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Show MONDAY EVENING, APRIL 24, 1933. School Musicians Make Hit With Attractive and Tuneful Stage Production Excellent Talent And Training Apparent In 'Yeoman of Guard' foGl)EN S Parke Petterson, Editor; Barbara Kimball and Marjorie Wood, Associate Editors No student was disappointed in 1 the wonderful production of our opera. It surpassed our fondest anticipations. We did not know that we had such singers nor such rare talent in our school. The music throughout was most delightful, the setting was superb, the costumes were colorful and the audiences most appreciative. Helen Sessions as Elsie Maynard was charming and jsuperb; Jack Higginbotham as Jack Point was gay and handsome; Lloyd Frederickson as Shadbolt was clownish, artistic promising. These leaders were most ably sustained by Ross Lynch as Sir Richard, Eleanor MacFarlane as Dame Carruthers, Norman Reeder as Colonel Fairfax, Marshall Brough as Sergeant Merryll, Jack Tyree as Leonard Merryll, Phyliss Wilson as Phoebe Merryll, jmd Cornelia Evertsen as Kate. Altogether it was a most delightful and successful opera. We j congratulate the music department on its presentation of "Yeoman of the Guard." WE MISSED THEM We missed the names of the choruses and orchestra members on our opera programs Friday evening. We understand that the publication of the 100 names was almost prohibitive on account of printing expenses, It takes a great deal of money to stage an opera-altogether too much for these "hard times." Unless this depression lifts the high school will be obliged to suspend some of our most cherished activities. NOTICE TO ALL Know all men by the presents: That the junior class of Ogden High school on the twenty-eighth day of April in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred thirty-three will give the annual "junior promenade" in the Berthana ballroom at eight- thirty o'clock. Be it further known that all senior class members, upon proper identification, will be admitted as guests of the under-class men. Juniors are hereby summoned to appear before a duly authorized; agent of said junior class and pur-1 chase a ticket to the aforementioned! dance at the nominal sum of seventy-five cents a couple or forty- five cents for a stag.-Plaintiff's, Attorneys. ASSEMBLY REPORT After Dale called the meeting to order, we had an announcement by Grant Goddard concerning the senior class meeting and one from Frank Ellis concerning the opera, "Yeoman of the Guard." Dr. Watson, of the University of Southern California, gave a very interesting lecture on liquid air, using many odd illustrations. (It was as good as a Fourth of July celebration!) We surely appreciated his talk, and sincerely wish that Dr. Watson could have stayed longer. The candidates for student body officials each gave a platform speech. Grant Jenson, Maurice Kennedy, Barbara Reeve, Charlene Woods and Gus Becker, all gave very fine speeches. After being reminded of the opera, junior prom and Weber college girls' dance, the assembly adjourned.- Mary Paquette. CARPE DIEM Carpe Diem is very proud of its new pledges, outstarv'ng girls of the , junior class-Marion Smith and ' Virginia Tribe. They are girls who ; represent the fine ideals for which c Carpe stands. We are very glad to I have them with us. TUESDAY EVENING, APRIL 25, Request Made to Pupils That Order Prevail at All School Gatherings All Urged To Get Behind Decorum Committee In Efforts OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Parke Petterson, Editor; Barbara Kimball and Marjorie Wood, Associate Editors As a student of the Ogden High ' school I would like to make a sug- J gestion to the entire student body. ; The decorum committee has been in the high school for a number of 1 years. As I have received the 1 notice, in all previous years they have never had the disturbance that , ; they have had this year. Now, stu- 1 dents, surely you do not want to be ' the first ones to make so much 1 disturbance. In previous years they had to form this committee for'the purpose of keeping order, because, j as we all know, there is a certain j grade of disturbing stock in every ( school in the country. So, students, let's quit all the scuffling in the halls and the disturbance in as- 1 sembly and back this committee to the utmost. I, for one, am behind the decorum committee 100 per cent. And let's make this a record year in the history of the Ogden High school.-Larry Russell. IN MEMORIAM The students and faculty of Ogden High school extend their deepest sympathy and sincerest regrets to Central Junior High school for the loss of so splendid a man as Principal Daniel H. Adams. It is a loss that cannot easily be realized after the years of faithful and intelligent' service that he devoted to his work. Those of us, and we are literally thousands, who have come under the influence of Mr. Adams will always remember him as one of earth's noble teachers and noble men. THE OPERA Friday and Saturday nights were evenings enjoyed immensely by all those who attended Ogden High's opera at the South Washington Junior high. The costuming and make up were very well done and fitted the characters exceptionally well. The scenery was so realistic that this writer pondered long and deeply on the ability of Mr. Stewart and the students who helped him in the painting of it. The acting was very excellently carried out under the able direction of Miss Woolley, and the characters verily did themselves "up brown." And last, but far from being least, the music was wholly enjoyed by every listener. Mr. Hanson showed his fine capabilities in the splendid manner in which every member of the cast and chorus sang his songs. We wish to congratulate all those who had a part in that charming production. "The Leoman of the Guard." It was a worthy achievement!-Nosey. FACING ELECTION With the Classicalia over, and the very beautiful queen chosen, we turn to an issue far more important than any we have had this year- the choosing of the student body president for the coming year. Five very fine students were chosen for the first ballot, but three of these have been eliminated. The race is now between two very outstanding students. Friends, I feel as most of you do, that each one of them is entitled to the office, that they both deserve the highest honors that can be paid them. However, one must be eliminated. Which one of them it will be we do not know, but if we, as a high school student body, forget all junior high rivalries and weigh carefully the merit of each, I am sure that we'll vote for the one who will be the better. Now is the time to weigh these merits. Don't wait until the final day before you decide who your candidate will be. If everything is considered I am sure that the present (and most outstanding student body) will cast' their votes for Grant Jenson. INVITATIONS OUT Invitations were out today to all seniors to be guests of the juniors at the great junior prom on Friday evening of this week. As this is the outstanding party of the year we shall hope to see all our friends at the promenade. CONGRATULATION The Ogden High school sincerely congratulates Principal Keith Wahlquist, principal of Weber County High school, on his election as superintendent of schools of Weber county. Mr. Wahlquist was for some years a teacher at Ogden High school and is remembered as a very excellent teacher, a fine man, and a loyal friend. We know he has given the county high school an able administration and we predict for him success in his larger calling. Ourj best wishes-te him. _ jaw |