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Show MILS 2923. Air Assault (2) Su, F, Sp A two week course conducted at an Army installation in the continental U.S. Provides students tiaining in helicopter operations to include sling loading and rappelling. Prerequisites include successful completion of the basic course and instrudor approval. Credit/ no credit grade only. MILS 3010. Adaptive Team Leadership (4) F Develops leadership skills within the framework of the U.S. Army. This course focuses on theory and application of decision making, planning, organizing, management control and communications. The course also emphasizes small unit tactics and advanced land navigation skills; it includes a three-hour weekly leadership lab. A $75 lab fee is required. Students must participate in up to three, one-hour physical fitness sessions per week, which may be taken as MILS 4400, to satisfy requirements of the Military Sdence minor. One weekend field training exercise is required during the semester. MILS 3020. Leadership in Changing Environments (4) Sp Focuses on theory and application of small unit tactics, leadership and land warfare. Subjeds include preparing and issuing combat orders, organizing for combat, unit and individual movement techniques, communications and security. A three-hour weekly leadership lab is induded. A $75 lab fee is required. Students must partidpate in up to three, one-hour physical fitness sessions per week, which may be taken as MILS 4400, to satisfy requirements of the Military Science minor. One weekend field tiaining exerdse is required during the semester. MILS 4010. Developing Adaptive Leaders (4) F This course focuses on the fundions and roles of the commander/ leader and the staff. Subject matter indudes problem solving, planning techniques and procedures, written and oral communications, training management and evaluation systems. A three-hour weekly leadership lab to enhance leadership skills and apply dassroom instruction to hands on training and execution is induded. A $75 lab fee is required. Students must participate in up to three, one- hour physical fitness sessions per week, which should be taken as MILS 4400, to satisfy requirements of the Military Sdence minor. One weekend field training exercise is required during the semester. MILS 4020. Leadership in a Complex World (4) Sp A conference course addressing future roles and responsibilities of junior Army officers. Subjed matter indudes the world environment and future threats to U.S. security the spectrum of Army requirements, Army modernization initiatives, the laws of war, joint operations and other issues designed to complete the cadet-to-lieutenant process. A three-hour weekly leadership lab to enhance leadership skills and apply dassroom instruction to hands-on tiaining and execution is induded. A $75 lab fee is required. Students must participate in up to three, one-hour physical fitness sessions per week, which should be taken as MILS 4400, to satisfy requirements of the Military Sdence minor One weekend fidd tiaining exerdse is required during the semester. MILS 4400. Advanced Physical Readiness (2) F, Sp This course provides advanced instrudion in physical fitness employing Army techniques and procedures. Students assist Military Science faculty in the planning/conduct of physical fitness training adivities performed by lower division students. Requires instructor permission. (Students must be enrolled in one of the following courses: MILS 3010, 3020, 4010, or 4020.) This course may be repeated up to four times for credit. 425 MILS 4830. Directed Readings, Projects and Research (1-3) Su, F, Sp Independent reading/research on topics of military interest under the supervision of a Military Sdence faculty member. For each credit awarded the student will read approximately 1000 pages and prepare a written review or summary. Requires instructor permission. MILS 4921. ROTC Leadership Development and Assessment Course (3) Su, F, Sp A five week leadership camp conducted at Fort Lewis, Washington. The Advanced Camp environment stresses small unit leadership under varying and challenging conditions. Open only to students who have successfully completed basic course requirements, MILS 3010 and 3020. Requires instrudor approval. Credit/no credit grade only. MILS 4922. Airborne Operations (2) Su, F, Sp A three week course conducted at Fort Benning, Georgia. Provides students training in military sky diving techniques with practical applications. Prerequisite includes completion of the basic course. Requires instructor approval. Credit/no credit grade only. MILS 4923. Cadet Troop Leader Training (2) Su, F, Sp A two week course conducted at an Army installation in the continental U.S. or overseas. Provides first hand experience in an Army unit. Students learn about military life and the duties of a lieutenant. Prerequisites include completion of MILS 3010, 3020, and Advanced Camp. Requires instrudor approval. Credit/no credit grade only. Naval Science Location: Student Services Center Room 169 Telephone: 801-626-7521 Professors: Captain Louis Barraza, U.S. Navy; Captain Phillip Kessler, U.S. Navy; Associate Professor: Lieutenant Colonel Robert Wendel, U.S. Marine Corps; Assistant Professors: Lieutenant Michael Heiny, U.S. Navy, Lieutenant Dale Crossman Goals: 1. To hdp educate midshipmen in a major field of interest to the Navy or Marine Corps leading to a baccalaureate degree. 2. To provide midshipmen with fundamental concepts and principles of naval science and with the professional naval knowledge necessary to establish a sound basis for future growth as a Naval or Marine Corps officer. 3. To prepare midshipmen for service with the highest sense of honor and integrity as commissioned officers, to cultivate the essential elements of military leadership, and to foster the growth of a strong sense of loyally and dedication to the service and the nation. 4. To prepare midshipmen to continue their education in a field of interest to naval science later in their careers. 5. To instill the values of civilian higher education into the naval service by utilizing the expertise of civilian faculty instruction. Cross-town Enrollment Agreement Weber State and the University of Utah have entered a Cross- town Enrollment Agreement effective Autumn Quarter, 1982. Interested Weber State students may attend for credit at the University of Utah Naval Sdence courses leading to active duty commission in the United States Navy or Marine Corps upon graduation. General PROFILE ENROLLMENT STUDENT AFFAIRS ACADEMIC INFO DEGREE REQ GENED Engaged Learning & Interdisciplinary OUR/CBL HNRS/BIS ESL LIBS INTRD MINORS Applied Science 8 Technology AUSV/ATTC CMT CEET/EE CS MFET/ETM MET DGET ENGR IDT SST TBE Arts 8 Humanities MPC/MENG COMM ENGL FL DANC MUSC THEA ART/ARTH Business 8 Econ MBA MACC/MTAX ACTG BS AD/FIN MGMT MKTG SCM ECON/QUAN 1ST Education MSAT/MED CHF AT/HLTH NUTR/PEP/REC HPHP COURSES ATHL/PE EDUC Heaifh Professions MHA/MSN MSRS DENT PAR HTHS HAS/HIM MLS NRSG RADT DMS/NUCM RATH REST Science BTNY CHEM GEO MATH/MTHE MICR PHYS/ASTR ZOOL Social & Behavioral Sciences MCJ/CJ ECON GEOG HIST POLS/PHIL PSY SW/GERT SOC/ANTH AERO MILS NAVS Continuing Ed Davis Campus Weber State University 2011-2012 Catalog |