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Show MAY 19, 1933. ten receive GOLD PINS AT O.H.S SESSION Presented As Reward For Outstanding Student Achievements Ten students of Ogden High school were awarded gold block "O" pins for outstanding student activities and scholarships and 120 students were awarded certificates for perfect attendance during the year, at an assembly held today. The 10 students who received the gold pins, and their respective activities, are: Dale R. Anderson, stu- ; dent body president, play, cadet major of R. O. T. C., football 18 quarters and member of state championship basketball team; Lee Boerens, member of state championship basketball team, football 18 quarters and track; Marion Cheesman, quarterly, Classicalia commit- , tee, council and vice president of ; junior class 1931-1932; Frank Ellis, football 20 quarters, member of state championship basketball team, , oratory and dramatics; Janet Fife, editor of year book, commencement exercises and council; Grant God- dard, president of senior class, oratory and council; Dorothy Paine, vice president of student body, play, Classicalia committee, queen and R. O. T. C. sponsor; Helen Sessions, opera, music, vice president of Girls' association and council; Roland Stone, editor of quarterly, debating team two years, secretary of junior class and council, and Marjorie Wood, secretary of senior class, assistant director of play, commencement exercises, one-act play, council and assistant editor of O. H. S. notes. GIRLS HONORED. Girls who received the certificate were: Alice Bott, Dorothy Fern Berglund, Beverly Brown, Leila Bybee, Linda Bertagnolli, Phyllis Bachman, Fay Cardon, Manita Clayton, Doris Dawson, Eileen Duke, Ruth Dyer, Millie Elaine Edson, Katherine Empey, Janet Fife, Bernice Fowles, Lola Margaret Greaves, Ruth Gullikson, Norma Rose Hanson, LaVon Hancock, Rae Louise Hales, Susie Kaneko, Mildred Helen Lovell, Mary Leavitt, Doris McGlones, Emily Marshall, Martha McGregor, Dora Norton, Beth Peters, Afton Peters, Arda Phillips, Dolly Polidora, June Pounds, Ellen Russell, Maxine Roberts, Marie Rosevear, Mary Rawson, Dorothy Sharratt, Marjorie Rozella Sherner, Hime Sasaki, Harriet Schoendelen, Lottie Seydel, Kiku Tamake, Faye Thomas, Miyo Tsukamoto, Josephine Toone, Nedra Tribe, Diene Van Drimmelin, Shirlie Wangsgard, Marjorie Wheat, Phyllis Wardleigh, Ruby West and Yano Toshi. ON BOYS' LIST. Boys who were awarded certificates are: Eugene Allen, Percy Andres, Kenneth Betteridge, Douglas Barker, Alden Cyrus Brown, Lyle A. Baker, Earl Bennett, N. Leonard Berghout, Melvin Behling, Robert Brown, Bill Cressall, Fredrick Dale Cortner, Wayne Devereaux, Bill Doxey, Lorenzo DeHaan, Paul Drake, Thomas B. Doxey, Gilbert Egan, Frank Ellis, Morris Facer, Shelby Folland, Homer Gray, Raymond Holmes, Verl Harris, Gordon Hud son, Howard Hoggan, Kenneth Hunt, Parley Hassell, Robert Hemingway, Ronald Hubbard, Robert Hunter, Ralph Holton, Hans Johnson, John ' Jones, Russell Jones, Ernest Kohler, John Kinard, George Larkin, John London, Woodrow Lewis, Gayle Malin, Ronald Moshier, Truman Manning, Charles Murphy, Ernest Newey, Howard Newey, Gilbert Olson, Grant Olson, Eugene Pack, Henry Poce, Woodrow Peterson, Bryce Purdie, Parke Petterson, Robert Quinn, Harold Rosevear, Isadore Stanga, Milton Stromberg, Horace I Tarran, Joseph Toone, Joseph Turner, Jack Taylor, Sadao Takahashi, Wayne Watson, Wilford Winholtz, Wilson Wright, Lloyd White, Ray Wadman and Arnold James Wright. FRIDAY EVENING, MAY 19, 1933. School Council Makes Selections of Editors For Service Next Year Taken From Large Group To Lead Literary Activities OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Parke Petterson, Editor; Barbara Kimball and Marjorie Wood, Associate Editors Some months ago, council elected a number of associate editors for each of the three school publications. These were chosen from a large group of very capable juniors who were candidates for the positions. Those who were chosen have worked hard on the succeeding issues with aspirations towards the editorship of their respective publications. Last Wednesday night the final selections for editors next year were made by council. Those who were chosen for these important positions are: Quarterly Classicum, Virgie Minnoch; Annual, Norma Carroll, Ogden High School Notes, Mary Paquette. We wish to extend congratulations to these three lucky ones who were selected from a large field to lead the literary life of our school next year. We especially extend our very best wishes to Miss Mary Paquette, who is familiar to our readers as a competent and interesting reporter. Good luck to you all in 1933-34. FASHION REVUE. Tonight at eight o'clock in the gymnasium the exhibition day closes ; with a fashion revue at which the dresses made this year by the girls ( in the domestic art department will be on display. All parents and friends are invited to come and see ( the work of this department. Re- nember the time, eight o'clock to- light. TRI DELTA. Our initiation party was held at .he home of Julia Corey, and our1 )ledges were given their medicine tnd "Oh, what medicine." We all vent to the show after we had made he pledges presentable. After the; how we had noodles, and I'm sure Alice would have liked to have had another serving. i'jH The new members of whom we are very proud, are: Illa White, Marjorie Glines, Florence Walker, Norma Lynham, and Delpha Packer. -Reporter. PRINT ETCHINGS. Beta Zeta Tau, the art club of Ogden High school, has been fortunate in securing an interesting and varied exhibition of block prints, etchings, lithographs and dry points reproduced from various well known artists' paintings., A cordial invitation is extended to the public to visit this exhibition at oUr school this afternoon and evening in room 210.-Barbara Brown. FOR SCHOLARSHIP. Three students were recommended for a scholarship to the Agricultural college at Logan: Barbara Lindquist, Bernice Lindquist, Wilfred Yeaman. A committee from the college will select one of these! for the tuition scholarship offered, by the college. TO OUR MOTHERS. The Classicum, out today, is dedicated to our mothers in these words: "To those tireless women who I from our infancy have visagedwhat, they today see in reality, from the, day when they took us bashful and bewildered to our first teacher until today when they are about to realize their fondest dream: "To those women who kept us in 3lean clothes, who darned our socks, who combed our hair, who provided our first dance frocks and mr first long trousers, who kept us "toeing the mark" we dedicate ths issue of the Quarterly. .Classicum.-The Editors." We think everybody shogffitH this fine issue of the Classicum. THE QUARTERLY. The last Quarterly of the year was issued today. This is a souvenir issue and one of the finest the school has ever put out. In addition to much material of school1 interest there is a large section devoted to high school subjects and; 1 courses written by the heads of de- 1 partments at high school, mi A copy of this issue will be de-j livered to every student in the' junior high schools who expects to i attend high school next vear. 11 |