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Show WEDNESDAY EVENING, MAY 17,1933. THE OGDEN STANDARD - EXAMINER Ability And Willingness Declared Indications Of Right To Stay In School Writer Urges Weeding Out of All Neglectful Students OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NOTES ; Parke Petterson, Editor; Barbara ; Kimball and Marjorie Wood, Associate Editors In these days of universal education, there are probably many students in high school and college who really should not be there. How is one to tell? Well, if one has ability, and willingness to work he should be there. If he lacks either of these he should not be there. That answers the question fairly well. Unless one attends school regularly and tries to do the best . work possible, he should be "fired" from the job, just as he would be "fired" from any industry. To attend school regularly and to work hard is the best job that any young person, boy or girl, ever had or ever will have. The school job is a big job-don't forget that. MAGNIFICENT SPECTACLE Ogden people had no words, no adjectives to explain their emotions on witnessing the mammoth parade Tuesday of Ogden school children, 10,000 strong. It Is an annual spectacle that brings tears to many eyes, and a great big question to the thousands of onlookers. The question: "Whatever is to happen to the vast army of boys and girls? Will they be absorbed in industry and good citizenship?" Most people say they do not know. Ogden has one optimist who says there is plenty of room for all. This man is Bill Zuppann of The Standard-Examiner. If in doubt, j call on him. TEACHER ILL Varian Hale was ill and unable to be at school Monday. His place was ably filled by W. Karl Hopkins, Jr. UNIFORMS Regular school work closes for R.O.T.C. cadets Friday. The uniforms will be turned in on that day and the beginning days of next week. FINE TALENT Perhaps it isn't too late to say that the one-act plays presented by the dramatic art department at Central Junior last Thursday eve- ing were especially well done and exhibited some very superion talent in this fine line of work. Miss Woolley is to be congratulated on the fine work she is doing at Ogden high. SCHOOL CONTESTS Elbert K. Fretwell, professor of education at Columbia university, says of school contests: "Some schools are 'contested' almost to death. In some sections of the country, fostered by the state or by competing colleges, there are contests in everything, curriculum and extra-curriculum, Latin, second year, algebra, basketball, brass bands, canning clubs, and piccolo players. There is continuously the motive of go out and lick somebody. Frequently, the poorer the school the greater the emphasis in the specializing on the training of a few to win these contests. Somebody ought to make a real study of the influence of the contest on the curriculum. A desire for a reasonable economy and the improvement of the school as a school, not as a contest factory, demands that this contest idea be critically examined, It's a morale buster." TUESDAY EVENING, MAY 16, 193 School Will Recognize Loyalty as Displayed By Perfect Attendance Majority Stands Firm As "Sluff" Temptation Offered OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Parke Petterson, Editor; Barbara Kimball and Marjorie Wood, Associate Editors For a number of years the high school hasn't had a "walk out." The morale is such that a very handsome majority will always remain at school, even though a group of indifferent students will try to institute a "sluff day." Many students proved derelict to duty on Friday last and absented themselves from school, but their efforts to upset school operations were fruitless. They did naught except to bring discredit upon themselves and, to a certain extent, the school. The school naturally suffers many interruptions, such as contest day at the University of Utah May 5. and parade day today, legStt days, vacations etc. There is really no excuse for students to deliberately stay away at any time. The excuse also that "there wasn't, much doing at school today" is never valid for the community is paying school teachers to do their Job and it must be said to their credit that they try to do it well at all times. The attendance at school on the part of some students is very irregular and these are always "drags" and retard class work. Their sins be upon their own heads, but as for the majority of us let us keep up the highest possible morale and efficiency of work in our school. We are advised that 125 students or more have not missed school at all during the school year and will be given special certificates at Friday's assembly for faithfulness to ; duty. These are some of the real honor students of the Ogden High school. PARENTS' DAY Invitations were supposed to have been written today by students in advisory classes to all parents and patrons to visit our school on Friday of this week to get acquainted with teachers and to witness exhibits in class work. We hope that parents will be with us Friday afternoon or evening, or both. An award assembly will be held at one o'clock, and a physical education demonstration at two-thirty o'clock. At eight p. m. there will be a fashion revue, exhibiting the work of the domestic art department. EXPLANATION MADE A. M. Merrill, principal of the Ogden High school, has received the following letter: "It has been called to my attention that Hans Johnson, one of your students is being considerably embarrassed by a report that he is accused of theft of gym equipment from the Weber County High school. This doubtless grows out of the fact that he was asked to remain for questioning at the time of my visit! to your school in connection with this matter. "Mr. Johnson lives in our neighborhood and, of course, frequently passes through our grounds, but the people who are able to identify the boy who did carry away this equipment state emphatically that Johnson was not the boy. We are very sorry if any of Johnson's associates have thought him involved. We wish them to know that he is not. His reputation in the neighborhood is excellent. "If you care to do so you may run this letter in your school notes." The letter is signed by Keith Wahlquist, principal of the Weber County High school. |