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Show THURSDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 17, 1932. Forum Club Enlarges Its Membership List Debate With Congress Will Be Conducted In Near Future OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Parke Petterson, Editor. Bobbie Kimball and Marjorie Wood, Associate Editors. At the last regular meeting, Forum again Increased its membership. We don't want you to get the impression that Forum has changed to ! a red-headed club, because the ad-; dition of Lowell James makes but three red-heads in the Club (worse luck). The other addition was Anthon Yarbrough. We know these two fellows will help maintain Forum's high standard. To these new members we offer congratulations! We wish to take this opportunity to inform you, gentle readers, that the next Congress-Forum debate will be held one week from next Monday. From all indications 'this will be a real struggle and we hope to . see some of you there. Secretary. INQUIRIES I Wonder: Why Diu Verre likes pine nuts so well. Why M. F. won't use rouge. Who caused Mary Alice's broken heart. Where Bob Brown learned his French. How long our Christmas vacation will be. Where Mary P. got all her literary ability. Why Forum can't find its signs behind the football dance ad. Why Adele likes-French so well. If Jack Bennett keeps fresh with cellophane. Inquisitive Me. MESSAGE ON PLACARD Have you ever noticed and considered the message that is carried by the placard in the library which deals with reputation? You should, for a reputation is the greatest asset on earth! It seems that Mrs. Chambers abuses her red pencil. Why not organize a committee to look into the cost of these pencils? (She might appreciate it!) Did it ever occur to you that Mr. Peterson is abusing the beautiful portrait of George Washington? (Of course you know that Washington never told a lie-as yet.) Did you ever know that Adele Larson carries the most amazing "blush" imaginable? (Especially when Mr. Peterson speaks to her. And that Evan Stewart is extremely jealous? Well, who wouldn't be! It seems to me that it is about time some one builds a gun large enough for Torval Nelson. Have you ever noticed his manly stride? If not, you should do so, by all means. NEW DANCE DATE Sorry, but these big Weber college footballers must be given the preference in matters of this kind and since they are going to Honolulu anyway-! Well, our football dance has been postponed until Wednesday, November 23, just before the Thanksgiving holidays. Merely cancel all previous engagements (we know how easy it'll be) and turn out to our dance with the intention of having a glorious time. We hope Weber enjoys its dance - and that it also wins the football game. Our dance is going to be a pippin, so get busy and let's see a record crowd. You'll not be sorry! AUNT JANE'S CORNER Dear Aunt Jane: Will you please give me a remedy to cure my love sickness? L. S. Dear L. S - Sorry, Aunt Jane's never been love-sick. Why don't you try devoting all your time to studying and forget this nonsense? Aunt Jane. THE PHONE NUISANCE We wish all our patrons and friends would read our school notes' so that all would be advised on the situation concerning the use of the school telephone. We repeat: "It is absolutely against school policy to caty students to the telephone during school hours. We cannot interrupt classes for such calls. Altogether too frequently the calls prove to be trivial and avoidable. In case of sickness or death in the family call the high school office. The clerk will agree to do all that is possible. The school is always glad to have parents phone to report sickness or necessary absence. In other words, use the telephone for legitimate school business only. i The fact that there are one thousand students at high school makes it very easy to convert the telephone into a nuisance rather than a help. FRIDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 18,1932 Lost Purse Returned; Widow's Tears Cease Hard Earned Coal and Tax Money Found By Girl Student OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Parke Petterson, Editor. Bobbie Kimball and Marjorie Wood, Associate Editors. Thursday morning, a widow in tears called at the high school office to ask aid in restoring to her a purse which she had lost about five o'clock the previous evening near Jensen's confectionery store on Twenty-fifth street. The purse contained, she explained about forty dollars, which she had saved at great effort to assist in buying coal and paying taxes. Announcement was made to the school and within five minutes a girl student reported at the office that she had found the purse and would be very happy to restore it to the owner. This she did and was made doubly happy by the happiness she brought to this sad widow. Such an act of honesty makes every student of the high school hold his head a little higher, as we are proud of having honest students. v)7 Perhaps we ought to say that the name of the student is Angeline Santarelli. CARPE DIEM Dear pledges of Carpe Diem: We wish to thank you all, and to say that we are proud of the ingenuity you displayed in arranging that enjoyable Wednesday evening at the home of Mary Frances. We appreciate and will never forget the efforts that, you expended. -The Members of Carpe. SUCCESSFUL SEASON Well, we closed a very successful football season today. The team has done its best and has brought honor to the name of Ag- den High. The players have given their all and deserve some recognition for their untiring efforts. In accordance with the rules of the athletic association the school does not make awards to the team members. But there is one way that we can show our appreciation to the players. Next Wednesday night in the Berthana ballroom the football dance will be pulled off in honor of the football players. Back the team and be there. Your student body cards admit you. R.O.T.C. RIFLE TEAM Now that the officers have been appointed and we have been relieved of worry about who the sponsers will be, the cadets are ready to fall to and produce another honor school unit. The rifle team aspirants have begun practice and are hopeful for another successful season. We lament the fact that our rifle range is so poorly equipped. Our hats are off to the fellows who go out every night, roll all over the floor, and patiently, in spite of handicaps, endeavor to produce a top notch team. The commissioned officers are - starting to function and already ( they look like a capable. We were , proud of our showing in the parade . Armistice day. The non-commissioned officers will be announced . right away and it is planned that j they should have more responsibil- , i ity this year. We wish the best of , luck to the R.O.T.C. corps for the coming year. OGDEN'S AWARD SYSTEM In April of 1928 Ogden HJgh school adopted the following award : system: The annual awards in Ogden High school shall be limited to ten or fewer and shall be designated major awards. The award is to be a medal-a block "O" in gold. The awards are offered to out- standing students in the school as measured by contributions of serv- ice and loyalty in the main extra . curricular activities of the school. The recipients to be chosen by a . preferential vote on all candidates by (1) the student body council, 1 (2) the faculty. The list thus se- ' lected may be approved or modified by the faculty award committee : consisting of not fewer than nine , members consisting of principal, : vice principal, and heads of depart- : ments of school. The awards are limited to grad- 1 uating students. 1 REGULAR COUNCIL Regular council meeting was called to order Nov. 15, by President Anderson; the roll was called, the minutes read and approved. 1 Miss Dorothy Paine, reporting for the club' committee, submitted the constitution of Alpha Sigma for acceptance. It was accepted and made an official club. The president, reporting for the social committee, announced that the football dance was postponed to one week from Wednesday, to accommodate the Weber college, which was sponsoring a dance on Friday. Grant Jensen reporting for the special chair committee, reported. that the task was completed. The report was accepted and the committee was given a hearty vote of thanks. The president reported for the pep committee. The report was accepted. It was moved and seconded that council appropriate 80 cents for the gas used to truck wood to the bonfire. The motion was passed. The secretary read article XIV of the school constitution. It was announced that there would be a game Friday with South Cache, and that no pep rally would be held because of cold weather. By a motion the president appointed a committee of one to notify the athletic committee about the federal tax on football tickets. Reed Berrett was appointed. The president announced that try outs for the school play would be either Wednesday or Thursday after school in the library, according to the number of contestants. The president discussed the plan of having a school flag, and a committee would be appointed next meeting. Council then adjourned. -The Secretary. |