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Show Wednesday Evening, February 1, 1933 O.H.S. Prepares For Big Contest All Supporters Requested To Gather Friday In Weber Gymnasium OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Parke Petterson, Editor Barbara Kimball and Marjorie Wood Associate Editors 3 Next Friday night in the Weber 1 gymnasium, the Tigers and Warriors - 1111 fight it out for the division leadership. Both teams have won their first two games and are tied for first place. Newspaper experts f 'may give Weber the edge, but don't' 1 jbelieve a word of it. We've got a ia fast, scrappy gang, capable of giving any team a fight. Lj It will be a hard game, though. Q 'The team will do its best to win;t the students should do their bestf to help win. Be on hand Friday J night for the biggest and hardest gome of the year. -u SUPPORT THE TEAM I suppose there is not much use in telling everyone of the game Friday night. But, students, it means ' a great deal to the team's morale c to have all the school cheering f mightily and will make them playj: their very best. Support for the team m cannot be over-emphasized. th For Ogden, there is a hard gamefc:h ahead, perhaps the hardest of the&r year. At the top of the league now tQ are both Ogden and Weber, eachag with two victories and no defeats; this game decides the leader. If you Qt have seen only one Ogden-Weber e contest in the last few years, you know what to expect; you won't be", disappointed, I assure you. But then, if it bores you to see a very fast, exciting game, don't come. See you 1 at the Weber gym Friday night at u eight o'clock.-Jack Higginbotham. CONGRESS On January 30, congress was call- ed to order by President Skeen and a the minutes were read and approved. f( after a short discussion on the pins, we turned to the order of the day, which vias a trial debate on c the bi-metallism question. Louise Linton and Evelyn Ensign gave speeches for the negative side and the other members brought up the points for both the negative and affirmative sides. Very instructive criticism was given by Miss Osmond Miss Nichols and Miss Schmalz and 'this is expected to be of aid to the two debaters in the coming clash with Forum. After the speeches we voted on two of the waiting list members. Marion Turner and Marjorie Glines were admitted. Congratulations, girls.-Mary Paquette. NEVER AGAIN I dropped in for a little chat withj a certain girl the other day and in spite of all I could do or say Jack Bennett's name was mentioned. I really didn't think it would upset her so, but she said she never wanted to see him again. I asked her the reason and she answered, "I can't play checkers."-Juste Moi. BETA ZETA TAU Beta Zeta Tau held a meeting on (Wednesday afternoon on the mez- Izanine of the Hotel Ben Lomond. After all business, old and new, had been discussed, we reviewed the exhibit of painting by Maynard Dixon. Mr. Stewart, our advisor, gave a most interesting talk of these beautiful pictures, and when the meeting was adjourned, I am sure that we all had a better appreciation of true art-Kay Hitt. WORDS TO THE WISE Each evening it is my habit to recline comfortably in an easy chair md browse through the newspaper. prefer our local newspaper, The Standard-Examiner, because it is ;here that I may read of familiar ;hings, of interesting news and of people, often of my acquaintance. C am coming eventually to the ;olumn headed "High School Notes." Now, it has become my strange custom to read these notes. I say it is strange because I do not know why I read them, for as I have stated I enjoy most reading of familiar jeople and things, but these notes lave become a riddle to me. As many of you know, I am a llunior at this institution, and therefore might be termed green and unlearned in the practices and customs of this place of higher learning. One thing which puzzles me, dear classmates, is why many of pur respected upper classmen spend, ;he necessary time to express their thoughts by pen, and are not proud; ;nough to affix their signatures to j , he results of these efforts. My perplexed mind puzzles over ; 10m de plumes and initial letters. ; have come to know, not from the informative and interesting remarks1 made by these pseudonyms, but by the manner in which they are used ;that they represent persons of flesh and blood. My curiosity had led me to inquire of several fellow students 1 as to their identity. I shall not here (divulge the result of these inquiries .other than to state that I have ' learned they are unknown to a 4 greater number than are fortunate ' enough to be in on their interesting ' and amusing secrets. ' Now, I trust. I am correct when , I express myself as expecting that these notes "are printed for the attention and interest of all readers.! Have we, fellow students, posed as! _ wiseacres and thus misled these in- ane contributors to our notes, or . are they writing for each other or . for themselves? A solution of this perplexing ques- tion will go far to restore my self- _ confidence and peace of mind. - Jack Quayle. Friday Evening, February 3, 1933 societies Intend To Hold Contests Medals Or Cash Prizes Will Be Awarded To Winning Pupils OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Parke Petterson, Editor Barbara Kimball and Marjorie Wood Associate Editors Orators and writers, lend me your eyes. The Daughters of the American Revolution are sponsoring an essay and speaking contest for all girls of Ogden High school. The subject is some phase of Abraham Lincoln's life. After the essays are ' written the three best papers must ! be memorized and given at , the March meeting of the D.A.R. The Sons of the American Revolution are holding a similar contest which is open to boys only. Either medals or cash prizes will be awarded the winners. For further details of the D.A.R. contest see Mrs. Wade, and for further information of the S.A.R. contest, see Mrs. McKey. Here's luck to the boys and girls of Ogden High school. Go in and win-Mary Paquette. MEMOIRS I thaw a bathketball game the other night. They thure do make a lot of noithe. A boy named Paul wath out in front of the whole crowd with a big tin horn. He acted jutht like a monkey. Thome one told me hith brotherth wath juth like that when they went there. I geth it muth run in the family bacauthe I had a monkey in Pan- demonia and all its brotherth wath monkeyth too. There wath one boy there and he thure could yell. Hith name wath Reed B. I ith going to try to get him to come back to Pandemonia with me and be town crier.-Printh Willy Nilly. I SLIP, I SLIDE It seems quite as though Dame Nature is playing a few too many pranks upon us lately. As I was leaving the building by the front entrace the other day, much to my dismay I found the steps covered with ice. In order that I might reach the bottom safely I decided to take every precaution I could think of. First I crossed my fingerd counting to 10, then I touched iron Hoping for safe landing I began to descend, starting on my right foot first. Oh! out goes my foot, and down the stairs I slide. Well, I reached the bottom much sooner and harder than I expected. Next time I'll bring a horseshoe to throw over my shoulder. Oh well, such is nature-beautiful, delightful nature. -Beverly Hall. D. A. C. The meeting of D.A.C. was held Thursday, January 28, in Miss Woolley's room. Ruth and Lee Purrington danced for us, after which four new pledges were accepted. They are:- Marshall Brough, Wilson Wright, Wendell Phillips and Woodrow Lewis.-Scotty. WEBER GAME Tonight we play Weber High for the city championship. This promises to be one of the closest and most exciting games of the season, It is being rumored that Weber has an edge on us. If any of you have seen the previous games this season, you know that Weber will be doing well to even equal our team. We have not been beaten so far this year and there is no reason why we should be beaten tonight. Anyway, let your algebra go until tomorrow and come out and support your team. This is one game that you don't want to miss. The game will start at eight o'clock in the Weber gym. The admission is 25 cents or student body tickets. Reserved seats fifty- or 25-cents with student body tickets. Let's all be there. ALUMNI VISITS Miss Marian Wallace, '25, was an interesting visitor at school Thursday. Miss Wallace has been connected with the Gordon Costuming company for the past three years and is now enjoying her first vacation and her first visit home. Miss Wallace will visit San Francisco and Los Angeles in the interests of her profession and will return to New York by way of the Panama canal. We enjoyed your visit. Marian, come again. TEACHER'S PLACE IN SUN By Marton Morgan Iowa State College. Ames Iowa If you should ask John Layman to name the occupation requiring the greatest amount of skill and formal training, he would answer without batting an eye. "surgery." It is a common belief that it requires much technical training and practice to perform operations on human beings. As a result of this belief, society demands that surgeons spend about eight years beyond high school in training for their work. After leaving school, they must have many years of practice before they are considered to be highly competent. I approve of societys' demand that surgeons be well trained and have much practice. I feel this very keenly when one of my children is on the operating table to have his tonsils removed. The child's physical well-being is involved. A mistake might result in death. There is another profession, however, that society should be concerned about even more than surgery. This profession trains the human body tp be healthy and strong but, what is much more important, it 1 develops and directs the human soul. It deals with great human values. It shapes the future of our society and very largely determines our destiny. This is the profession of teaching. . It is more difficult to put into a child's heart the ideal of service 3 than it is to take out his adenoids; ; it takes more skill to develop in , him an appreciation of the good, the true and the beautiful than it -does to amputate an arm or remove jan appendix. It is more important I that a warped personality be straightened than that a crooked leg be straightened. It is more im- portant to develop in a child the inhabits of good health than it is to I cut out some part of his anatomy t which has become diseased because he failed to observe the habits of good health. " The work of the physician is tem- 3 porary. The best that he can do is . to postpone the inevitable hour in the lives of his patients. They will all pass on eventually and so will he. 1 The work of the true teacher goes . on and on. This thought is well . expressed by Daniel Webster: "If r we work upon marble, it will perish; j if we work upon brass, time will i efface it; if we rear temples, they . will crumble to dust; but if we work upon immortal minds, inspire them with knowledge, with the just fear of God, and love of fellowman, we „ engrave on these tablets that which ' will brighten through all eternity." It will be a great day in our civilization when society recognizes : fully the importance of true teach- l ing and the great skill needed to teach effectively. When this day arrives, teachers will be as well ' trained as surgeons and they will "I occupy their rightful place in the sun. |