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Show WEDNESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 7, 1932 Courtesy Included In Military Studies Physical Training Course For Cadets Will Also Be Begun OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Parke Petterson, Editor. Bobbie Kimball and Marjorie Wood, Associate Editors. Honor school is the desire of every fo :cadet in the Ogden High school reserve officers' training corps. The bj delayed appointment of the officers b has assured the school that the goal jd can and will be reached. Wi Many cadets have expressed their ti views concerning organization of 0j I the unit. I wish to point out the c: progress of this organization as it ft. should be recognized by every stu- m 'dent. C ; The non-commissioned officers _ .have been appointed and a few U lucky juniors are among the select- c ed. If the appointed non-commissioned officers do not fulfill their & duties, other cadets will take their p: places. So there are two chances for s( disappointed seniors and aspiring a: juniors. n The set membership of 390 cadets a: was filled and many applications were made within the first month of school. Major Dyer received permission from Washington, D. C. to increase the membership to 410. j This is the present number of cadets , taking drill. Military courtesy, an important gl part of the training prescribed, is being observed and taught. This subject was thought little of during c the past year. Physical training p will soon start. A few snappy set- ting-up exercises will be given each & morning. Leadership has been de- y veloped, and loyalty, sportsmanship and discipline are being taught. g The parade of last Thursday i "would not burn any wood," but the battalion is anticipating another one for this coming Friday. It will be on the parade ground, providing i the ground is in fit condition. a Major Dyer expressed dissatisfac- g tion with the cadets' habit of wearing civilian clothes with part of c their uniform. This is a breach of ( military courtesy and should be dis- c cDntinued. However, there is less of it going on than last year. j -Weeter "Puddle" Pond. PEN RETURNED 1 In the second period Monday I lost my fountain pen. At the close of the third period I asked Mr. Merrill if it had been returned to the office. It had and my pen was re- ; turned to me. The student who re- t turned this pen is the ideal student i who will uphold the tradition and high standards of Ogden High ( school. He is the honorable citizen of tomorrow in whose hand rests ( the safety of the republic. ; I am grateful for the return of my pen and am glad to know that some of the students of Ogden High , are honest. c -Ed Shaw. THOUGHTS LIVE ON , We quote today a few thoughts , written by teachers some six or seven years ago. We wonder if the teachers will recognize their former , thought children. High school age is the age of the formation of habits. A teacher can not be too careful in shaping the I habits of all students he comes in (contact with.-David O. Petersen. A child is a young animal first, in the eyes of a biologist. Being subject to all the laws of nature the 'first and biggest duty of parents and teachers is to see that the youth first of all are healthy. The first requisites of health are proper nutrition, fresh air, and wholesome vigorous exercise. It is even more important that a young child function through his larger muscles than through his mental capacities alone. Without a good strong, well nourished body we can not expect to develop a child to his full mental capacity. Give me a healthy young animal to begin with and I feel that I can put across my subject.-Prank Oberhansley. To me home economics covers the field of problems that are of great- est importance to every girl. is joy in the undertakings of the home. Many times the girls in home economics are the girls who have lost themselves in many other subjects. We must try to bring them back.- Nelle Mealiff. THE HOLLY HOP The holly hop! Who doesn't look forward to the first really big dance of the year, sponsored, of course, by the senior class. Don't fail to be at the Berthana on the night of December 23, at nine o'clock if you want to be among "those present" at the dance that starts the festivities of the holiday week. And Santa Claus will be there! The hall will have the traditional decorations, the most important of which is the giant Christmas tree, laden with gifts for -guess who? You will never know unless you come and hear Santa call the unsuspecting but deserving recipients to receive their presents.. So, boys, get your dates now! The price is the same for couple or stag so give that girl you have been afraid to date up because you "do not know her very well" a break and take her to a bigger and better holly hop. IDEAL SCHOOL I think school would be ideal if I could have my way, We'd only go three times a week and have more time to play . We wouldn't study all the time, no home work we would do, We'd have belts to carry our books, and elevators too, Each class would be very short, study periods to afford, All the teachers would tell jokes so we wouldn't get so bored, Oh! There's the teacher's voice, interrupting my train of thought, But I think that's an ideal school, do you, or do you not? -M. P. AS WE SEE IT Did you know that Mr. Thornley is a peasant hunter. I mean a pleasant hunter. (He really is a pheasant hunter.) Dan Milligan came to school Monday morning feeling pretty slug-ish (That's the worst one we ever got ; connected with.) 5 When the truant officer asked Lowell James how he got home, he said, "Flu." (This one runs a close second, though. Seriously though, we believe the school is going "flu-ey." (Some one ' second, though.) A lot of ignorant people have been pronouncing the name of Zeta as Zeta. This is incorrect. It should be pronounced Zaida. I hope I make t myself clear. (No point.) 1 The same with "Carp-a." The i carpe is a fish, or something, i Colossal fraud. We notice some s of the non-coms going around with all their chevrons on one arm!, f And another thing. We noticed t some empty seats in assembly the i other day, and when the decorum committee got through the place was practically deserted. (Ask me!) Gwen Stranquist has Jim Beven on the run, and he isn't running s away either. r Which reminds us. Bud Ellis is a e basketball player. Yes, he plays fast ! r and "Lucy." We decided to compile a sympos- i e ium. The question was, "Will you ' a go to the holly hop with me?" Here 1 e are the answers: Lowell James (the n blond Venus): "Well B. T., I did not know you felt like this." Hazel Lewis: "Now, please, I'm a nervous - person." Dorothy Paine: "Kid, you e are just one of four hundred who ;s would like to go with me." Marvin h Bingham: "Now I know I need a t "hair cut." i- You can see it wasn't a success, e i still think it was a great idea, e though. -B. T. THURSDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 8, 1932, Warm Replies Made By Club Defenders Criticism of Organizations At Ogden High Arouses Members OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Parke Petterson, Editor. Bobbie Kimball and Marjorie Wood, Associate Editors. The article about clubs in Monday's notes has proved to be a veritable storm center. We offer a couple of Answers today. Others may follow. MORE ABOUT CLUBS It is my opinion that the name of the person who wrote such a radical article concerning clubs should be published. He mentions Zeta Phi Xi along with other clubs and asks what she has accomplished. I am not in a position to say what other clubs have done, but I can say what Zeta has done so far. The day of the g'ame with Box Elder, Zeta'put on a skit in assembly designed to put some pep into the student body. I think everyone will agree that it accomplished its purpose. A week later she was informed that she could put on the first club assembly of the year. She was given one week to prepare it. A southern assembly was sponsored. With one exception 'all the talent came from the club. Many of the students and members of the faculty have told us and others that they thought it was one of the cleverest assemblies ever sponsored by a club at Ogden High. In addition Zeta has supported all football games 100 per cent. Zeta usually has a booth at the Classi THOUGHTS OF '26 School is the place where lasting friendships are formed. May the ones formed in my room be more lasting than textbook material.-L. Willie. Unless my students feel free to talk to me as a friend, are interested in their work because of their accomplishments instead of grades, and are aiming for future success in life rather than just completion of daily lesson, I feel that I have failed as their teacher.-Edith B. Kohler. JOB ANALYSIS If our curriculum should be built on the basis of job analysis; if it is built, in some respects, on that basis, then should it be open at all times to the introduction of new courses of study? I think it should. For that reason I am interested in the proposal for the introduction of a course in introductory psychology. I realize that we can make our curriculum a dumping ground, but the press, the home, the church, and the public at large call for a knowledge in habit formation, the laws of learning, etc.-Barney Hyde. FOR LOVESICKNESS Not so long ago, some one asked Aunt Jane for a cure for lovesick- ness. As she was unable to answer, I thought I would submit my remedy which is very effective: Take 12 ounces of dislike, 1 pound of resolution, 2 grains of common sense, 2 ounces of experience, 1 large sprig of time, 3 quarts of cooling water of consideration. Set over the gentle fire of love. Sweeten with sugar of forgetfulness. Skim with the spoon of melancholy and put in the bottom of your heart. Cork with the cork of clear conscience and let remain. You will, quickly find ease and be restored to sense again.-Helpful. calia; the money from the Classicalia goes toward our yearbook. The author of the article stated that a member of a club should be chosen on merits and not on popularity. I challenge him to find one member of this club who does not have a good scholastic standing and who does not co-operate in all school ac-; tivities. I think that the author is correct in saying that clubs do not make a democratic high school, but I contradict him when he implies that Zeta has accomplished nothing. I write this article not because he has "incurred the wrath" of any club, but because I think he has the wrong impression. Believing that an article such as this should be signed, I boldly sign- Helen Parmley. HIGH SCHOOL CLUBS From the "M & S Detective association" it may be learned that the author of the article protesting high school clubs was a non-club member. We can understand from this the reason for such an article, because if she were in a club or took any interest in clubs she could readily see the great amount of good derived from clubs. When a club considers new members it considers scholastic and social standing and whether he or she desires to make this great institution of ours more outstanding and it is for this reason that we say clubs are one of high school's greatest assets and without them high school would be a drudge and would lack school spirit. We are sure that if the girls' clubs had known of your "A1" qualities they would have picked you as a member. M. & S. (Directors of M. & S. Detective Assn.) HOLIDAY DATES Dearest Aunt Jane: Will you please inform me as to when we are excused for the Christmas holidays and on what day we come back to school? It is very necessary that I receive this information.-Lacka Day. Dear Lacka Day: The Christmas vacation this year extends from December 23, three-thirty p. m. to January 3, eight-thirty a. m.-Aunt Jane. CONGRESS You who have not yet begun the study of civics in your Magruder book cannot conceive the hours of labor and pounds of paper you will consume in the study of congress. When I say a night session of Congress club was held last Monday, the students who are taking history from Mrs. Irwin will shake their heads in grave remembrance of the exhausting test they attempted to pass last term. In this night conference we had a shining light- Marian Hill-who gave an excellent oration on the subject of "Issues in Debating." We hope this exhibition smoothed it over, somewhat for the two culprits who disappointed us. After a lengthy discussion of rebuttals, Congress adjourned. Ellen Glines. STUDENTS HONORED But little has been said about i high school's part in the community art contest. If it isn't too late, we should like to modestly notify the public that three of our students, Hazel Buschline, Robert Hunter and Engie Anderson made prize-win- fling posters. |