OCR Text |
Show 302 handbook, library tutorial, faculty introductions, contact and troubleshooting information, academic advisement, Power Point Presentations, Access Database, and short referenced paper writing and using library resources tailor-made specifically for BS degree MLS students online. MLS 3302. Advanced Medical Laboratory Practices I (4) Campus** - F; Online** - Su, Sp Advanced theory to indude laboratory instrument systems comparison, evaluation, and CLIA 88 validation procedures with emphasis on scientific research design and statistical analysis. Interrelated topics in the medical laboratory sciences to include educational strategies for laboratory personnd, approaches to work-load management, budgeting and marketing strategies for laboratory services. Students also learn about and evaluate the new diagnostic technology available to medical laboratories, as well as learning how to select, evaluate, design, perform, and document CLIA-88 acceptable validations studies on new chemistry instrumentation or analytical methods. Interrelated topics in the medical laboratory to indude workload management, designing and implementing standards for quality assurance, budgeting laboratory operations, and investigative concepts related to new method and instrument evaluation, selection, and validation. MLS 3311. Advanced Immunohematology (3) Campus** - F; Online** - F, Sp Advanced blood banking theory and specialized procedures as they pertain to transfusion, quality assurance and regulatory issues pertaining to Transfusion Medicine. MLS 3313. Advanced Hematology and Hemostasis (4) Campus** - F; Online** - F, Sp Correlation of medical laboratory hematology and hemostasis with emphasis on hematopathology specialized procedures and hematological abnormalities in human cellular components. Routine and specialized coagulation procedures will also be used to detect hemorrhagic and thrombotic problems. MLS 3314. Advanced Clinical Chemistry (3) Campus** - Sp; Online** - F, Sp This problem-solving oriented course presents the correlation of clinical chemistry test results to organ-rdated diseases, such as renal, hepatic, and endocrine diseases. The students will leam how to use clinical corrdation as a quality assurance tool to deted patient testing errors. Students also leam about and evaluate the new diagnostic technology available to medical laboratories, as well as learning how to sded, evaluate, design, perform, and document CLIA-88 acceptable validations studies on new chemistry instrumentation or analytical methods, rnterrdated topics in the medical laboratory to include workload management, designing and implementing standards for quality assurance, budgeting laboratory operations, and investigative concepts related to new method and instrument evaluation, sdection, and validation Additionally, Therapeutic Drug Monitoring and Toxicology studies are presented. Prerequisite: MS 3302. MLS 3316. Advanced Clinical Microbiology and Molecular Diagnostics (4) Campus** - Sp; Online** - F, Sp This course begins with a comprehensive review of introductory clinical bacteriology and mycology, along with a culture site approach to dinical bacteriology for the laboratory identification of pathogens by traditional manual methods. Diagnostic molecular biology of infectious microorganisms will also be covered and will include background of nucleic acid chemistry along with current molecular methodologies of detection. Pre/Co-requisite: MCR 3305 or MICR 3603. MLS 4409. Clinical Correlation (1) Campus** - Sp; Online** - Su F, Sp Physician guided correlation between laboratory data and patient diagnosis. Prerequisite: MLS 4411. MLS 4411. MLS Simulated Laboratory I (4) Campus** - F; Online** - F, Sp Foundational principles for establishing a simulated working laboratory in which students refine technical skills, problem identification and solving, refine work-load management and decision-making skills, devdopment of strategies for managing and implementing the rules and regulations that govern medical laboratory testing. Prerequisite: MLS 3302. MLS 4412. MLS Simulated Laboratory II (4) Campus** - Sp; Online** - Su, Sp A continuation of project-based applications set forth in MLS 4411. Students staff a simulated medical laboratory and assume responsibilities associated with all facets of laboratory operations. Clinical and academic faculty serve as advisors/managers to each team of students. The process develops team building skills critical to the modem health care setting. MLS 4412 expands to examine issues that cross all health care disciplines. Prerequisite: MLS 4411. MLS 4414. Laboratory Teaching and Supervision I (2) Campus** - F; Online** - Su, F, Sp On Campus: Students will apply sound instructional and pedagogical theory by writing learning objectives. The learning objectives will then apply to an instructional unit on a MLS topic of their choice which they prepare and present to the class. Each student will also partidpate as a laboratory teaching assistant (TA) in a MLS laboratory section assisting the faculty in the administration of the laboratory instruction. Each student will be assigned to a MLS course laboratory section in which expected behavior indudes: active partidpation in laboratory teaching, demonstration of procedures, preparation of laboratory teaching materials and assisting laboratory faculty and students where ever needed. Online: Students are expeded to apply sound educational and performance evaluation strategies set forth in MLS 3302. Students also are presented the opportunity to refine their interpersonal skills through a teaching/learning process spedfically designed for the medical laboratory scientist. Prerequisite: MLS 3302. MLS 4417. Laboratory Teaching and Supervision II (1) Campus** - Sp; Online** - Su, F, Sp On Campus: Instructional unit prepared in MLS 4414 will be presented at local hospitals to physicians and laboratory professionals during this semester. Each student will also participate as a laboratory teaching assistant (TA) in a MS laboratory section assisting the faculty in the administration of the laboratory instruction. Each student will be assigned to a MLS course laboratory section in which expeded behavior indudes: active participation in laboratory teaching, demonstration of procedures, preparation of laboratory teaching materials and assisting laboratory faculty and students where ever needed. Prerequisite: MLS 4414. Online: Continued processes set forth in MLS 4414. Students are expected to apply sound educational and performance evaluation strategies set forth in MLS 4414. Students also are presented the opportunity to refine their interpersonal skills through a teaching/ learning process specifically designed for the medical laboratory scientist. Prerequisite: MLS 4414. Weber State University 2011 -2012 Catalog |