inches, and Christensen is next at six feet even. The others are about five feet ten, but they are aL lightning fast and fine jumpers and will compare more favorably 'with the Ogden quint than any team that has played the Tigers to date. Ogden will put on the floor Charles Norton at center, standing- six feet two; with Phil Revell at. forward, shooting up asix feet three. and Pat Deming atfc.guard at the same height. These young giants have given the Ogden team an advantage which has proven fntalu able in the first thre.e tournament contests. With this pair is the flashy and hard-rustling Adam Bengoeschea, who is unquestionably the spark plug of the outfit, and the steady LaMar Briggs at guard, who has played so brilliantly that he was chosen on ths all- star quint ahead of his taller ri¬vals. Bengoeschea stands only five eet eight and Briggs, five feet ten. Rangy (Outfit Ogden besides having plenty of range, has a fast passing and clev¬er shooting team. They promise Jordan, a battle of battles for the right to Wear the estate casaba crown rfor the coming year. One of the feature individual duels of the day will match Kline Black. Jordan guard, -against Phil Revell, Ogden forward. Both, of these men have been selected on The Deseret News honor team and the scrap promises to be a brilliant one. Jordan had. an easy game last night and was never extended in putting away Uintah by a double score, 30-16. Ogden had its .hands full in withstanding the desperate last-quarter Dixie rally to win by four points. Ogden had the harder game, but both teams ere well sup¬plied with reserves and stocky enough to stand up well under tht heavy tournament strain. All in all it appears that things are going to be pretty even for the clash to¬night and tournament, fans can be assured a fitting finish to a brilliant tourney. Four Games Three other games are on the docket with Dixie playing Uintah for third place in the joust at 6 p.m. At 7 o'clock Murray and Lo¬gan will tangle, for fourth place in the joust and to start off the fin¬al day's play at 6 p.m., Granite, deposed champidn, will tangle with the surprising South Rich team, for the consolation honors. The 8 o'clock tussle should rival the main event for interest. Dixie's sensational comeback against Og-den in the final quarter last night made them more than ever a fav¬orite with the fans. The Fliers, with the sensational Denby Wade, will go into the tussle as the heavy favorite. Murray Fast Murray has one of the most sen¬sational teams in the joust and the Smelterites are expected to run around Dogan for the fourth spot in the joust. Dogan has played spotty ..ball in the meet, being sen-sational at times and very med¬iocre at other, times. The Grizzlies will have to be at their best to hold the Murray five. Logan 'Sub' Saves Day In Last Minute RAY LINDQUIST, a substitut guard, stood out in the middi of the floor and arched a beautifu field goal With 15 seconds to pla; and his team behind, 24 to 25. I was a miracle shot, born o.f desperation but it was good and the Grizzlies eliminated the Beaver club 26 to 25. Beaver led all the waj until the last two minutes. Aside from Lindquist's great sho the pitching of Detmers and Bald¬win for the Millard champions wadie outstanding feature. It was ono of those games wherein the last basket was th only one that count¬ed and Dogan got if and the ball game. With Baldwin. their sprightly center playing like a one-man en¬semble, the Beaver band went out in front at the quarter 11 to 8. This fine plgfyer had three field goalc and a .free trow. Izatt and Otterbeck were doing great work on' the floor to keep the Grizzlies in the contest. Long Shooting Two baskets by Detmers and Baldwin from near the center of the court, gave the onlookers some extra thrills in the second quarter. The fans had hardly recovered from the jolt when Detmers pulled mother one from the huddle line and center. Beaver was ahead 16 to 10 at this point. Izatt scored a close-in goal as the half ended: Beaver 16; Logan 12. Each team scored five points in the third quarter, Baldwin making four of the Beaver tallies and Limb one. Field goals by Otterbeck and Izatt, with a free toss by the latter, comprised Logan's total. Logan brought the score up to 21 to 23 and the Beaver band began shooting unwisely. James and Otter- beck were on the flipping end of the three points that closed the gap. Otterbeck broke fast and scored a setup, to put Logan ahead for the first time in the game. Detmers put Beaver back Into the lead With a long ringer. The game' was light¬ning fa;?t. That Decides It Lindquist went in for Logan and arched k beautiful ringer and 15 seconds to go. It was a shot from near the official table, half the distance of the court. Lindquist had saved a game that was lost all the way up to the last half minute. As the affray developed; it was a vef-- technical interpretation of the progress rule, that cost Beaver pos¬session of the ball. Coach Dave Pearce wa.s very emphatic in telling the officials about it after the game. Beaver G. T:F.P.! Limb. f ..0 1 1 11 Farrer.f . 3 0 0" 61 Baldwn.c 5 3 "12 Meachm.g 0 3 0 0 Detmers,g 3 1 0 61 Totals. 11 8 3 251 Logan a. T. F.P. Otterbck 5 4 111 Izatt ... 4 3 I 9 James.c :. 1 0 0 2 Yeates,g .13 0 2 Eames, g . 0 0 0 0 Lindqust.f 1 0 0 2 Totals12 10 2 26 Score by periods: Beaver .......11 B 6 4—25 Logan . - 8 4 5 9—2>6 Referee. Howard; umpire, Oswald. |