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Show TUESDAY EVENING, MARCH 14, 1933. O. H. S. Boys Invited To Aid Entertainment Girls' Association Will Conduct Carnival Wednesday Parke Petterson, Editor; Barbara Kimball and Marjorie Wood, Associate Editors All boys in the school are urged to support the girls' carnival, which is to be held this Wednesday, 100 per cent. You may be assured of an evening of fun for one small thin dime. In return for this good deed, the boys ask the girls to support the smokeless smoker March 24. Of course, girls, you have to realize that we haven't a boys' association to work with, so that will make your support necessary. In the past the girls have failed to attend the smokeless smokers put on by the boys. Don't let that worry you because you will be welcomed as special guests. One last plea, let's us, the boys, back the girls' carnival and the girls in return back the boys' smokeless smoker 100 per cent both ways.-A Boy. P. S.: Don't forget, March 24, Friday.-Still a Boy. TUSH AND TWADDLE Walter K. is an adaigo dancer. Henry P. is a Coca-Cola fiend. Maurice K. is always looking in the mirror. Lee B. 8eats grape nuts for break- ; fast. Sydna P. is always following Tom L. around the halls. Velma W. can't speak a word of blank blank. Jack B. eats crackers in bed. Lorence H. cries over himself. Don't take the wimmen too serious-The Bachelor club. Jack B. uses a cut-glass ink well. Margaret S. wears velvet slippers, with embroidered rosebuds. Maurice P. wears a violet necktie. Ted G. wears pink silk pajamas. Lee P. has a pearl-haftdled manK curing set. Famous last words-Do you know any of these students?-Herby. WE NOMINATE We nominate for queen: Hazel Lewis: Because she has a ; million dollar smile, because she is president of the Girls' association, because she has personality plus, and because she does not attribute her success to Wheaties. Mary Drumiller: Because she's the colonel's sponser, because she has a recent national convention of superintendents, emphasizing particularly curricula studies in secondary education. LEWIS CONTEST A preliminary contest to select candidates ' represent the school is bemfneld in room 305-this afternoon. There are more than a dozen competitors for the honor. LET'S HAVE SOME SCRIP Here is our suggestion. We cannot (probably) build a new high school now. Next best, let's remodel our present building and add a gymnasium, assembly hall, cafeteria and nfle gallery. This can be done we figure, for $150,000. One of these organizations can issue scrip for the amount-the board of education, the chamber of commerce, or Ogden City. Each exchange of scrip will call for a three-cent stamp per dollar. When the scrip has passed through thirty-six hands it will have netted the sponsors $1.08 for each dollar issued. The dollar redeems the scrip; the eight cents pays for printing. Now isn't tha t easy? Wouldn't that put a lot of people to work? Wouldn't that fix us "hunky dory" for doing better work at high school? Is there a more urgent need? This plan is feasible. It is being done successfully elsewhere. Let's do it, gentlemen. What do you say? very distinctive nose, because she is everybody's friend. Melba Randall: Because she has grace, beauty, and personality, because everybody loves her, because her smile is not always turned to the "wrist." THE SELECTED EIGHT The student body voted Friday for eight girls out of the large number nominated in the assembly. These eight lucky girls are: Melba Randall, Helen Sessions, Bernice Lindquist, Hazel Lewis, Dora Bundy, Ruth Cross, Mary Drumiller, and Dorothy Paine. Two of these girls will be chosen from these and one will be queen and the other maid of honor. Which ones? The girl that deserves to be queen is well liked by everyone that knows her. She is attractive, full of pep, has loads of personality and has it in a jbig way. Melba Randall for Queen. -Paid Political Advertisement. WANTED-A KING Say, girls! Isn't therein ideal boyj in this school? Why can't we have a i king and queen for the Classicalia? You know, a king is just as good as a queen, and in this way we will be able to give the boys a break. We have some very handsome, good and studious boys in our O. H. S. What do you think about it? If you like the idea, let's put it over. Here's for a King.-Lottie. SUPERINTENDENT SPEAKS Supt. W. Karl Hopkins spoke to high school faculty Monday after- noon on the high points of the WEDNESDAY EVENING MARCH 15, 1933. Club Impressed By Skill Of Debaters Congress of Ogden High Is Host To Speakers From College OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Parke Petterson, Editor; Barbara Kimball and Marjorie Wood, Associate Editors The debate held in Congress on Monday night was much enjoyed and was very beneficial to members of our club. We were greatly honored by the presence of the Weber college debating teams, who debated for the club on the question: "Re- i solved that the United States should cancel the inter-allied war debts." Dee Bramwell and Curtis Bybee ' argued the affirmative side of the question, while Miss Melba McDonald and Miss Helen McKay upheld the negative. You can believe me when I tell you that these students can debate. Many Weber college students were also in attendance at our meeting as spectators. We are always pleased- to have visitors and hope they enjoyed the program. We wish to publicly thank the debaters for coming to our meeting and we wish them every success on their coming trip.-Mary Paquette. THE CLASSICALIA Bewitching gypsy maidens dance, Blending beauty with romance; j Gypsy vendors shout their wares; Fortune, tellers traverse in pairs. Everyone merry; laughter gay; Modern minstrels sing their lay. Over all a mysterious queen. Rules in splendor, yet unseen -Marian Turner. WE MEET CYPRUS Tonight at nine-thirty o'clock in the Deseret gymnasium the Tiger team plays its first game in the state basketball tournament. The first team that we play is from Cyprus High school. It's going to be a hard game, and if we win we'll probably go a long way in the joust. Talk it up, gang, and lend the team your moral support, and if we can keep in the running until Saturday, we will all go down to the finals and bring back a state championship, just as we did last year. CAMPAIGN SPEECH NO. 2 Dear me, have you seen who got in as a nominative queen? Bernice Lindquist! We all know that this is the girl who was orated about by Bob Brown. And did Bob outline her figure! Mmm-meh! Well, a person can hardly blame him. The lady is quite a charm. She is tall and blond, has a swell little smile ruby lips, blue eyes, etc. And yoi know that "Gentlemen prefei blondes," and so, lads, put her ir for at least maid o'honor.-Emmerson Huff. THE QUEEN Traditions are habits or customs handed down from year to year which symbolize the ideals and ambitions of any group or organization. Thus it has been traditional at dear old O.H.S. to elect annually the most prominent, the most beautiful, and the most deserving girl in school as queen to rule supreme at the most gala event of the school social season, the Classicalia. In our midst is a girl in whom all of these and many more sterling qualities are personified. Exceedingly prominent in school activities and an excellent student, she has served faithfully as vice president of the student body and has taken the leading part in the school play. As for her beauty, "to doubt her fairness is to want an eye." Twinkling eyes, ever smiling rosebud lips and cheeks flushed as with the morning dew all surmounted by beautiful brown hair form a profile which might well be envied by Venus herself. Thus we can see that from any point of view, there is not a girl better qualified or more deserving of the high honor of being queen at our gay carnival, the Classicalia, than Miss Dorothy Paine. CAMPAIGN SPEECH NO. 2 It is quite difficult to say who will get to be queen but this lad is ! trying to stir the patriotism of '76 and get to the point where every body will vote for Hazel Lewis. Everyone knows this little lass and they know that she has personality. Yet here is a point that will interest all of you. Girls, there are only three honors in this school and they are: sponsor, vice president and queen. Most of the girls who are up for queen are sponsors and one is a sponsor and vice president, so why not make some other girl happy and have more things to talk about after the Classicalia. If one of the above mentioned is queen, you'll only have two things to talk about, so-o-o-o- vote for Hazel Lewis.- Burp. A SECOND PLAN Here is another way we can get that sorely needed gymnasium and assembly hall at the high school. We can borrow (we are quite sure) $150,000 from the R. F. corporation. We can borrow at a very low rate of interest and pay back in such small annual installments that no one in Ogden would notice the small tax necessary. Better still the payments will come out of prosperity times-and not depression. We are already facing prosperity. We have turned the corner. Another big thing is, all the men are not at work yet, and we must do our part to help this unemployment situation. Come on Ogden. let's go. We need the building, the men need the work. |