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Show 364 Elective Physics Courses (6 credit hours) Select 6 credit hours in approved Physics courses (numbered 2300 Support Courses Required (11 credit hours) MATH 1210/1220 Calculus I Sc II (8) HIST 3350 History and Philosophy of Sdence (3) If a student is not obtaining a Teaching Major in Physical or Life Science, the following courses are also required: PHYS 3570 Foundations of Science Education (3) PHYS 4570 Secondary School Sdence Teaching Methods (3) PHYSICS COURSES - PHYS PHYS PS1010. Elementary Physics (3) Su, F, Sp A brief survey of physics at the introductory level. Topics covered include laws of motion, gravity, energy, light, heat, sound, electricity magnetism, atomic and nuclear physics, radioactivity, and relativity. Three hours of lecture per week. PHYS PS1040. Elementary Astronomy (3) Su, F, Sp A brief survey of the physical universe using the fundamental laws of physics. Topics include the history of astronomy, the solar system, the sun, the evolution of stars, pulsars, black holes, the Milky Way galaxy, galaxies, quasars, and the Big Bang. Three hours of lecture per week. Cross-listed with ASTR PS 1040. PHYS PS1360. Principles of Physical Science (3) F A lecture/laboratory course designed to provide an introduction to the scientific method and its application to the study of seleded topics in physics and chemistry. Two hours of lecture and one 3-hour lab per week. Recommended for Elementary Education majors. PHYS PS2010. College Physics I (5) Su, F, Sp First semester of a two-semester sequence in general physics, primarily for students in pre-medicine, pre-dentistry, technology and other disciplines requiring physics without calculus. This semester covers topics in mechanics, including kinematics, Newton's laws, and the conservation laws of energy, linear momentum, and angular momentum. Also covered are topics in gravity, fluid mechanics, waves, and thermodynamics. Prerequisite: MATH 1060. Class meets five hours per week in lecture/discussion format. One 3-hour lab per week (PHYS 2019). PHYS 2015. College Physics I Lab (1) Su, F, Sp Co-requisite PHYS PS2010. One 3-hour lab per week. Enrollment limited to transfer students. PHYS 2020. College Physics II (5) F, Sp Second semester of a two-semester sequence in general physics. This semester covers topics in electricity and magnetism, dedromag- netic waves, light and optics, relativity, atomic, and nuclear physics. Prerequisite: PHYS PS2010. Class meets five hours per week in lecture/discussion format. One 3-hour lab per week (PHYS 2029). PHYS 2025. College Physics II Lab (1) Su, F, Sp Co-requisite PHYS 2020. One 3-hour lab per week. Enrollment limited to transfer students. PHYS 2090. Environmental Physics - Energy and Power (3) An interdisciplinary course dealing with the chemical and physical concepts of energy and power. Emphasis will be placed on the emerging energy crisis, effects upon the environment and the quality of life. PHYS PS2210. Physics for Scientists and Engineers I (5) F, Sp First semester of a two-semester sequence in calculus-based physics, primarily for students in sdence, math, computer sdence, and pre engineering. This semester covers topics in mechanics, including kinematics, Newton's laws, and the conservation laws of energy, linear momentum, and angular momentum. Also covered are topics in gravity, fluid mechanics, waves, and thermodynamics. Co-requisite: MATH 1210. Class meets five hours per week in lecture/discussion format. One 3-hour lab per week (PHYS 2219). PHYS 2215. Physics for Scientists and Engineers I Lab (1) F, Sp Co-requisite PHYS PS2210. One 3-hour lab per week. Enrollment limited to transfer students. PHYS 2220. Physics for Scientists and Engineers II (5) F, Sp Second semester of a two semester sequence in calculus-based physics. This semester covers topics in eledridty and magnetism, electromagnetic waves, light and optics, rdativity, and quantum, atomic, and nuclear physics. Prerequisite: PHYS PS2210. Co-requisite: MATH 1220. Class meets five hours per week in lecture/discussion format. One 3-hour lab per week (PHYS 2229). PHYS 2225. Physics for Scientists and Engineers II Lab (1) F, Sp Co-requisite PHYS 2220. One 3-hour lab per week. Enrollment limited to transfer students. PHYS 2300. Scientific Computing for Physical Systems (3) F An introduction to computer programming and fundamental numerical algorithms as used for problem solving and visualization in the natural sciences. Applications may include nonlinear dynamics, chaos, many-partide systems, and Monte Carlo techniques. Prerequisites: PHYS 2210, MATH 1200, and MATH 1210. PHYS 2600. Laboratory Safety (1) F, Sp An interdisciplinary, team-taught course that will be an overview of the major chemical, biological and physical safely issues related to science laboratories and field work. Class will meet once per week and will be taught in a ledure/demonstration format. PHYS 2710. Introductory Modern Physics (3) Sp Relativity, quantum effects, the hydrogen atom, many-electron atoms, molecular and solid-state bonding, quantum effed devices, nuclear structure, nuclear reactions and devices, elementary par- tides. Prerequisites: PHYS 2220, MATH 1200, and MATH 1220. PHYS 2800. Introductory Individual Research Problems (1-3) Su, F, Sp Time and credit to be arranged. Intended for students working on a directed research project which includes physics/astronomy at the lower division level for one or more semesters. Prerequisite: Consent of instrudor. Cross-listed with ASTR 2800. PHYS 2830. Introductory Readings in Physics/Astronomy (1-3) Su, F, Sp Time and credit to be arranged. Intended for students working on a directed reading project which includes physics/astronomy at the lower division level for one or more semesters. Prerequisite: Consent of instrudor. Cross-listed with ASTR 2830. PHYS 2890. Cooperative Work Experience (1-6) Su, F, Sp Open to all students in the Physics Department who meet the minimum Cooperative Work Experience requirements of the department. Provides academic credit for on-the-job experience. Grade and amount of credit will be determined by the department. Weber State University 2011 - 2012 Catalog |