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Show Wednesday Evening, February 9, 1933. Students Exchange Informative Letters Language Class At Ogden High Corresponds With France OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Parke Petterson, Editor Barbara Kimball and Marjorie Wood Associate Editors Students of French at Ogden High schools have found interesting connections with students in France and are indulging in some interesting correspondence. They are learning many things at first hand concerning manners, customs, etc., of the two countries. Students of Ogden High learn from their newly formed acquaintances that the French school system extends two years beyond that of American schools; that boys and girls in secondary schools in France usually study two or three languages besides their own, study psychology, ethics, philosophy and other subjects that are not heard of in some American schools. The sexes in high schools are segregated, discipline is much more strict and study requirements are much more rigid than our own, KINGDOM FOR A BREAK I Every so often someone has to I challenge these great kings that call themselves "we" and possess ? throne, I'd like to know who V.M. is and maybe I could fix things up with her. Fern Larsen knows a secret, and what a secret. She says it's about 'me. Jack Bennett seems to be getting ito be quite a checker player. I Frances Stephens gets caught on a nail by her locker every now and then. Maybe somebody can't get a pun hard enough to drive it in. Council sure has a collection of redheads. I'll bet they have a flaming good time. I wonder if "He Who Snoops to Conquer" will ever come back to the surface again. i Famous last words: Who turned out those lights?-Juste Moi. CONGRESS i Oh, what a debate! You all really should have heard it. The meeting was called to order by Vice President Clara Johnson, who gave Forum a hearty welcome. As you probably already know, the question for debate was "Resolved: That all the nations of the world should adopt a bi-metalic standard of exchange." Gordon Hudson and Ralph Berrett. representing Forum, debated for the affirmative while Louise Linton and Evelyn Ensign of Congress upheld the negative. I am sure that even in view of the fact that both our debaters were juniors, Forum was mighty glad it was not a decision debate; but all lin all It was a very interesting meeting,-Mary Paquette. TRI DELTA Did you see us at the game Friday with our flying colors? No, I guess you couldn't see us very good with so many people around. But I am sure you heard us, at least people standing in front of us did, for they had to move or else be deaf the rest of their lives. We congratulate the team on onej of the most outstanding and hard fought games that we have witnessed for a long time. We are proud of you, boys. Keep it up, and we are sure that Mr. Kapple's wish for second consecutive state championship will be granted.-Reporter. TAU ETA NEWS Believe it or not, the girls of Tau toboggan. Right after school last Thursday we hiked (yes, hiked) to the reservoir with a toboggan and a sled. We had loads of fun, but gosh it got cold. It was hard work pulling the toboggan up the hill but it was worth it when it came to coasting down. We also took some pictures and if you want a good laugh just get a look at them. After all the fun we went over to Helen Sessions' home, and boy, did we eat? Anybody would have thought we hadn't eaten for a week. (Just ask Doris Dawson.) But all's well that ends well so we finally journeyed home to lay our weary bones in bed. (Do you think you could stay on a sled now, Fern?)- Min and Yoosh. Thursday Evening, February 9, 1933. Pupils Summoned To Tremonton Contest Teacher Cited As Example of Unwavering Loyalty To School OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Parke Petterson, Editor Barbara Kimball and Marjorie Wood Associate Editors Students, our next game is with Bear River, in the latter's building near Tremonton, Friday. Although Bear River has a courageous team we have a more courageous one, because our fellows are the toughest to beat, the gamest, to win or lose, ; and above all the best basketball players. If we have bad weather,. students, that is no excuse for your; not being there. Boys, you should: spend your money to support basketball games, show your girl friend that you are good sports. The girls i took you to the Accolade and the boys are going to take them to the cadet hop, so why noj; make a compromise and make the girl pay half and the boy half. Students, we have in our school a teacher known to most of you, who is a very loyal supporter of basketball. He wouldn't miss this, Bear River game for love nor money. Why can't you students be like Ed. Smith, who would freeze his ears1 off to see this game. Girls, if you, come alone maybe Ed. will let you! Sit by him.-The Knowledge Box. 1 MEMOIRS OF WILLY NILLY Geth I better get a date for the cadet hop if I ith going to go Thome how or other I can't makt j up my mind who to take. I almothl athked a girl yetherday bet I loth my courage. Leth thee, no, I could not athk her becauth Grant might black my eyth. Oh goth whath the uthe? Geth I won't go.-Printh Willy Nilly. MOST BEAUTIFUL Wilfred J. Funk, poet, lexicographer and president of Funk & Wagnalls, has listed what he considers I the ten most beautiful words in the English language-"beautiful in meaning and in the musical arrangement of their letters." His list, compiled after a "thorough sifting of thousands of words, follows: Dawn, hush, lullaby, murmuring, tranquil, mist, luminous, chimes, golden, melody. "The long vowel sound and the soft consonants make these words flow smoothly," Mr. Funk said. "Beauty of sound is not enough. 'Mush' is a word pleasant to the ear, but its connotation is ugly. Beauty of meaning irxSSFsufflcient. 'Mother' is one of our most loved words, but it lacks euphony." STUDENTS "The world lies at your horizon. It is your task by every possible means to widen it." "Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others can not keep it from themselves." "Beauty is life; life has three phrases: Birth, maturity, death, all of which are equally beautiful." "Labor to keep alive that little spark of celestial fire, conscience." "The ideal of beauty is simplicity and repose."-Alton R. LETTER WRITTEN A letter to the boys of Ogden High school: I was just wondering what was floating in the air about two weeks ago. As I understand, it was just the time for the Accolade to take place. I can remember that all the girls were tradin gdances, but that wasn't all, the boys were saying to themselves, "gee! I hope my big moment asks me to go to the Accolade." Well, boys, if you didn't get to go to the Accolade I suppose you know how the girls feel when they are not asked to go to the school dances Here's your big chance to ask her to go to the cadet hop. You boys who were asked to the Accolade, make your dates now and show her as good a time as she showed you. I hope that this sinks in, and that the cadet hop will be as much of a success as was the Accolade.-The Phoenix company (Oh! yeah?) WONDERMENT I wonder when: The library's ceiling will cave in. We get a new O.H.S. Allan B. will stop being conceited. We will have some nice weather to walk to school in. My articles will be put in the paper. Jack Bennett will come out of his pellophane. Paul B. will give up bachelorism. We will stop getting redheads in our school. We will stop getting such long assignments. Mr. Thornley will stop giving English talks as assignments. Miss Stephenson will stop assigning us.-"Budgets." |