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Show FRIDAY EVENING, MAY 5, 1933. Play Will Be Presented Thursday By O. H. S. Dramatic Art Students One-Act Productions Will Be Seen In Central Junior Hall ISDENinGHSCEOirNOTES Parke Petterson, Editor; Barbara ) Kimball and Marjorie Wood, As- s ? sociate Editors Students, get out your little date book and draw a big circle around Thursday May 11, for that marks the date when the three one-act plays are to be presented by the dramatic art class. The place- Central Junior High. Time-eight o'clock sharp. Price-only ten cents each. It's one of the last social events of this year. A fine treat is in store-Let's all support it. PROJECTS "The forgottenman of tomorrow is the man who stopped advertising today." Maybe you've heard that over your radio recently. It's probably true, and "projects" are the school's form of advertising. False advertising, however, is worse-much worse-than no advertising at all. I am not an artist. Yet my several projects, if completed to the satisfaction of my several teachers, will proclaim to the world in general and to the fond parents in particular that I am an artist. Yea verily, a genius along those lines. Mind you, I don't say that this is false advertising, but-. Even now many of you are thinking I have my axe out for the projects. Please don't misunderstand me. Even though their advertising qualities are somewhat nullified by the falseness1 of their character,- the projects ;have several points in their favor. In the first place, every one who has ever been to the high school knows that toward the end of the year work slacks off, and projects make a nice fill-in for our spare time. Indeed, with inspection, boys' week, contest day, final exams, last minute reviews and preparations for graduation, twiddling thumbs is becoming quite a sport. Then, too, projects make work for stationery counters and art departments. This helps to alleviate the depression, I guess. And when the exhibit day is all over, projects make a roaring fire. I could go on like this for hours and hours, but 'Suffice it to say that I am back of the projects. Or back with them, or something.-B. T. REGIONAL MEET Pour members of the Ogden Tiger track and field team won places at the division track meet held last Saturday in Logan. Darrell Hall won first place in the discus throw; Lee Boerens came in first in the 440-yard run; Dick Alkema placed second in the shot put (a new shot put record was set in this event); and Clyde Greenwell pole-vaulted himself to a second place in his favorite event. Other members of the team won fourth and fifth places but only first, second or third place winners at the regional meet are allowed to participate at the state meet to be held in Salt Lake City this Saturday. The boys mentioned are still training and will enter the State meet. Do your best, boys, and may you all win.-Jack Bennett. NEWS!!. Wednesday night, Phi Lambda Tau held its belated shin dig at the home of Miss Kate Johnson. It is my opinion everyone had a gay time, even Bill R. and Grant R. After a few accidents-poor Dorothy-and an excellent dinner prepared by Kate and Emma Lou the club got down to business.-E. E. PUNY PUNS Gene Hawks the glory-every time. What to do about it? A rolling Stone gathers no moss- keep going Roland. Clinton is paying the Price. Fay had her Car-Don town yesterday-I know. When will Mark forget his Childhood. A Badger can dig faster than a man-who has seen Verna? Why on earth did Mary Leav-itt with me? Apparently June is spreading a Story. Will Dorothy Sharr-att wih me? Francis has Welshed on ftie for the last time. Gale is always Malan postcards to somebody. Did it ever Donna on you that it is a Hardy person who can stand an exam? I saw Maurice Saundering down the street with Francis' kidnapers, who are demanding a heavy Ran- son.-Ketchum & Cheetum (Scandal Agency). JJL. THURSDAY EVENING, MAY 4. 1933. Cadet Unit Prepares For Stadium Review Climax of Drill Season Will Be Attained Next Thursday foGDENTHIGlfsCHOO Parke Petterson, Editor; Barbara Kimball and Marjorie Wood, As- % f sociate The R. O. T. C., unit is very busy these days, preparing for the climax of the drill season, the annual inspection. The inspection is a great day. Red hot questions straight from Colonel Pillow himself, strenuous drill, awarding of the cups are all in the day's events. And when it's all over and the companies tear back along Washington avenue in shrieking street cars which rock from side to side as the cadets' sense of rhythm overpowers the ancient springs, everybody is happy. It's all over. Well, all this happens next Thursday at the big inspection review at the stadium. WINNERS Twenty-five girls were taken to Logan to represent Ogden High at the U. A. C. athletic day Saturday and came home with both blue and red ribbons. Because of a storm all outdoor activities had to be dropped, though there were plenty to stir the appetites to the highest extent. When registering every girl was given a colored tie which represented the team she was put on Each of these teams elected a captain. The games and races were played so that each team winning received so many points. When the awards were given out both first, second, and third places were held by teams whose captains were from Ogden High. Lois Bischoff led hex team to the winning point and Doris Hart followed with second place while Margaret Gwilliams' team wor third. The college served cold milk anc ice cream cones to all the girls during luncheon, which were receivec by hearty appetites. Miss Brewei was quite embarrassed as bottle aftei ' bottle was consumed and insists thai i we drank and ate more than anj other fifty girls. We all rathei shamefully agreed. During luncheon we were all entertained with dancing by the boys and girls of the college dancing classes. We learned one lesson. It is impossible to even try to sleep in a bus with a bunch of women.- Dorothy Bowman. NEXT WEEK'S PROGRAM As we understand it, next week is "Boys' Week." On Sunday, it is boys' day in church. All boys and their dads must be at church. That should b good for all of us. Monday is parents' day in school All parents who have boys in school are expected to visit school and find out how well the boys are doing and how well the teachers are putting over their jobs. On Tuesday, the Elks will sponsoi a program in every school. Thej will furnish speakers to explain how a real boy can hope to be a real man and how a naughty boy stands a good show of becoming a-leave! it to you. We do not know yet what the j other days shall call forth we only know that we have our inspection r on Thursday afternoon and that on . Friday we shall have our big loyalty f parade which calls for every boy and every girl in the entire schoo . system from the third to twelfth ; . grade, inclusive. It looks like a big week to us. |