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Show Friday Evening, October 7, 1932 Merchants Thanked By Grid Enthusiasts Allow Use of Windows For Calling Attention To Football Game OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Parke Petterson, Editor. Bobbie Kimball and Marjorie Wood, Associate Editors. We wish to take this opportunity to thank the merchants of Ogden who have willingly co-operated with the school by allowing us to use their windows during our advertis- ing campaign for today's game be- ' tween Ogden high and Box Elder 5 county high. In order to "paint the town" to advertise the game, it was . necessary to obtain these merchants' ' oonsent to use their show windows for decorative purposes. Practically . everyone approached on the subject gladly gave their consent and ex- pressed their willingness to co-oper- ate in every way. We wish to thank , i them sincerely for their splendid attitude. The support they have shown has never been equaled, and this type of backing is sure to produce a peppy student body and a championship team. THE PEP COMMITTEE. THE GAME There was much color displayed at c the game today between Ogden high and Box Elder high. The members j, of Zeta Phi Xi had orange and black horns. They couldn't get along without an extra noise maker. Some of the other members of Ogden high had unique badges. They had a tl round button with "Ogden" written ir across the top and a miniature foot- w ball on the lower end of the orange P and black ribbon. The goal posts ds were decorated with the colors of fi the two schools with a sign on Box Elder's posts saying "Welcome, Box Elder!" and a sign on Ogden's posts in saying, "Fight, Ogden!" I. W. O. CLUB IN ACTION Last night I chanced to see four Ogden high girls walking down the , street. I trid to overhear their " conversation, because I was sure it „f would be interesting, as I knew they were making preparations for the game with Box Elder. Frances and Helen were wondering whose car they should take, and Anita and Jean were talking about decorations L y for the car. Just watch Amigo Del Mundo, students! They are coming right along! J C1 P. S.: Sometimes I wish I were a girl, so I could belong to that club! f , NOSE ALL. FAMOUS EVERY DAY OCCURRENCES The illustrious bugle trio at eight- J thirty sharp at the rear of the in- stitution. . J Jim Foulger's between period JH,s strolls with Ruth Cross. We Harold Manning's morning cry: "Let 'em bite." (Meaning fleas, my dear reader.) j Frank Fister and his rolling "V-8" with its load of 20 aspirants to son Heaven. Heaven The second period tea party of a & few (?) selected boys in Major Dyer's room. wer The president gave another plea!! Tri for students to buy student body and tickets for our game with Box Elder der Friday. the Assistant yell leaders, Carl Harris and Earl Wright, were granted cept megaphones and special orange and Pi black jackets to use at school games, that E. S. Smith, council adviser, ac- phoi quainted the members with a new ass addition to club regulations con- Mi cerning the pledging of new club (tenn members. He stated that no pledg- jno ing is to be done until the seventh wor week, and that the time set for ac- & ceptance is the 'first Monday of the the 1 eighth week. Council accepted the Petfc regulation. It A motion was made that the sec- mon retary have copies made of the new comi regulation. The motion passed. pain Council then adjourned. lirom WENDELL FOWLER, Secretary. Dale Anderson and his ring o sub-debs around the fountain. R. J. AMIGOS DEL MUNDO Probably you have seen or heart of the "Big Four." If not, here i; your chance. A. D. M. consists o: a, four very ambitious and enthusias- J tic members who are carrying on ir. the finest way. Due to the loss of a nity few members, we have diminished ir x? quantity, but we hope not in qual- vith ity, Did you see our new uniforms? tis- Did you like them? ?e" On Wednesday, October 5, a meet- ing was held in Mr. Robins' room, theL. -_ - .... . - and much was accomplished. Pins ats were discussed and also our assem- bly. Our constitution has been amended and new officers elected. Iect Anita Cottle is the big chief; Jean ex Siddoway has it easy; Frances Mortenson is composer of the minutes and Helen Murphy, is trying to avoid did B. T. H. M. ive _ BELIEVE IT OR NOT! a (It's All True!) A student asked a teacher on Thursday to hold a twenty dollar bill for her during the day. (We at call this supreme confidence.) ?h The worst sorrows in life are not rj in its losses and misfortunes, but in its fears. ie Nine hundred thirty-nine students rh report at library study hall during a the school day at various periods, n in addition to some three hundred who report at class rooms for study ;e periods. Our study hall accommo-j ;s Idates quite comfortably one hundred' f fifty students, x Today is yesterday's pupil! x It has been demonstrated that s individual desks are much more appropriate and efficient for public schools than the traditional library tables and chairs. ; The schools are to remain abso- ; lutely neutral to politics and political candidates. No literature nor ! advertising of any sort is permit- , ted in the Ogden city schools. The Ogden high school will have next year an athletic field and drill ground that will be a credit to the school and community. The grounds I ,Uare pracWcaWy cleared -now, but it , 1 will take a year to put them in first class shape. The school has the best attendance thus far this year that it has' j had in many years. We may con- fidently expect that this will be re, fleeted in better grades for students. The state fair has called more boys from school this week than girls. The school lockers accommodate just 1000 students, two in a locker. We have 992 students enrolled. COUNCIL REPORT Regular council meeting was called to order by President Anderson; the roll was called, the minutes were read and corrected. More clubs were reported by the chairman, Miss Dorothy Paine, and were accepted by council. They are Tri Delta, Joie Francais, Congress and the Dramatic Art club. Miss Marion Cheesman reported the expenditures of the get acquainted dance. The report was accepted and filed. President Anderson announced that yell books, including a megaphone, were on sale by the Girls' association, five cents for both. Mr. Goddard. reporting for the tennis court committee, stated that :no action had taken place, but the 'work would continue. A heated contest for editorship of the school notes ended with Parke Petterson holding a majority. It was moved and seconded that money be appropriated to the pep committee to buy white lime "to paint the town," having permission from business houses to do so. SATURDAY EVENING OCTOBE 8, 1932 Ellis Sparkles With Nice Performance as Tigers Win Ogden High school footballers stood out as pennant contenders in district one today for the first time in years as the result of their 19- to-6 triumph over Box Elder at the stadium Friday. It was the first victory for the "Orange Streaks" over the Bees on the gridiron since 1923. In 1923 the Tigers took the measure of the Bees, 19 to 13, in a spirited game. Since that time the Brighamites have won annually over the locals. Ogden showed splendid power in the forward passing department but appeared weak in her running attack. Two of the three Tiger touchdowns came as the result of forward passes while the third was scored by Weir on an end run. The Orange Streaks opened their scoring in the second period when Ellis tossed a 15-yard pass into the waiting arms of Kinnard. He raced an additional 15 yards for the opening score. Springer made the extra point from scrimmage. The half ended 7-0 for Ogden. In the third period a pass from Ellis to Weir was good for another touchdown. Foulger's attempt to make the extra point from scrimmage failed. Late in the fourth period Ellis passed 30 yards to Foulger to place the Tigers within scoring distance. With the leather on the Bee 11- yard line Weir circled the Box Elder left end for the final touchdown. SCORE LATE The Bees tallied their lone touchdown of the spirited game with one minute and 20 seconds left to play. Mecham tossed a 25-yard pass to Hess and Hess wiggled 45 yard? fcfarewgh-a broken field for the tally An Ogden player, in an effort tc bat the ball out of Hess' arms, just did touch the leather, and this assist made the pass perfect for the Bees. Ogden registered 14 first downs as against four for the Bees. Two of the Box Elder first downs came as the result of penalties. Bud Ellis at quarterback played a marvelous game for the Tigers and stands out as one of the best scholastic forward passing aces in recent years. He directed his team well and turned in a number of fine open field runs. Weir, Springer and Foulger also! sparkled in the Ogden backfield. Weir registered a 39-yard run in the I open field for one of the longest gallops of the day. Hall at right tackle was the best bet on the line for the Simkin. machine. This chap played marvelous ball. ! Anderson at end, Milligan at I guard, Kinnard at end and Higgins at center also sparkled. Coach Baldy Simkin used a number of reserves during the game. LONG RUN For Box Elder Hone and Mecham were the leading lights at ball toting. On an ends around play Hess of the Bees made 39 yards to list the longest run of the day for the visitors. Tingey also played well in the backfield for the Bees. Hess was butstanding on the line. His kicking was sensational and his! defensive work brilliant. Hansen, Jeppsen and Forsgren also sparkled for the visitors. One of the outstanding features of the game was the splendid sportsmanship of the student bodies of the two schools. One of the largest crowds in years attended. Summary: Ogden (19). Box Elder (6). Anderson le Hess Alkema It H. Jensen Grecco ...lg Forsgren Higgins c Hansen Milligan rg Lowe Hall rt........ Jeppsen Kinnard re Vincent Ellis qb Hone Springer lh M. Jensen Weir rh Tingey Foulger fb Mecham Score by periods: Ogden 0 7 6 6-19 Box Elder 0 0 0 6-6 Ogden scoring: Touchdowns-Kinard, Weir 2. Point after touchdown -Springer. Box Elder scoring: Touchdown- Hess. Referee, Watson; umpire, Conroy; head linesman. Sheffield. |