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Show TUESDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 14, 1933. Pupil Favors Later Date For Cadet Hop Thinks Friday, Feb. 24, Best Night For O. H. S. Social Affair OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Parke Petterson, Editor Barbara Kimball and Marjorie Wood Associate Editors The date set for the cadet hop is P February 22. As you have probably noticed, this is on Wednesday, a which will cramp everything. The si boys are supposed to repay the girls d for the wonderful time they had at the Accolade. With the dance on ", Wednesday a large majority of the c girls will worry aTxmt the time they will get home, because of school the v next day. It will also make the c attendance at the dance low, and c we all know that the school can't h afford that. Here's my vote for changing the date from the 22nd to the 24th, Friday, so we may all have a good : time at the dance and be to school j the next school day bright and 3 , early, with our eyes wide open. I have been refused a date already v ' just because of the dance being held on Wednesday. - An Unagreeable " Cadet. s PERSONAL , To Printh Willy Nilly: I have a big heart and so have decided to , loan you half of my buck so we can both go to the cadet hop. I realize that this is a losing proposition on my part but as you are my pal I ! can stand it. The only catch, how- ; ever, is that I won't be able to buy my ticket from our sponsor, Captain Barbara Kimball. Too Bad. Wash Tubs-Editor in Pieces. ! THROWING DARTS j Marvin and Deirdre fight, but now little Deirdre don't you cry, he'll be ( back-bye and bye. We understand that Beverely Brown fiddles away her time. Which reminds us that we see Grant Aadenson standing up on the I? corner of Jackson every evening at about five o'clock. Maybe he is waiting for a street car? It's a shame Adele Larson doesn't j live in Salt Lake. If she lived down , there, think of all the university fellows she could vamp. "Fuddle" doesn't shuffle but he drags his feet like a tired horse, (military manual.) We understand that sarcasm is not human. We'd like to know who said it was. And while our pal Don Banks was sick, who called him up the most? Would you believe it-Marian Cheesman. She tells there is a streak of insanity in her family. Maybe that explains it. Ralph Berritt is writing columns now. All we can do is grin and "Berritt." Last Words: "Will you buy your ticket to the "hop" from me." (We've promised three.)-B. T. THE DAILY CARTON Polks, this is your favorite, column (sports, literary, social, Dorothy Dix, or what you will) again broadcasting the news of the day. Lee K. Parkinson, Mr. Stewart s young prodigy, is doing a portrait of a redhead. We bet he is having _ a red hot time. Nosey Duffy didn't tell Wash Tubbs' favorite excuse in his clumn last Friday, "I had to get my column written." And, by the way, if this - column fails to appear my excuse will be either, "I had to get lessons," or "The editor didn't ap- ; preciate my literary ability." We wonder how many fcoys (with .. , all due respect to the weaker (?) . : sex) took their partners to Weber's , ! dance last Friday. ; Famous first words (apologies to '1 i "Just Moi"), "Ya' got a date for the ! cadet hop?" ; r By the way, we are wondering : why the aforementioned dance is al ; called the "reserve officers training , I corps ball" when Just plain cadet, t hop is so much easier to say. r STRANGE THINGS j Can You Imagine: tl j Lowell James minus his red hair, ir j and freckles? Max as short as "Tarzan" and b; vice versa? ti j Dorothy Paine without a date for a the cadet hop? Cj All the school clocks telling the e: same time? ti A certain student without his y wise-cracks and sarcasm? c a Well, we can't either.-P. & Q. DEMANDS ATTENDANCE Bang! Bang! The assembly was 1 j called to order by Mr. Merrill, who g informed the students that assem- " " blies should be considered a privi- _ lege but that many of the students were abusing this privilege by not attending them. Students, when you have a privilege try to take advantage of it. The main feature of r- the assembly consisted of a debate E w between members of Forum on the v ie question: "Resolved, that the na- F tions of the world should adopt a y standard of bimetallism." The af- c e firmative side was upheld by Dwight Parkinson and Grant Burton while c. lt the negative was proved by Roy Ross Lowell James. The debate was conducted by Mr. Yarbrough. After K Lt we had listened to the debate and n changed our opinions three or four J ty times we used our own lungs to learn the school hymn with Mr. Hanson's help. This is one year ie ithat we're going to know what it's , all about before one week prior to is graduation. After some Weber col- lege boosters had enlightened the O. H. S. student body about the is basketball games and the hard t? times dance, the assembly adjourhed. HAPPINESS IS BLISS at I'll be so happy when: Everybody stops giving such broad tis hints about a new building, id The lady "Just Me" will reveal herself, because I got the unwilling title, and lost a bet on it. ve j Students will stop asking Fern about the big secret. (I was forced to say this.) Wednesday comes, because I have m a date. Lx, Spring comes bounding around ig O. H. S. Famous last words: Beware about t's very bright lights.-Juste Moi. ANOTHER HONOR Max Barber, a senior in high school, has just been notified by Representative Colton that he is appointed second alternate to Annapolis. Congratulations, Max. WEDNESDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 15, 1933 Washington's Ideals Given Practical Use Ogden High School Cadet Party Will Take Place February 22 OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Parke Petterson, Editor Barbara Kimball and Marjorie Wood Associate Editors In honor of George Washington r. the cadets of Ogden high school are holding the annual cadet hop on 1; his birthday, Wednesday, February s 22. To the cadets Washington sym- r bolizes courage, honesty, loyalty and 1 generosity. Looking in the O. H. S. dictionary I found these words to mean: Courage-A boy who is not afraid to ask a girl to go to the cadet hop. c Honesty-A Romeo who does not j lay he is broke when the girl friend ,; hints about a date for the hop. i Loyalty-The students (especially i the cadets) who support the annual military ball of Ogden high. Generosity-The invitation given c by the cadets to their parents for r the ball. The dance is sponsored by the ' cadets who have tried to make it inexpensive-yes, I mean it-if you take into consideration the fact that your parents are invited free of ' charge, and that you may get an invitation for your grandparents if you wish. The exhibition company has been .working hard under tfeajs&U- ful instfnCTions of our friend, Sergeant Holloway. Certainly you will miss much fun if you miss the hop. I. w. o. V. H. SPRINGER. CONGRESS Believe it or not, congress has never held an Uninteresting meeting. Each program is so planned that it will hold the interest of everyone present. Last Monday night, February 13, a debate was held on the question, "Resolved, that all the national war j debts should be cancelled." The affirmative was upheld by Maxine Stone and Letitia Peery, and Lois Smally and Clara Johnson debated for the negative. A short discus sion followed, during which criticism was offered by Miss Osmond and Miss Nichols. With the consent of our advisor, Mrs. Chambers, congress made plans to enter the basketball tournament. A practice game with Carpe Diem was scheduled, and it is hoped that a real team will develop from our members. By the way, it gives me an awfully good feeling to know that at least some of the boys of Forum will admit that they were defeated in our last clash. MARY PAQUETTE. D. A. R. CONTEST The members of the D. A. R. have decided on six definite contest subjects, all of which are interesting. Just think for a minute. What an interesting essay could be written about "A Man of the Ages," "A Man of Our Age," "A Guide for Tolerant! Living and Thinking," or "Message j of Lincoln's Gettysburg Address for; Today." Use your imagination and show1 what you think would happen "If1 Lincoln Were Living Today" or "If Booth Had Missed Lincoln," but for the latter, please don't say he would have shot again. Hand your sentence outline in to Mrs. Wade by Friday, February 17. j MARY PAQUETTE. SCHOOL PROBLEMS The present curriculum of the! high school comprises seven courses, i four of these are college preparatory and three are vocational. There are, however, many students in high school who do not plan on going to college, neither are they interested in the vacational courses as offered. They want a general training that will prepare them for good citizenship and an adaptability to the conditions of an ever changing world. What subjects should such students follow? This is one of the problems discussed at faculty meeting Monday. DEMONSTRATION At faculty meeting Monday W. R. Thornley of the English department gave a very interesting demonstration of an assignment in English. In modern teaching two of; the most important duties of the' teacher are (1) assignment of lessons, and (2) checking to see that assignments are prepared by the student. Herein lies also the secret of creating interest In school. An assignment that enlists the sympathy and devotion of a student will go a long way toward the success of that individual as a student. After all school isn't valuable so much for the information that it imparts as the habits of study inculcated. GRATITUDE Wfi st.ndppts of high school are particularly grateful for the break in the weather, for it gives us once more the grand opportunity of going again to warm, comfortable class rooms. We have already prepared a petition to the weather man to lay off this cold weather and snow not only for the remainder of this year but for the years to come. INTERCLUB GAMES The girls' interclub basketball tournament opened Friday with two contests. Carpe Diem disposed of Tri Delta by a score of 14 to 3. Zeta Phi Xi defeated Phi Lamhda Tau in a torrid contest by a score of 13 to 4. All four teams played excellent ball in spite of the fact that the many onlookers (boys, of course) did their best to distract j the attention of the girls. Please, fellows, if you are coming to the games try to be a little more courteous. HELEN PARMLEY. |