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Show Monday Evening, January 30, 1933 Exhibition Arouses Art Work Interest State Array Can Be Seen Any Day In Capitol Without Charge OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Parke Petterson, Editor Barbara Kimball and Marjorie Wood Associate Editors Considerable interest in the Utah art institute annual exhibition is Ij being shown by Ogden High school J because teaching and pupil groups, along with other residents of the city, are represented. The exhibition is being held in the state Capitol, Salt Lake City, continuing un- , til February 13. There is no charge. Hours daily are two to five, Sunday two to nine-thirty. RANDOM THOUGHTS I I am fighting, not for conquest, 'not for new territories, but in defense of my throne, which crum- jjfebles beneath me. (Test for today's 'column.) And last Tuesday night there wasn't a single nasty crack about IB, T. in the notes. We're pretty sensitive about it, too. Curious Kay: B. T. means (before J technocracy." (It's people like you i who have made us what we are to- id'ay.) I Hint: Clyde Chambers is a very f close friend of "He Who Snoops to I Conquer." Yes indeed, a very close I friend. I Just Moi: A certain person, whom we shall initial V. M., great- 1 ly resents what you said about our being a "baby tender." And then there's Burp, that funny fman; he does the very best he can, but the mighty Thompson's pen can I sling more dirt than a dozen such men. (Not even we could tell you II why we waste space on this guy.) We find it hard to believe all the nasty, mean things they say about I us. If these things are true, how jcome we're not in a club? (Please I note: Not sarcasm-satire.) Dave Wright says: "I a-Dora her." (Probably the worst pun ever foisted on a gullible public.) Dear Grant: You can come home now. Charley is going to move. Beverley. (To you who don't know: Charley is the fiddle Beverley walks to school with.) Now that the school has chipped in anu paid for the clothes of the Bear River team, how about a few pennies from each of you for a coat that we had stolen last year. (One of our more serious thoughts.) We hope to crack company cracks, before the library ceiling cracks, or we crack. (Many people say we're already cracked.) Someone called Don Banks the fire chief. They said he was the perfect fool The height of something or other: Calling Max Loll "Tiny." (Accent the word "height.") Last words: "He ain't got a serious thought in his head,"-B. T. THE GIRL I ENVY The girl I envy doesn't have all day to breathe in a luxurious way dress herself leisurely and slow, and to the beauty parlors go. To have a facial and a wave. Her nails aren't polished by experts' aid. The girl I envy has to save. She owns neither chauffeur nor a maid. She does not calmly sleep 'til 'leven and have her breakfast served in bed. She has to set the 'larm for seven, and cook her own instead. She has not jewels nor gold in lumps; she finds a thrill in a new pair of pumps; she's known the joy of work well done. In simple things she finds her fun. She hasn't time to look around all days to see what can buy. Daily in the classroom" she is found. The girl I envy gyes! to High. She dreams of the perj she'll someday be, the wonderjj things she'll do. The girl I envys a girl like me, cause she has a frier like you-Helen Smith. (from many sources). Barbara Brown has a regular Sunday afternoon caller. And Jack Cole borrows money to step the skirts on.- Jack Bennett. ANOTHER GIFT We acknowledge receipt of two volumes of Readers Digest, and one volume of Time from Mrs. George A. Ward. Thank you kindly, Mrs. Ward. REGULAR COUNCIL .Regular Council meeting was called, the minutes were read and approved. The new members were given a hearty welcome. Miss Dorothy Paine read the questionnaire given to all club presidents concerning the membership of the club and the marks of each. There Was no financial report of the school play due to some expenses not being itemized. It was moved and seconded that the election of the assistant editors be tabled until next meeting. The motion passed. By motion Council will appropriate money for a new minute book. It Was moved and seconded that the secretary find out the cost of a new book and make a report next meeting. The motion passed. The president appointed a new chair committee consisting of Norman Carroll, Prank Martin and Lawrence Gaisford. Council then adjourned.-Wendell Fowler, Secretary. JOY COMES You know I sit and think and think for something I can write, when suddenly an idea comes, just like 'a flash of light. When I once have a subject, I can scribble an article out. I have a smile on my face. Mother wonders what it's about. Then, when I have it finished, she says: "What a silly thing." But when it comes out in the paper, I'm as happy as a king.- Mary Paquette. SOME QUESTIONS Did you know that: Lowell James' hair has set many girls' hearts on fire? Allan Bassett is just another Thorne in Virgie's life? B. T. also stands for "Baloney Tattler"? Many young men who did not get a date to the Accolade have now taken to Lifebuoy? Dora Bundy claims that Dave Wright .is wrong half the time? Ken W. is fond of ice-Eccles? Maurine Shaw just loves to read Canterbury Tales? We are twins?-Peeping Toms. DEFENSE OF BACHELORS To the Members of the Jury: By our article of January 24, we didn't want the girls of O. H. S. to come right out and ask for a date to the cadet hop. Besides thinking it above the dignity of O. H. S. girls, we would like to remind them that there is only one dance during the year that the girls have the privilege of asking the boys for a date. Another wrong impression we wish ;o correct is that the Bachelors' club vas organized because we didn't receive dates to the Accolade. This kras not the reason for its organ- ; ization. We had no idea that we would ever belong to such a club until we found out how free we felt just by ourselves. Then happily we 'came to the realization that we felt ;much better as "the old gang" than we did with a girl. It was then, and not until then, that we decided j;o organize the Bachelors' club.! However, most members of the clubj shave had dates to the cadet hop for; bWo or three months, and we are i sure that the girls who have dates with the Bachelors will enjoy themselves. Now girls, don't worry too ; jtnuch, because in the past the cadet :hop has been v a financial success. We rest our case!-"R." THIS-N-THAT He's up, he's down, he's down, he's ; up. All during the v. - 3k-end and all jover the weak end I was skiing and 1 found that "She Stoops to Con- jquer" was used as the name of a .story. . I hear that Helen Brophy finds ;red hairs on her coat. Garth Peck : whistles down girls' necks at the ; dances. Janet Fife eats Wheaties. Q. Hunsaker doesn't believe in "no r parking" signs. Maurice Saunders makes his dame sell tickets for ad- mission to the dances he takes her to. Weber has good matinee dances TIMELY ASSEMBLY Students of Ogden High were honored Friday by two talented members of their alumni participating on the assembly program, Miss Yvonne Pierce and Frank Rounds, - who wgre enthusiastically" accepted ! and encored. The Rev. William H. Fowle did his best to get the mean- of technocracy over to the students and to explain the long disliked and over-worked word "depression." He answered many of the very puzzling questions and situations that have been bothering students and we all should have learned something from his talk. Next, the members of Ogden High found they had some more real talent that did not belong to the alumni but to Eugene Hassing, who played a number of selections on his accordion. Eugene, we think should have extra credit for his accomplishments for he is what you would call a self made man, never having had lesions. In all the assembly was proven to be very interesting and appreciated. A CLOSE SHAVE Box Elder surely gave us the scare of our lives Friday. At no time during the game was there any certainty as to who should win it. Box Elder students were out in force and how they did chew and yell! It was absolutely deafening during! the greater part of the game. In our humble estimation. Box Elder got the breaks for Lee Boerens was disqualified on fouls. Eventually we pulled through on the longer end of1 the score, 26 to 24. It appears that we are to have the tussle of our lives on Friday night when we meet Weber. Be there students. We must win if we can. MEMOIRS OF PRINCE I am having a great time thinth I thet out to theek adventure. I have enrolled at Ogden High and, boy ith it great? They have made me a tholdier boy in Company D There ith a littly guy in there named Torval. (I can lick him). They have taught me to cuth and I hope they will teach me to thniti between my teeth. I have a teach-! er named Mither Cory. He muth I be cutting hith teeth becauth he ith ! always chewing on match thtickth and tooth pickth. The girlth ith! more beautiful than they ith in Pandemonia.-Printh Willy Nilly. TUESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 31, 1933. Contest Opened To All Debators Any Pupil Is Eligible To Become Member of School Team OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Parke Petterson, Editor Barbara Kimball and Marjorie Wood Associate Editors During the past years, Forum, in conjunction with a minor debating club, (Congress), has joined the state debating league independently of the school. Thus everyone but members of the two clubs has been excluded. However, this year, due to the effort of Forum, council appropriated $5.00 which was sent to the U. of U. making any student of ! this school eligible to become a member of the school team. Mrs. Raymond, our librarian, will be glad to assist you in the preparation of the subject. Competitive tryouts will be announced in the future. Forum is glad to announce that it has added four excellent debaters to its membership, Bob Brown, Robert Parry, Delwyn Rasmussen and Jack Quail. Four of our members are going to "sluff" school next week (with Mr. Merrill's permission) and make an inspection of West High in Salt Lake City. While down there they are going to show good old Westj some fancy debating. I nearly forgot to announce that Boyd Hopkins is our new illustrious i president, "R" Ross our vice president and yours truly the benevolent j secretary.-Don Banks. A GREAT NEED Ladies and gentlemen (if you deem youselves such). One of the most important factors of human beings is lacking in our I country today. Why will we allow this to come about? Are we a weaker nation now than we have been in years gone by? "Silfely riot. This weakness is merely due to conditions. We must find this factor which has been lost. Down through history there has always been an abundance of this factor. Jonah had quite a bit of it when he was swallowed by the whale; Washington had some of it when he was a leader in the Revolutionary war; in fairy tales there is always a great deal of it. Why not have an abundance of it right today? We need it more right now than ever before in our lives. You ask me what this factor is? Well, if you must know, it is courage. . Please let us all endeavor to secure a sufficient amount of this to carry us through this period of depression.-L. G. O.H.S. NUTS Seniors, when you go to Weber college, you will get the surprise for the rest of your lives. When I was duly salamed out of study hall, I made a visit to the Weber college auditorium and did I get the surprise of my life? The hall is decorated in medieval English fashion (Mrs. Chambers will like this) the walls decorated with purple drapes and flags, and with emblems decorating the pillars. On the west side i of the stage is a Wurlitzer organ powered by a motor and the pipe ends are decorated in a grand fashion. There is a lattice work of blue or purple and a copper cut over the top part depicting a nymph caught in the coils of a snake. The operator of this organ played two pieces. "La Paloma," and "Kentucky March" while I was there. On the east side of the stage is the trophy case which has not so many cups as Ogden, but the pictures are new to me. I didn't stay long because Dave Wright was glaring at me (probably thought I played the piccolo) but 1 fooled him and told him that I was the artillery and immediately a tin soldier asked me if I was of the 145th Yeah, the 145th kitchen policeman. And upon coming back to roost 1 saw B.T. and M. Bingham stand- ling in the window of the gym.. Getting back to high school I was immediately smacked with an idea to get it back at Abnerts. His personality must be nearly M.T. (empty, benefit for the readers)- Burp. |