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Show WEDNESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 18, 1933. Thanks Offered By Play Manager Appreciates Help Given By Faculty Members and Pupils OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Parke Petterson, Editor Barbara Kimball and Marjorie Wood Associate Editors I should like to take this opportunity to thank all of those who helped to make our school play a ! success. Especially do I wish to thank Jiiiss Woolley and her assistant, Marjorie Wood, for their excellent direction IMof the cast; the assistant business managers, who so ably assisted in i; the business affairs; the stage man- igers, who spent long hours of work putting the stage in order; the ush- I ers, for their excellent work in If seating the audiences both nights; I. W. O. for their splendid adver- tisements in the assembly; those I who furnished entertainment or I stage equipment, and those who I j wrote news articles to advertise the j play. I The interest shown by the entire S student body was appreciated, and the members of the cast were well I paid for their interesting and un- tiring response given to the play.- Roy Ross, Business Manager. LETTER ARRIVES A letter sent to the pupils of Ogden High school by the Children's Aid society reads: I "The members of the Children's Aid society wish to express their ' gratitude to each one of you for I'your kind and generous boxes of food for some of the needy fami- 1 Plies in our community. "You would have enjoyed your 1 gown holidays more if you could have ' seen the joy that your gifts brought ! : to many children who are not so ' fortunate as you, and we certainly hope that you may each have a very 1 happy year through 1933. f "We appreciate your sympathy : and your interest in this work, as well as the gifts, and again, we J thank you." J I The letter was signed by Mrs. J. H. Peckenpaugh, president, and Mrs. A. V. Mcintosh, corresponding secretary. ZETA PHI XI Woop! Ouch! Who's that coming 1 down the hill? It's only Jeanette 1 making one of her famous flying 1 1 ski contortions. If anyone thinks ; there are no Alf Engens at Ogden High he should have come with ; Zeta to a party Saturday. Skiing with its bumps and bruises - I was only one part of the day's ac- : Ntivities, for everyone enjoyed the ; warm bundle and cozy fireplace at I Carver's cabin. After a few more falls and all the girls were sure they were stiff enough, we hiked I down the canyon to our class. All I Zeta will rember this delightful skiing party. for that certain girl to come along and give him a break. Has everyone bought her ticket? They are being sold by many girls in the school, and tickets for the alumnae can be bought in the office. We hope that a great many of the alumnae are interested in their old alma mater and will attend this dance. Girls, there will be no boutonnieres sent to the boys this year, so please do not send any. Any boy entering the hall with a boutonniere will be requested to take it off-Melba Randall. OBSCURE PEOPLE So much lias been said about the officers and sponsors that I shall have to -make something unusual for the column. We never hear much about the Gregg artists, so we wonder if they have disappeared from the school. I had one propose to me and then I took her to the get Acquainted dance but she was only a junior. And the only two that I know that are in the ;lub are: Gladys Ossmen and Claramay Stevens. They give me the) lirty sword look and then the cold shoulder. And Where's Mr. Farnsworth. We never see him except 'or the passing greeting, Can't thex, eport their doings? (I hope they an write better than this.) CONGRESS Marian Hill seems to be speaker f the house, for everyone enjoyed ler talk on debate. After this it vas moved and seconded that we ;ontinue the program with an ex- emporaneous debate. Virginia Nicholas, who is a charter member of Congress, proved her ability as a lebater to be something every mem- er can look up to. One of the est steps toward better debating in i O. H. S. was taken when Congress! ihallenged Forum to debate the' tate question. This will be a non- j lecision debate, its purpose being, or the benefit of both clubs. We! ixtend our deepest sympathy to Mary Paquette in her hour of sor- ow at the loss of her father. LOOKING BACK Friday the thirteenth and report fards. Now I ask you, could any- hing be more exasperating? But is it happened I got along O. K. md without any mishaps coming to ne. But only after long and tedious jrecautions was I able to present ny card to my mother. The night before the thirteenth : said my prayers and then the next norning to test my luck I threw ialt over my left shoulder, walked inder three ladders, counted to thir- ;een seven time with my eyes closed, permitted a black cat to :ross my path, broke a mirror, and jpened an umbrella in the house. s nothing happened I felt a little easier about the coming crisis, and so after supper (they say a good supper puts older people in a good mood) I duly started to tell my mother how a teacher of long years ago told me I could read well; she agreed and thus I received my cue. I took my card out oi my pocket and boldly handed it to her. The reason I say boldly is because on the back where it tells you what each mark means I had written: A, "awful"; B, "bunk"; C, "crumby"; D, "dandy"; E, 'excellent," and F, 'fery good." She read it and then said, "Well, Jack, you are improving." At that I left the room, not to laugh nor even smile but to meditate and make my termly resolution that I will "get an A or bust."j -Jack Bennett. Bud Ellis Will Captain Ogden High Basketball Team Opening Contests Scheduled Friday In Local District Spirited Events Loom In Annual Race For Basketball Flag Frank "Bud" Ellis, colorful Ogden high athlete, will captain the 1933 Tigers in their quest for a second consecutive Utah state basketball (title. i Ellis was elected following the practice Tuesday afternoon. He is a forward and one of the best ball rustlers in the history of Ogden high basketball. In addition to being a sensational eager, Ellis was rated all-state quarterback on a number of selections in football, during the 1932 season. His election was a popular one. The captain-elect will perform at one of the forward positions against Bear River high here Friday evening. Efforts were made to stage. the game Thursday night in order that no conflict would be encountered with the staging of the Box Elder- Weber game, but officials of the Bear River school declined to play before Friday, Ogden high officials stated today. Ogden and Bear River will meet at the Tiger gymnasium at seven- thirty Friday in this headliner. OPENING LINEUPS I Coach Dick Kapple will probably !start the game with Jensen and Ellis at forwards; Kennedy at center; Greenwell and either Grecco or Hall on the guard line. The state champions anticipate plenty of competition when they oppose the Bear River machine. "Bear River always has a capable team and the 1933 machine should be no exception to the rule," said Coach Dick Kapple today. Weber high will entertain the strong Box Elder aggregation in the other opening contest of the Ogden division. |