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Show MAY 9, 1933. Play Receipts Will Go Toward New Flag Girls Offer Entertaining Stage Series Thursday Night OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Parke Petterson, Editor; Barbara Kimball and Marjorie Wood, Associate Editors Students: As you all know, Ogden High school is trying to raise money ; for a new flag. Support this worthy ; cause by going to see the plays ; which are being presented by the - Girls' association. ' The -plays are being directed by students of the advanced class of ' the dramatic art department. They 1 promise to be good as much hard ; work is being done upon them. Just think! For one dime, ten 1 pennies, two nickels or one-tenth of a dollar, you can expect a very in- ' teresting evening. Therefore, be wise, 1 and be in the auditorium of the Central Junior High school next Thursday night, May 11, at eight- thirty. Mary Paquette ORATORICAL CONTEST The chance of entering another oratorical contest is being offered to the pupils of O. H. S. by the B. P. O. E. Elks of Ogden city. To compete for the gold watch offered as a prize, it is necessary to write a 10-minute oration on our flag. The contest will be held June 11. Details later.-M. P. OBSERVATIONS A little bird told me that all the girls are afraid of Dale. I wonder why. Projects! Will we ever hear the last of them? Teachers, have mercy! What is the matter, don't some people know how to appreciate good music? Why be so restless when you hear such excellent numbers as we had in assembly Thursday. "Burp," "Puddle," "B. T.'" "Just Me," "Juste Moi," Two Little Girls n Blue," "Lady at the Keyhole," uid "Printh Nilly Willy," wake up! We'd like to hear from you. -Mademoiselle EVERYBODY HAPPY Was everybody happy last Friday ind Saturday? Well not quite. Many fathers and mothers were uneasy about their boys and girls. They feared accidents; they feared kid- laping. They feared especially that something was wrong when they did lot return as early as expected, rhey certainly kept the telephone jyires hot Friday and Saturday with inxious inquiries. We do not blame them a bit for these are perilous days and there is nothing comparable to the solicitude of love of parents. To the best of our knowledge, however, every student has returned safe, sound, and happy. For this we are profoundly happy and grateful. MAY GO TO PASADENA Boyd Hopkins is taking tests in chemistry, physics, mathematics, English to enter Polytechnic insti tute in California. He says the "EX's" are mighty stiff. Success to you, Boyd. A GOOD RECORD Ogden High school was very successful in the recent music contest held in Salt Lake City. Our music department came home with five first prizes. The orchestra, Eleanor McFarlane, contralto soloist, Helen Sessions, soprano soloist, and Hazel Bushline, French horn soloist all came home with first prizes. The band won third place in marching, third place in playing and third place in sight reading. Ross Lynch received second place as bass soloist. The boys' glee club also received third place. I think we all ought to be extremely proud of our music department.-Dale Anderson. IT WON'T BE LONG NOW We are near the end of the road We started way last September. Hopefully we've carried the load Up the trail we'll always remember. At times it seemed far to the top And the sharp rocks bruised oui feet. But we just weren't the kind tc stop; We wouldn't submit to defeat! There bathed in the sun's golden rays Do you see that summit bright? 'Tis only a matter of days; We've just about won this fight! -Lacka Day LETTER ARRIVES E. C. Watson of California has written the following letter to A. M. Merrill, principal of Ogden Senior High school: "Please express my thanks to your staff and student body for the enthusiastic reception I received during my recent visit to the Ogden High school. I enjoyed meeting your group very much and hope that we may have the pleasure of seeing some of you in Pasadena soon. MONDAY EVENING, MAY 8, 1933 Ogden Elks Will Hold Contest to Find Best Speaker On U. S. Flag I OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NOTES ! Parke Petterson, Editor; Barbara ! i Kimball and Marjorie Wood, Associate Editors Gold Watch Provided For Oratorical Series Winner Have you heard? Every boy and girl in the Ogden High school has 1 a chance to win a gold watch. This 1 prize will be given to the student delivering the best 10-minute ora- tion on "The American Flag." This contest is sponsored by the Ogden Elks lodge and will take place Sun. day, June 11. More about it later, but start working now! REGULAR COUNCIL j Regular council meeting was call- ed to order by President Anderson; ( the roll was called, the minutes were 1 read and approved. The president read the regulation concerning the students who will re- ' ceive block "O" awards. ( Los Loritas was granted permis- , sion to have a party May 20. ry Two advisors, Miss Evans and Mr. E. S. Smith, with Mrs. Irwin ancl Vice-President Dorothy Paine, will act as judges of the club reports? concerning the trophy given to thj club with the best scholastic records;. This report will include all pledge;? and active members of each club. It was announced that the Girls' association is sponsoring a series olf one-act plays to be given May 11 in the Central Junuior High auditorium to raise money for the school flag. Mrs. Irwin especially asked that students and others enjoy this3 group of plays for the admission in only ten cents. Grant Goddard stated that announcement card orders will be taken by the committee any time this 5 week. The president announced that ar i assembly would be held Thursday morning at nine-forty, the program . to be sponsored by the music department. Council then adjourned by motion.-The Secretary. EXACT COUNT MADE My dear fellow students: I have been doing some close fig'7 uring for your benefit. Many and many is the time I have been asked, "Exactly how many more days of school do we have?" Now I'll tell you. When you come to school Tuesday a. m. you will have exactly ten and one half more days of school. That makes 63 hours we must spend in this building this year, 3780 minutes, or, still closer, 226,800 seconds. That may sound fine but when you think of all the school work you just must have in, it almost makes you sick. Everyone in the school must have at least three four1 projects, and they must all be done carefully if we expect a passing grade. How can we do them all in that short time? Count your seconds! See just how many of them you can spend in school work. I know you must hate the _ advice I am giving you there, but I must do it and so must you. Only 226,800 YTiOic Seconds, BuFtHeywiii go ai together too speedily to suit me. TIM- - PLENTY OF MUSIC The assembly was called to orde by President Anderson who an nounced the girls' council meeting Frances Woodcock announced th three one-act plays to be presenter next Thursday evening. The assem bly was then turned over to Mr. Hanson, the music director. The program consisted of contes numbers. The band played, a snap py number which was much enjoyec Kenneth Brizee played a saxaphon solo; Eleanor McFarlane, the con tralto soloist, Ross Lynch, bass solo ist, and Eugene Hawks, cornet solo ist, all gave very interesting num bers. We then heard from the orchestra, the boys' glee club an the girls' glee club. As there wa no time for the rest of the solos Mr. Hanson named the soloists. Mr. Merrill made announcement; concerning everything in general and Mr. Loll announced Parents day next Monday-M. P. SYMPATHY We, the girls of Congress, wish to extend our deepest sympathy to our president Kathryn Skeen, who is now in the hospital following an appendicitas operation. We wish her to know that we miss her and are anxiously awaiting her recovery. We want to express our best wishes for a very speedy recovery. SPECIAL OBSERVANCE 1 Regular girls' council meeting was i called to order ,by President Lewis. The roll was called" and the minutes were dispensed with. Frances Woodcock made a report on the three one-act plays to be presented Thursday, May 11, at the 1 Central Junior High school by the ' Girls' association, the proceeds to l go to the school flag. It was moved and seconded that the committee in charge be given a vote of thanks. It was decided to have a "Print Dress week" the week following "Boys' week". It was also decided that each girl shall wear a paper tie in the parade of Boys' week. The |