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Show to develop basic skills in personal interaction and adaptation to teaching diverse populations. Should be taken concurrently with other courses in the Secondary Teacher Education Core (EDUC DV3260S, EDUC 3900, and EDUC 3930). EDUC 3240. Reading Instruction in the Intermediate Grades (3) F, Sp Methods, foundations, and assessments for developmental reading in the elementary school, Grades 3-6. Field experience required. Prerequisites: Successful completion of Teacher Education Levd 1(EDUC 3100, EDUC 3140, CFH 4710, EDUC 3120, EDUC 3110 or EDUC 3370). Should be taken concurrently with the other courses in Teacher Education Level 2 Elementary (EDUC DV3200E, EDUC DV3260E, and EDUC 3280). EDUC DV3260E. The Exceptional Student (Elementary) (3) F, Sp Students will leam about the learning and sodal charaderistics of young people with exceptionalities-that is, disabilities (physical, mental, learning) or giftedness-and about public policy and services available to them. As future teachers, they will learn about how such individuals are identified and served by the school system, what strategies are effective for instructing them, and roles and responsibilities of school personnel in providing appropriate educational experiences for all students in an inclusive classroom. Fidd experience required. Prerequisites: Teacher Education Level 1 (EDUC 3100, EDUC 3210, CHF 4710, EDUC 3110 or EDUC 3370, EDUC 3140). Should be taken concurrently with the other courses in Teacher Education Level 2 Elementary (EDUC DV3200E, EDUC 3240, and EDUC 3280). EDUC DV3260S. The Exceptional Student (Secondary) (3) F, Sp Students will leam about the learning and sodal charaderistics of young people with exceptionalities-that is, disabilities (physical, mental, learning) or giftedness-and about public policy and services available to them. As future teachers, they will learn about how such individuals are identified and served by the school system, what strategies are effedive for instructing them, and roles and responsibilities of school personnel in providing appropriate educational experiences for all students in an inclusive classroom. Field experience required. Should be taken concurrently with the other courses in the Secondary Teacher Education Core (EDUC DV3200S, EDUC 3900, and EDUC 3930). EDUC 3280. Elementary Social Studies Methods (3) F, Sp This course focuses on the place of sodal studies in the elementary school curriculum, the scope and rationale of the social studies curriculum, connections with other subjed areas, teaching and assessment strategies, teaching with technology and building classroom community. National and state curricular guidelines will be reviewed and discussed. Field experience required. Prerequisites: Teacher Education Levd 1 (EDUC 3100, EDUC 3120, CHF 4710, EDUC 3110 or EDUC 3370 and EDUC 3140) and EDUC 2000. Should be taken concurrently with the other courses in Teacher Education Levd 2 Elementary (EDUC DV3200E, EDUC 3240, and EDUCDV3260E). EDUC 3370. Advanced Instructional Technology (2) F, Sp This course allows students to apply existing technology literacy into educational environments to promote advanced use of educational technology in learning environments. The curriculum is based on teacher skills required to teach Utah State Educational Technology Standards for students in K-6 settings. The course focuses on providing teacher licensure candidates with advanced technology proficiencies for teaching with technology. Prerequisites/co-requisites: Completion of technology literacy 271 requirements (TBETA1701/TB1702/TC1703 or TBETA1501/ TB1502/TC1503 or TBE TE1700) and passing the Teacher Education Technology Placement test at an acceptable level. This course can be taken prior to or with Level 1 courses: EDUC 3100, EDUC 3120, EDUC 3140, CFH 4710. EDUC 3390. Literacy in the Primary Grades (2) Su, F Analysis of developmental reading skills with emphasis on readiness for reading, phonic and structural analysis, word recognition, use of the basal reader, and reading for various purposes. EDUC 3430. Creative Processes in the Elementary School (3) Su, F, Sp This course focuses on the development of attitudes, methods, and skills in creative teaching, including an exploration of using music, art, dance, and drama in the dementary classroom. Graduate students will also explore philosophy, research, and theories that support arts integration, and development of teaching strategies and materials for use in the elementary dassroom. EDUC 3900. Preparing, Teaching, and Assessing Instruction (3) F, Sp This integrated course will focus on lesson planning, teaching, and assessment through the application of the Teacher Work Sample (TWS) using lesson plan formats taught in the content areas. A variety of instructional strategies effective for use at the secondary level will be taught and modeled. Field experience in a public school setting is induded. This course must be taken concurrently with EDUC DV3200S, EDUC DV3260S, and EDUC 3930. EDUC 3930. Reading and Writing Across the Secondary Curriculum (3) F, Sp This course will focus on assessment of reading comprehension of students, and decisions teachers make concerning methods, materials and procedures based on those assessments. Teacher candidates will integrate literacy skills (vocabulary, study skills, comprehension development and writing) within their respective content areas and teach sample lessons to secondary students. Field experience required. Should be taken concurrently with the other courses in the Secondary Teacher Education Core (EDUC DV3200S, EDUC DV3260S, and EDUC. EDUC 4250. Second Language Acquisition: Theories and Implementation (3) F This course explores second language acquisition processes, current theories, and effedive strategies as a knowledge base in planning appropriate curriculum and instrudion for English language learners. EDUC 4270. Literacy Strategies for Teaching English Language Learners (3) Sp Teaching strategies for English language development and content area instrudion. EDUC 4300. Elementary Mathematics Methods (3) F, Sp Study of mathematics methods appropriate for dementary school curriculum with specific emphasis on developmental strategies including the concrete-representational-abstrad instructional model. Connections to other subject areas, problem solving, critical tmnking skills and real-life situations are stressed. National and state curricular guidelines will be reviewed and discussed. Fidd experience required. Prerequisites: Teacher Education Level 2 Elementary (EDUC DV3200E, EDUC 3240, EDUC DV3260E), MATH 2010 and MATH 2020. Should be taken concurrently with the other courses in Teacher Education Level 3 Elementary (EDUC 4320, EDUC 4330, and EDUC 4340). General PROFILE ENROLLMENT STUDENT AFFAIRS ACADEMIC INFO DEGREE REQ GENED Engaged Learning 8 Interdisciplinary OUR/CBL HNRS/BIS ESL LIBS INTRD MINORS Applied Science 8 Technology AUSV/ATTC CMT CEET/EE CS MFET/ETM MET DGET ENGR IDT SST TBE Arts & Humanities MPC/MENG COMM ENGL FL DANC MUSC THEA ART/ARTH Business 8 Econ MBA MACC/MTAX ACTG BS AD/FIN MGMT MKTG SCM ECON/QUAN 1ST Education MSAT/MED CHF AT/HLTH NUTR/PEP/REC HPHP COURSES ATHL/PE EDUC Health Professions MHA/MSN MSRS DENT PAR HTHS HAS/HIM MLS NRSG RADT DMS/NUCM RATH REST Science BTNY CHEM GEO MATH/MTHE MICR PHYS/ASTR ZOOL Social & Behavioral Sciences MCJ/CJ ECON GEOG HIST POLS/PHIL PSY SW/GERT SOC/ANTH AERO MILS NAVS Continuing Ed Davis Campus Weber State University 2011 - 2012 Catalog |