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Show SUNDAY MORNING, APRIL 16, 1933. PRINCIPALS in the cast of "The Yeoman of the Sword," the annual opera of Ogden High school which will be given on Friday and Saturday evenings in South Junior High auditorium. They are, left to right, back row: Jack Tyree, Norman Reeder, Helen Sessions, Ross Lynch, Elenore McFarlane. In front, left to right, Cornelia Evertson, Lloyd Fredrickson, Jack Higginbotham, Marshall Brough and Phyllis Wilson. MONDAY EVENING. APRIL 17. 1933 Spring Classicum Gives Information On Courses Available At Ogden High Copies Will Be Forwarded Soon To Prospective Students OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NOTES ; Parke Petterson, Editor; Barbara Kimball and Marjorie Wood, Associate Editors The spring number of the Classicum will devote a large section to the nature of subjects and courses in Ogden High school. A complimentary copy of this issue will be sent to every student who is expected to register next year. Surely this and other material given this year will aid students greatly in registering properly in high school. STUDENT OFFICERS Again and yet again. Every year a new crop, each seemingly the best yet. The selection Thursday night was made in the gym by a large convention chosen from the various advisory classes. Our present wise cracking president counted votes with the aid of ; several teachers and students. (None 1 iof them stayed long-I mean the counters-the voting was too hot : and heavy.) After we had emerged from the ; deluge of candidates for our next year's student body officers, the names surviving the flood were as follows: For president Leonard Higgins Maurice Kennedy, John Kinard„ Grant Jensen, and George Larkin; For vice president, Beverly Brown, Adele Larson, Virgie Minnoch, Barbara Reeve and Charlene Woods; for secretary, Gus Becker, Jack Bennet, Clyde Greenwell, Evan Stewart and Cliff Thome. A truly notable list! It won't be long now. Give them the once over and then vote for the best.-Nosey. result of their studies and research and their reactions to the same. YOUR NAME PLEASE Regarding the articles in Friday's notes concerning the correct names we offer the following: A certain John Jones, a former student of the Ogden High school, wishes to enter the navy. A request came to high school yesterday from the navy for a record of John Jones. Now it happens that there have been four John Jones in the high school in recent years. If these students had . given their full names, John Henry Jons, Abel John Jones, etc., it would have been possible to have fowarded a transcript of the boy's record. JUNIOR PROM Well juniors, here is your chance to show the seniors a grand and glorious time! The junior class held a meeting recently and it was decided to hold the junior prom as a semi-formal party. All seniors will be sent an invitation for the dance, but the admission price for the juniors will be 75 cents a couple or 50 cents each. If a junior and a senior go together the charge will be just 50 cents for the junior. Come on, let's make this dance a huge success. It's up to the juniors to put it over, so let's show our ability. Remember the Junior prom, April 28.-Kay Hitt COMPANY COMPETITION Major Dyer recently issued the report on the standing of the companies competing for the American Legion cup, awarded each year to the organization having the best attendance record for the year. This report does not include the whole year but only for the months of January, February, and March.. Although the band was at the top of the records for only one month it was represented sufficiently enough to bring its average the highest. D company is next; C company is third; B company is fourth and A company is last.-Jack Bennett. HUMANE WEEK High school is aware that this is Humane week. Every advisory teacher will consider the subject of being kind and considerate to animals. It is very appropriate that our attention be called frequently to this subject. We thank personally Mrs. John W. Hyslop, president of the Ogden Humane society, for her good work in this line. I would not enter on my list of friends, (Though graced with polished manners and fine sense, Yet wanting sensibility) the man who needlessly sets foot upon a worm. -Cowper ON EXHIBIT The wonderful new Lewis trophy cup, won recently by the Ogden High school, is now on exhibition at the high school. It will ge engraved soon and placed in our trophy case. Says John S. Lewis, "During the past ten lears I have given more! than $500 dollars in watches alone in the oratorical contests. I have never enjoyed giving anything more than I have enjoyed giving these prizes." INTERESTING PROJECTS The students of several English: classes have recently completed some wonderfully interesting projects. Each student selected, a modern author, whose life and works they studied intensely and then wr5te up in one extended paper the |