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Show Tuesday October 11, 1932 Schools Aspiration Of 8 Years Realized Students' Loyal Support Helps O. H. S. To Gain Victory OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Parke Petterson, Editor. Bobbie Kimball and Marjorie Wood, Associate Editors. For eight years, Ogden High has had an aspiration. (Elver hear of that before?) At last our aspiration . is realized. We have beaten Box Elder in a football game. One rea- son for our victory was the wonder- " ful exhibition of smart, fighty foot- ? ball by the players. Congratulations " team! It was great stuff. i. However, another reason was the 5 sincere support of the student body. Three snappy yell assemblies, a pep rally Thursday night, and the large attendance of students at the game, all played a part in our showing. The pep committee, yell leaders, and student body officers are to be congratulated for their untiring efforts, b Keep it up, gang, and let's show 'em. a -Parke Petterson. PROUD? Proud? Indeed we are. Ogden won the first league game last Fri-Jti day by defeating Box Elder 19-6 o which was something unusual, be-I cause since 1923 the Bees have come a to Ogden to pack away the annual game. 1 This year the Tigers showed the I spirited Bees how an aerial attack - should really be executed and two of the three Tiger touchdowns were . . J i the result of forward passes, the C1 third being scored by Weir on an end run. 11 The lone Box Elder touchdown came late in the fourth period, when Meckam passed 25 yards to Hess Who then ran 45 yards for the tally. Ogden beat a great team and d we are very proud of our boys.-P. J. S. STUDENT TICKET SALE o: Students! Let's buy our student body tickets. If tickets are not ci sold, school activities are going to v, be very limited. I-W-O is behind this movement and it would like the f, help of the other clubs, so fork over your dough, and get a nice new h student body ticket.-I-W-O. AH-H-H-WEINERS! Weiners taste awfully good after it a stiff climb and especially between TIGERS ARE IDLE is Coach Baldy Simkin's Tigers will be idle this week insofar as league g: competition is concerned. The "Orange Streaks" however, may book d a practice game. a: Simkin is not entirely satisfied with his running attack, and expects vv (to have this phase in good working ri j order when the locals meet Logan. c The former Ute gridder is wearing a a smile these days that just simply won't wear off, and the reason is the ig 19 to 6 victory of the Tigers over s' Box Elder last week. a 1 MARVELOUS PASSER J; Bud Ellis goes into the grid schol-1 astic records as one of the best for- _ ward passers uncovered in years. The new find at the Tiger lair heaves the leather with the ease and grace of a college senior. Ellis displayed plenty of ability in this department of play against Box Elder last week and is one of the big shots of the 1932 pennant contenders at Ogden High. He is a cousin of Bill Glasmann, all-state quarterback of the championship Tiger team of 1916, and bids fair to enjoy a great year. Glasmann some years ago was named all-time quarterback in .who! astic circles. rolls. Just ask the girls who went on the Girls' association hike up Waterfall Monday evening. They met at school at five o'clock with their various and assorted lunches (of course they had lunches) and after the usual delay they were off. The real beauty of the thing lay in the fact that every girl who went had twenty-five points added to her credit toward an athletic award. You really don't know what you missed!-M. J. W. BELIEVE IT OR NOT (It's all true.) The high school has some three dozen '28 yearbooks, which will be given away absolutely free this week. Kindly call or send to the office for a copy if you wish one. The school library woitld appreciate very much a set of the Harvard Classics, if tEere be a generous donor in Ogden who would care to favor us. Many students say we should not have permitted Box Elder to score against us last week. Inasmuch as we were beating them, we should have trounced them good while at it. Students should attend school regularly or not at all. A thing that is worth doing, etc. A wide-awake youngster, if not given plenty to do, will find work for himself. Sometimes it may be disturbing others. These need guidance, not punishment. Even high school students know i what a proper regard for others is : required at a football game. Dis- . courtesy, rudeness, ill behavior are : always out of place. r The high school's recommending! ; grade for college is B. Unless aj student can receive an average of B at high school it is practically cer-; tain that he is not capable of car-j rying college work successfully. - . A student who receives A's and B's at at high school is quite likely to get ip C's and D's at college. ;y Whether this means that college ih instructors are more rigid in mark- es ing, or whether their standards are id higher we are not quite prepared to ff. say. in AS WE SEE 'EM Editor, O. H. S. Notes: It very forcibly strikes my femine mind (or is it a masculine mind??) that we go through life with our laurels too highly sung, and our faults avoided like the person with B. O. My belief is that if I ee one could be informed of these be faults, which he probably does not LiS observe himself, the person con- cerned would benefit in the long run. And I have taken it upon myself to point out the shortcomings, e- as well as the virtues of the various r_ students as I observe them. Not that my utterances will coincide With the opinion of the other students and acquaintances of the person . concerned, but I believe that I will 2 generally hit the nail on the head. We are going out in the world lri soon to make a way for ourselves. This old earth, I believe, will hold Plenty of knocks for all of us. And 9 is it not reasonable that if we over- come a few trivial faults now, that we will prosper more than the or- dinary person? On the other hand, why should not our complimentary feats be known? I hope that when "f one whom I praise reads my opin- a ion of him, that he will not become egotistical; for that is the worst Z fault that one can have. Thanks. c Dale Anderson: A real fellow: fl sincere in his efforts. And a stu- re dent body president who really puts i things over. A true athlete; an n ardent sportsman, and above all, a jl gentleman. The way he's dropped & that old inferiority complex that -he had last year does one's soul r"good. Keep it up, Dale; you'll go . a long way. _ Jack Tyree: A good fellow, evidently intent on making a hit with the world and failing with the majority of its inhabitants. We all like to have humor; but We also like it in the right place. Get serious, Jack, at least once in a while. You'll be better liked and have many more friends to laugh with you when you really are funny Has anyone seen "Ah-ah-ee-o" Bramwell? Tomorrow we'll consider some of the so-called "weaker sex;"-Josephine Joe. WEDNESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 12, 1932. Student Makes Plea For Easier Lessons OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Parke Petterson, Editor. Bobbie Kimball and Marjorie Wood, Says Teachers Laugh When Difficulty Brought to Attention Discovered: The teachers' delight, namely, seeing how hard they can make lessons. I wonder if they real-i ize how hard we poor students have to study to prepare the lessons theyj assign. If we mention that they; are hard, the teachers laugh and! merely say that we are lazy. Personally, I don't think any of us are lazy, the teachers expect too much, i Give us shorter lessons and we will prepare them better. Oh how I would love to be a teacher for just a week, and have all the teachers as my pupils. Would I make them work? Use your imagination. Of course it would be nice not to make them work hard but I'd like to get even. Come on teachers, take my hint! Give fewer and shorter lessons. It 1 will make us very gr'ateful and also j help you as you wouldn't have so ( many lessons to correct.-A. P. P. (A Poor Pupil). , STRANGE FACTS When Dan Milligan is off the gridiron he softly and tenderly plays the piano. Yes, it is true. Our football captain is an accomplished pianist. Who would think it to see him play football? Why does Darrell Hall keep his teeth clenched together in our football games? Ask him and see, but start running first. Jimmy Foulger is growing modest. He doesn't lose his wearing apparel in the middle of the games this year. WE SPEAK AGAIN Students: We are facing one of the most important problems of the school year. This is the problem of the student body tickets. All we have to do to solve this problem is to buy a student body. They are for sale in the second period classroom. They sell for five dollars, and for three dollars. If you wish you may purchase them on the instalment plan: On dollar down and the rest payable before next Christmas. If we want football and basketball equipment, dances and other school equipment, Quarterly Classicums, and a year book which we will be proud of, we had better save ,' 3ur pin money and buy a student : sody ticket-I. W. O.-J. A. B. r JUST IMAGINE Dick Alkema in knickers. Lowell James as a blonde. A chemistry class with no girls. Bud Ellis without a smile. Mr. Stewart without a mustache. Dorothy Paine as a farmer-ess. Ross Lynch in "D Company."- J. B. INTER NOS CLUB The second meeting of the Inter Nos club was held Monday, October; 10, during the third period. The club now being organized for the year, an interesting Roman program Was given consisting of: "The Life of Virgil," given by Cleone Walker; "How Rome Gets Its News" or "The Daily Gazette," given by Ralph Berrett; "Virgil in Maine," and some of his works, given by Robert Smith; and "Publication of Books," given by Alta Yates. After this interesting program the club attended to a few more points of business and then adjourned.-Ruth Dyer, Scriba. BELIVE IT OR NOT (It's all true.) There was a big absentee list :n Monday. Perhaps the weather bad something to do with it. Special church services contributed ilso. "I was needed at home," or "I stayed out to work," are not regarded as legitimate excuses for absences from school. Give the work :o the unemployed. Boys and girls at school are lot unemployed. They have good iobs-the best jobs in the world for ;hem. Let them stick to their jobs. In the zoological laboratory Mr. Smith has several Species of butterfly in every stage of develop- nent. If you wish to study and vitness a most interesting "life his- ory" visit room_306-C. We brand as poor statesmanship a policy which- Cuts down the salary of school teachers. Closes schools. (2) Combines classes. (4) Eliminates supervision. In a word that which cripples public education-the one hope of; America. The service of the teacher can be matched with any of the other wealth producing services in the country as to its favorable economic cffect. R. L. Cooley. The high school has a pretty good orchestra of about 25 pieces. Strangely enough two-thirds of the members are girls. Is it possible that the future musicians are to be women? Wake up, boys. Let's develop some Fritz Kreislers! |