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Show WEDNESDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 23, 1932. High School Awaits Acquaintance Party Only Student Body Cards Needed At Event Friday Night OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Barbara Kimball, Editor. Our first dance of the year will be held crxt, Friday in the Berthana ballroom. This is the one time hen everyone feelt free to get ac- tjunlnlrtl with whomsoever they wttk We an positive there is at lea. oor prrvin you have in mind that yon would lilce to meet. We #.i;eially uif- the juniors to come oat. Thto U probably to abandon that far-away look they all retain MtteaOy the entire year. The Girls' aasodatlon has done its part to rat the gtrla acquainted with each OOMT and tt to likely that the water flaht aequantird the boys with each other. We now leave it up to the txna acquaint themselves with tb fir la. If there Is anyone there that you wish to meet don't be backward In netting an introduction. Your student body memberships win admit yon. POWER PLUS HEADWORK Piwt charring and powerful driving hnvr mad Dan Milligan one of tht best. if not the beat, linemen in Dan's consistent playing last year won for him a position on the all- dhWon and all-state teams. He Is the only junior ever to achieve that fame. Thla Is a record for Ogden to be proud of. In practice this year he looks better than ever and should again win glory for the team. Jack Bingham, our midget quarterback of last year, is also expected to shine this year. His size proves the fact, that a small man can play football. Jack is very fast and shifty.-A Practice Watcher. THIS AND THAT We wonder who Garth Peck's "secret passion" can be now. It has been moved, seconded, and the aye's have it that Phi Lamba Tau can give a bunch of kids the best bouncing all-around good time they ever had. Ask Ruth Leonard. Don't tell us that this affair between our little Maurine Shaw and the chief of police is really true. We just couldn't bear it. Has anybody seen Mr. Smith's pet rat? He left it in Mrs. Chambers' room. Who in the world started that crack, "Oh, you're just a junior; you wouldn't understand"? We juniors are getting sick of it. (Unanimous.) -D. B. TIME AND TIDE Maybe you haven't noticed it, m'lads, but it's now six and seven- eighths seconds past two o'clock. We're living in a progressive age and especially in a progressive school. They're going to have us all buy watches so's we won't get eyestrain looking at the antique articles tacked on the walls that they please to call clocks. We wonder-are they so old they won't run or have the higher ups gone-er- economical on is all of a sudden? Anyway-we're still waiting!-Nosey. GUNS Those poor guns! I know just how they feel. Imagine! Being banged against junior's heads and Dn the ground for one hour steadily every morning. And as if that were not enough, they have to be soused in oil and then dropped and dropped in the dust by some awkward would- be cadet who thinks the silent manual is a text book from the deaf school. Anyway, rifles are being used now in drill practice and hard work and constant training will be necessary to improve the corps to the standards of past years. TIGERS TAKE FIRST BATTLE OF NEW CHASE Ogdenites look Strong In Practice Contest With Davis High Ogden High athletes downed the' Davis High machine at Kaysville Wednesday. 13 to 0. in their first practice contest of the new season. The Tigers counted their first! touchdown In the sccond period and -nmr through with another score in the last period Weir, Tiger halfback, scored both touchdowns. One of the two at- s to convert was successful, the Timers crashing over the extra point from scrimmage. The Tigers displayed a world of nhilltv In thnr four period tussle with the Darts. Coach Baldy Simkin Is well pleased with the show- ins of his men and expects his charges to make a fine showing the Box Elder eleven here next week. Evans whs outstanding for Davis, in the warmup. If so what will be the price of them -A Poor Senior. Dear Senior: Yes you can order yearbooks next spring without having a student body card. The price will be three dollars.-Aunt Jane. SHINDIG Amid grUes of laughter a score of frolicsome fillies donned their roller skates and with great ease and poise sailed away at top speed. We proceeded to Eccles avenue, where we skated around the park. As Gwen was the only one of the !roup to have on a clean white! skirt, of course she was the one to fall. That sly little Maurine took snapshots of unsuspecting innocents. jThen we hied ourselves to Cleone's 'for nourishment. , It was a close race between Mary ! Frances and Charlene to consume the most. It was non-decisional- we lost count. After disposing of all the food in the house we hilariously and wholeheartedly indulged in children's games on the front lawn.-C, W., a junior guest. FOOTBALL In several articles appearing in the notes so far this year a great deal has been said concerning the senior members on the team, but .there has been no word of com- ; mendation or praise for the juniors out for football. We all know the senior fellows ; are the backbone of the football ag- t gregation but they alone cannot ; uphold the tradition of Ogden High school on the gridiron. It takes juniors who are willing to take the I knocks and hard blows, and warm the bench now to make a fighting, scrapping team for next year. A famous coach has said, "A football team is only as good as its reserves," so when we are praising the work of the football squad let us remember seniors and juniors E alike for it will take both to make a championship eleven-A Junior. THURSDAY- EVENING, SEPTEMBER 29, 1932., Programs Planned Weeks In Advance Definite Objectives Will Be Chosen For Each Assembly OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Barbara Kimball, Editor Ogden High is planning the weekly assembly programs weeks- months indeed-in advance. It is the aim to have purposeful constructive programs with definite objectives in mind, e. g., one program last week was on the constitution in commemoration of the establishment of the same, September 17, 1733. This week it will be on friendship and the talks will be by high school boys and girls. In view of our game next week that assembly will be given over to a football rally. Following this we shall have prominent speakers talk on politics and government as represented by the various political parties. SAY IT ISN'T SO (An embarrassed senior's version.) Say it isn't so, say it isn't so, Everyone is saying that they beat us Say it isn't so; Everywhere I go, everyone I know, They're all saying that they got us Say it isn't so; They say that we climbed up a tree And insist that we were through, Oh say it isn't true! Say that all they did was hold their hose, That's all I want to know; And what they're saying- Say it isn't so. -Just Me. FORUM Mr. Chairman! This is the manner In which Forum was addressed last Monday evening when the first of a long series of debates was held. Four members of the waiting list loudly voiced their sentiments on the question: 'Resolved: That the United States should pay the veterans' bonus in cash immediately." Each, in his convincing way, tried to prove himself the superior debater so as to gain recognition of the members of Forum. After the debate an open forum was held and everyone present derived much benefit from the criticism. -XXX (secretary). NEW HUMORIST Let there be eating, drinking and merry making. We have a new humorist amongst us. Some more of that subtle wit, Maurine Shaw, we beg you. It's about time someone made the traditional crack about the gals hanging around the prospective R. O. T. C. officers. And Dave Wangsgard doesn't stand in the hall at noon to talk to the teachers. (Your guess is as good as mine.) We've been trying to figure out why they called the president of the girls' association Hazel. When we think of hazel, we think of nuts. And some one sez, "Witch Hazel?" Can you imagine the president of the student body worrying about a date to the dance? Me neither J And speaking of the dance. You gals without dates, come and get acquainted. What we'd like to know is, what changes does the amendment make in the constitution. Famous last words-'"Carpe" won first place. CARPE DIEM REPORT Did anyone note the fact that on Wednesday an unusual number of I bicycles piloted by earnest and somewhat breathless young ladies were in evidence? If so you witnessed the first Carpe Diem shindig of the year. After riding over what seems now to me an unnecessary number of bumpy roads, hills and curbs, we halted at Helen Rodgers', home for refreshments, after which we retired, with an ache in every1 joint but happy, to our respective homes.-Ann Pingree, reporter. WANTED!!! A date for the Get Acquainted! dance. Requirements: Must be fairly good looking. Must have a car. Must be a fairly good dancer. Reply to your best girl friend. Whoops! Wait a minute! Skinned knees, spills, and torn socks filled the interlude of a joyous roller-! skating shindig participated in by' Phi Lambda Tau and guests. Up hill and down, over rocks and down (flat), around and up-well, anyway we were good and ready for the satisfying lunch at Cleone Walker's afterwards. Oh, boy-did we cram that food! NO HOLIDAY And so it seems there is to be no holiday in October for Utah Teachers' association meetings. The board of education has ruled that the depression justifies a moratorium on this vacation and school as usual. Well, if it must be so, let it be so. We think we shall be able to stand regular school until Thanksgiving -especially as we are promised a good week's rest in the spring. CONGRESS The first debate of the year was given at Congress session Monday night by four charter members. The subject was, "Resolved, that the United States constitution should be amended to provide for a uniform divorce law." It was a no-decision debate. We regret that we are to lose our efficient president, Marion Cheesman, and vice president, Ann Pingree; but, due to the change in the school constitution, they found it necessary to resign. We wish to announce that Charlene Woods was the lucky winner of the candy given by Congress. A temporary chairman and vice chairman were elected and will act as presiding officers until the club is reorganized. A motion was then passed that we adjourn.-Kathryn Skeen. |