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Show 122 MPC 6700. Research Methods for Professional Communication (3) Communication must be measured in order to evaluate its effectiveness, to refine and improve results, and to demonstrate value to an organization. This course reviews methods available to professional communicators to measure and evaluate research regarding the performance of a particular communication medium or an integrated communication campaign. Students receive instrudion on commonly used professional research methodologies such as focus groups, surveys, usability studies and test-and-control methods to learn how to run studies on a "shoestring budget." For projects with research budgets, students learn what to look for when hiring a research firm and how to evaluate and implement the research findings. MPC 6800. Advanced Communication Research and Writing (1) To fulfill the requirements of the MPC degree, students will produce a research projed growing out of the student's graduate study as it applies to the workplace (Project) OR write a more traditional academic capstone research thesis (Thesis). Students may choose one or the other to fulfill this requirement. This one-credit hour course is dedicated to an overview of appropriate projeds and descriptions of project expectations. Students will, with the aid of the course instructor, select research topics as well as complete literature reviews and choose methods for student thesis or capstone applied projects. Research outcomes will be designed spedfically to enhance student career goals. Students will form their thesis/projed committees and will begin to compose their project prospectus. MPC 6900. Thesis/Project I (3) In this course students will continue their theses or projects under the direction and with the support of their faculty committees. They will write, present and have their thesis or project prospectus approved. MPC 6950. Thesis/Project II (3) This course will allow students to complete their workplace project or traditional academic thesis. Students will prepare, present and defend their projeds or theses to project/thesis committees during this semester for review and approval. This course is repeatable for a total of two times for a total of nine credit hours of which only three will apply to degree completion. Dual-designation Courses MPC 5080. Intercultural Communication (3) Explores theoretical perspectives in intercultural communication. Through analysis of various intercultural theories, students will become aware of cultural influences on communication in both international and domestic cultures. This course is highly recommended as an elective for MPC students who have not taken it in their undergraduate curriculum. This course may not apply for graduate degree requirements if an undergraduate course of the same name or content has been used for undergraduate credit. Prerequisite: Permission of MPC advisor. MPC 5090. Gender and Communication (3) This course is designed to help students understand the influence that communication has upon the shaping of gender and the influence that gender has in shaping communication interactions. Students become aware of, sensitive to, and more experienced in the issues, implications and skills necessary to successfully and meaningfully communicate with males and females, and about males and females in a wide range of communication contexts. This course may not apply for graduate degree requirements if an undergraduate course of the same name or content has been used for undergraduate credit. Prerequisite: Permission of MPC advisor. MPC 5100. Small Group Facilitation and Leadership (3) Theories and practical communication processes are examined and applied to develop fundamental attitudes and skills for facilitating and leading effective groups. This course may not apply for graduate degree requirements if an undergraduate course of the same name or content has been used for undergraduate credit. Prerequisite: Permission of MPC advisor. MPC 5220. Editing (3) Develops editing knowledge and skills for print and online publications. Covers copy editing, content editing and page editing. This course may not apply for graduate degree requirements if an undergraduate course of the same name or content has been used for undergraduate credit. Prerequisite: Permission of MPC advisor. MPC 5440. Public Relations Media and Campaigns (3) Apply communication principles to internal and external publics; research, plan and evaluate social interrelationships; study of the controlled and uncontrolled media and their role in public rdations; prepare a major public relations campaign for a selected dient. This course may not apply for graduate degree requirements if an undergraduate course of the same name or content has been used for undergraduate credit. Prerequisite: Permission of MPC advisor. MPC 5500. Topics in Communication (3) variable title The study and application of communication in contemporary society is dynamic and ever changing. This course will provide students with opportunities to explore spedalized topics in contemporary journalism, electronic mediated communication, human communication studies, and public relations in a seminar format. This course may be taken more than once with different designations (topics). This course may not apply for graduate degree requirements if an undergraduate course of the same name or content has been used for undergraduate credit. Prerequisite: Permission of MPC advisor. MPC 5550. Organizational Communication (3) Study of communication organizations from various theoretical perspedives with an emphasis on the organizational culture perspective. Includes topics such as communicating with external audiences, dedsion-making, conflid resolution, and power relationships. This course may not apply for graduate degree requirements if an undergraduate course of the same name or content has been used for undergraduate credit. Prerequisite: Permission of MPC advisor. MPC 5650. Communication Law (3) First Amendment origins, interpretations and philosophy underlying regulation of the mass media. This course may not apply for graduate degree requirements if an undergraduate course of the same name or content has been used for undergraduate credit. Prerequisite: Permission of MPC advisor. MPC 5810. Persuasive Communication (3) Study of theories and principles of persuasion from dassical to modem times. Examines persuasion as a means of influence in interpersonal communication, public speaking, advertising, politics, and other contexts. This course may not apply for graduate degree requirements if an undergraduate course of the same name or content has been used for undergraduate credit. Prerequisite: Permission of MPC advisor. MPC 5850. Advertising (3) A practical and theoretical study of advertising. Course is designed for students planning careers in advertising, as well as for those who are simply lifelong consumers of advertising and want to understand its role in the economic system. This course may not apply for graduate degree requirements if an undergraduate course of the same name or content has been used for undergraduate credit. Prerequisite: Permission of MPC advisor. Weber State University 2011 -2012 Catalog |