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Show WEDNESDAY EVENING NOVEMBER 23, 1932. 0. H. S. Has Plenty of Reasons For Thanks Work and Play Are Done In Efficient, Pleasant Manner OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Parke Petterson, Editor. Bobbie Kimball and Marjorie Wood. Associate Editors. I wonder if high school students still look forward to Thanksgiving because it means lots of good things to eat and company for dinner, or are they thankful for the two holidays which it affords? In either case they are being somewhat thoughtless, for they are forgetting its serious origin by which those hardy pilgrims of long ago showed their thankfulness for a new land where they could choose their own religion. I believe that O.H.S. students have an abundance of good things for which to be thankful: short assignments (most of the time, anyway), considerate teachers, a wonderful principal, interesting subjects to struggle with, an unusual student body president, a football team to be proud of, assemblies that are unsurpassed, friendships which we could not do without, peppy yell- leaders, unforgettable dances, and last of all, a school spirit which sets O.H.S. apart from any school in the world. So, let us consider one moment and realize how blessed we are with the truly important things of school life. Make this one Thanksgiving Day on which to appreciate school joys and school happiness, which will only too soon be lost. B. B. A NEW CLUB The Five Four club is a club formed in fifth period for the purpose of studying current events. To serve for the following six weeks these officers were elected: President, Dwight Parkinson; vice president, Aleane King; secretary, Rex Lutz; secretary pro tem, Norma jBjorkland; treasurer, Richard Con- :den; critic, Isador Stanga; marshal, Richard Conden; reporter, Richard Gilmore. AUNT JANE'S CORNER Dear Aunt Jane: Don't you think it is too bad that the boys are so shy? There are so many girls without dates for the football dance tonight. Do you think it's too late for boys to get dates? Lots of girls don't think so. The best kind of dates are the ones boys get last. The girls have their student body tickets, and are waiting; therefore why don't they break loose and give the girls a date? Sue. Dear Sue: We can't fathom it. But say! Have you stopped to think 1932 is leap year? Aunt Jane. FAMOUS RECIPE Miss Mealiff-Take this recipe for English plum pudding, girls: l%c flour 2 2-3c bread crumbs 4c raisins 2c suet l!4c sugar lc molasses 6 eggs Mix ingredients together and boil for three hours in oiled cans. Did you get it, girls? Dorothy Stone: "What kind of pudding did you say this was?" Miss Mealiff: "Plum pudding." Dorothy Stone: "But where are the plums?" STUDENTS HONORED Ogden High is proud of having four all-division football players on its squad this year. This mythical team is chosen from all high schools of Northern Utah and players who land a position on it are to be congratulated, for to be the best player of your respective position out of five capable schools is surely an jhonor. '.'.'.'" , ._ The players who were chosen from ;he Tiger lair were Bud Ellis, quar- ;erback; Dale Anderson, end; John Weir, halfback; and Dan Milligan, uard. Two Ogden high boys were ;hosen on the second team: Jim Foulger, fullback; and Darrell Hall, ;ackle. Kinnard, Higgins and Reeves were given honorable mention. Congratulations, boys, and may the spirit in which you performed for the team carry on. Jack Bennett. STUDENTS, ATTENTION I Ogden, placing second in Region I, will play Jordan, which placed: second in Region III, Thursday at 11 o'clock in the stadium. Everybody should turn out to see this game. It's sure to be worth while. You'll also get in on the B.Y.U.- North Dakota game, too. A mere puny 25c for students, $1.00 for adults. To quote C. W.'s pet antipathy, "Be there!" Nosey. PEACE, PEACE The following literary gem was handed in as an English exercise. Note the spelling, the rich thought, the superb style. You cannot see the penmanship, so you miss much of the flavor of this masterpiece. And yet, some people say there is no humor in high school. "When a neighbor comes to your house to borrow your car, give him the damn thing instead of refusing it to him. This and many other examples is one of the best ways to retain peace. Piece is to staff of life. If there were no piece everyone would be fighting till everyone would bee killed off. Iff there's any fighting to bee done let the school teachers do it because they are the only ones the world could get along without. If your neighbor happens to be a school teacher I would suggest that you move if he has the habbit of harrowing." VAIN VOYAGE Two boys cruised about the halls asking all girls if they had a date to the dance-they did! Famous last words: Youse guys came up those stairs like a bunch of sheep! Quick, Henry the Flit. Max "Burp" Burt. lOne Tiger Honored On Team Winnburn and Milligan are a pair 3f Dan Becksteads, second Hebe Whitings. They have captained their respective elevens, attesting ;heir experience. Winburn has had four years of it, two under Eddie Kimball of Jordan, as a guard. This fear he played tackle. He is 195 sounds. Milligan was on the Spald- -ng guide second team last year. THURSDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER 24, 193g Benefits Found In Changing Methods Saturday Favored Over Friday As Day For Contests OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Parke Petterson, Editor. Bobbie Kimball and Marjorie Wood, Associate Editors. Our lives run in grooves. We get accustomed to doing things in a certain way and do not see how they could possibly be done otherwise. For years we have been accustomed to play our football games on Friday afternoons. Now that the boards of education have discovered that this practice consumes a good deal of actual school time and interferes seriously with school work, they recommend that the games be played on Saturdays. Many people throw up their hands and say, "It can't be done; such an arrangement would interfere with Saturday's work." They forget that there is a depression on, and there is no work; they ignore also the fact that school work is quite as important as any other work. Besides all students are employed at school, while but a very small porportion ever have work on Saturdays during the best of times. MORNING PREFERRED Captain Dockum says his old col- lege used to play its great annual football game at ten o'clock Thanksgiving morning. He likes the plan, for such an arrangement gives everybody, spectators as well as players, a good appetite for Thanksgiving dinner. In Utah Thanksgiving dinner can hardly be scheduled for it interferes with the football game. We might easily have all our great Thanksgiving football games in the morning if we could once get out of the rut and so schedule. Without a doubt we'd like it better once we got used to it. There is a tradition that high j school commencements should be I held at night. Circumstances compelled Ogden to hold her exercises in the morning. We found that we . could do it. Not only that, we found j ; that we like it. It gives us the I ; evening to do something else in. ; Well, anyway, folks, keep in the' , good old rut of eating a big Thanksgiving dinner. Enjoy yourself at everybody's favorite indoor sport. WANTED Sometime ago we said in these j l notes that we should like a set of , Harvard Classics. We got the set. Now we need (1) a set of Stoddard Lectures and (2) some good dictionaries, i We are quite sure that someone who reads this will have a set of Stoddard's Lectures that they never use. Why not give them to the high school, where they will be much used. The same is true of dictionaries. We are not beggars-just suggestors. ANOTHER COMPLIMENT Principal Merrill has received the following letter from Mrs. B. A. Chesney: "I have been reading in Ogden High's notes about honesty in returning lost purses that Ogden students have found. I think the public ought to know about such honorable traits that are carried on at your school, so I take this time to tell you about the following: "Last week while returning home from town I accidentally dropped my purse containing $14 and some odd change. When I discovered my loss I went out to look for it as the money was needed badly by my family, as I am a widow. To my great joy when I returned to my apartment the purse had been returned by an Ogden student. Finding me not at home he left the ! purse with the lady in charge of the apartment office. She informed me that the purse had been returned by a very modest boy whose name is Daniel Milligan. "I did not get a chance to thank him so I hope you will do so for me." Hungry Football Tigers Swarm To Annual Grid Feed And hungry football players know how to eat! That little fact was proved beyond doubt Wednesday night when the Ogden Tiger gridders held their annual banquet at Dick's cafe. Coaches Ernie Simkins and Dick Kapple led the squad of famished players in an attack around both ends and through the center of the prepared tables. Principal and Mrs. A. M. Merrill were in attendance to see just why Ogden had such a great football team this season. AAILLIGAN Oeev CQr) |