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Show NAVS 2010. Naval Ship Systems I (Weapons) (3) F The course outlines the theory and employment of weapon systems. The student explores the processes of detection, evaluation, threat analysis, weapon sdection, delivery, guidance and explosives. Fire control systems and major weapon systems are discussed, induding basic capabilities and limitations. The physical aspeds of radar and underwater sound are explored as well as the facets of command, control and communications as they relate to weapons systems integration. NAVS 2020. Naval Ship Systems II (Engineering) (4) Sp This course is a detailed study of ship's characteristics and types, including basic ship design, stability and buoyancy, damage control, and the operation and integration of major shipboard components, engineering systems, and engineering fundamentals. The course indudes a study of the basic concepts of the theory and design of steam, gas turbine, diesel and nudear propulsion systems. NAVS 2110. Evolution of Warfare (4) F MARINE OPTION COURSE. The course historically traces the development of warfare from the beginning of recorded history to the present, focusing on the impact of major military theorists, tadicians, and technological developments. The student acquires a basic knowledge of strategy, develops an understanding of military alternatives, and analyzes the impad of historical precedent on military thought. NAVS 3010. Naval Operations and Navigation I (3) F This course is an in-depth study of piloting, basic navigation, and rules of the nautical road. Piloting skills are learned through the use of charts, visual and electronic navigation aids, and the theory and operation of magnetic and gyro compasses, and global positioning system satellites. Students are exposed to the celestial coordinate system and how this information can be applied to navigation at sea. Case studies provide discussion of real world consequences of poor navigational pradices. NAVS 3020. Naval Operations and Navigation II (3) Sp This course is a continuation of NAVS 3010. Navigation skills are enhanced by a study of maneuvering board fundamentals. Vector analysis, basic maneuvering board solutions, naval formations, visual shipboard radiotelephone procedures are studied to provide a basic foundation in shipboard operations. The courses concludes with a study of naval ship handling, watch standing fundamentals, underway replenishment fundamentals, and command and control issues. Case studies of navigation and naval operation accidents reinforce the lessons learned and underscore the need for vigilance when operating ships at sea. NAVS 3110. Amphibious Warfare (4) Sp MARINE OPTION COURSE. A historical study of the developments of amphibious doctrine and the conduct of amphibious operations. Emphasis is placed on the evolution of amphibious warfare in the 20th century, espedally World War II. Present day potential and limitations on amphibious operations, including the concept of rapid deployment forces. Additionally, the course explores vertical assault, readiness operations, and landing operations from the sea. NAVS 4010. Leadership and Management (3) F The course examines organizational behavior, and management and leadership prindples in the context of the naval or marine corps organization. Management theory, ethics, tactical and strategic planning, decision making, motivational techniques, group dynamics and analytical skills are examined with the goal of developing effedive managerial skills and leadership fundamentals. 427 NAVS 4020. Leadership and Ethics (3) Sp This course is designed as the capstone course of the NROTC academic sequence. The course is an overview of the duties, responsibilities and expectations of a junior officer. Through the use of in-class discussion, panels, role playing and out-of-class projects, the course addresses personal ethics, code of conduct, military law and administrative skills required of the junior Navy or Marine Corps Officer. General PROFILE ENROLLMENT STUDENT AFFAIRS ACADEMIC INFO DEGREE REQ GENED Engaged Learning 8 Interdisciplinary OUR/CBL HNRS/BIS ESL LIBS INTRD MINORS Applied Science 8 Technology AUSV/ATTC CMT CEET/EE CS MFET/ETM MET DGET ENGR IDT SST TBE Arts & Humanities MPC/MENG COMM ENGL FL DANC MUSC THEA ART/ARTH Business 8 Econ MBA MACC/MTAX ACTG BS AD/FIN MGMT MKTG SCM ECON/QUAN 1ST Education MSAT/MED CHF AT/HLTH NUTR/PEP/REC HPHP COURSES ATHL/PE EDUC Heaifh Professions MHA/MSN MSRS DENT PAR HTHS HAS/HIM MLS NRSG RADT DMS/NUCM RATH REST Science BTNY CHEM GEO MATH/MTHE MICR PHYS/ASTR ZOOL Social & Behavioral Sciences MCJ/CJ ECON GEOG HIST POLS/PHIL PSY SW/GERT SOC/ANTH AERO MILS NAVS Continuing Ed Davis Campus Weber State University 2011-2012 Catalog |