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Show 419 » Grade Requirements: A minimum grade of "C" in courses counted toward himlling the major (a grade of "C-" is not acceptable) and an overall GPA of 2.00. » Credit Hour Requirements: Minimum of 26 credit hours for the Institutional Certificate, which must include ENGL EN1010 (3) or equivalent. Minimum of 63 credit hours for the Associate of Applied Science degree, which must include ENGL EN1010 (3) (or equivalent), COMM HU1020 (3), and MATH 1050 (3) and 9 additional credit hours of general education, including one course in each of the Humanities, Sdences, and Social Sdences areas. General Education Refer to pages 38-43 for Associate of Applied Sdence degree requirements. Advisement All dedared Archaeological Technidan students are assigned to the Diredor of the Archaeological Technician program for advisement. Students are offidally notified that they must be formally advised by the Diredor at least once a year with all contacts posted in their files to be maintained in the department. Contact with the Diredor is by appointment; undeclared students with questions should also contad the Director of the Archaeological Technician Program (Dr. Brooke Arkush, phone: 801-626-7202) or the Anthropology Coordinator (Dr. Linda Eaton, phone: 801-626-6244). Course Requirements for Institutional Certificate Required Program Core Courses (20-21) Dynamic Earth: Physical Geology (3) Physical Geology Laboratory (1) Social Statistics (3) Prindples of Archaeology (3) Prehistory of North America (3) Archaeology of Early Civilizations (3) Archaeological Field Techniques (3-6) (must complete a minimum of 5 credit hours) Archaeological Lab Techniques (3) Archaeological Method, Theory, 8c Cultural Resource Management (3) ANTH SS2030 ANTH 3100 ANTHDV3200 ANTH 3300 ANTH 3400 ANTH 4100 Support Courses Complete at least one of the following. GEO PS1110 Dynamic Earth: Physical Geology (3) 8c GEO 1115 Physical Geology Laboratory (1) GEOG PS1000 Natural Environments of the Earth (3) Recommended Courses Students are encouraged to select one or two additional courses from the following: ANTH SS/DV1000 Intro to Anthropology (3) ENGL 2100 Technical Writing (3) SOC 3600 Social Statistics (3) Major Course Requirements for AAS Degree Required Program Core Courses (37-40) ANTH SS/DV1000 Intro to Anthropology (3) ANTH LS/DV1020 Biological Anthropology (3) ANTH SS2030 Prindples of Archaeology (3) ANTH 3100 Prehistory of North America (3) ANTH DV3200 Archaeology of Early Civilizations (3) ANTH 3300 Archaeological Field Techniques (3-6) (must complete a minimum of 5 credit hours) ANTH 3400 Archaeological Lab Techniques (3) ANTH DV3600 Culture Area Studies (1-3) ANTH 4100 Archaeological Method, Theory, 8c Cultural Resource Management (3) ENGL 2100 Technical Writing (3) GEOPS1110 Sc GEO 1115 SOC 3600 Support Courses Complete at least two of the following: ANTH 4200 Anthropological Theory (3) ENGL 3100 Professional and Technical Writing (3) GEO 3150 Geomorphology (4) HIST DV4110 History of the American West (3) Suggested Course Sequence Please refer to this program in the online catalog (weber.edu/catalog) or contact the department for a suggested course sequence. ANTHROPOLOGY COURSES - ANTH ANTH SS/DV1000. Introduction to Anthropology (3) Anthropology is the study of humankind, past and present: our origins and the development of cultural behavior and biological attributes. This course examines what it means to be human, describing and explaining human differences and similarities throughout time and across the world. ANTH LS/DV1020. Biological Anthropology (3) Explores human origins, evolution, and contemporary biological diversity by examining genetics, the human fossil record, primatology, and human ecology from a biocultural perspedive. ANTH HU/DV1040. Language and Culture (3) Explores the nature of human language and its role in sociocultural settings. Surveys a world sample of languages from the perspective of anthropological linguistics including language strudure, social functions, geographical and historical variation, and cultural values. ANTH SS/DV2010. Peoples and Cultures of the World (3) A survey of cultures around the world, exploring their similarities and differences as observed by anthropologists. ANTH SS2030. Principles of Archaeology (3) Archaeology attempts to reconstruct prehistoric and early historic human life ways as well as long term cultural and biological evolutionary processes through the scientific study of material remains. This course focuses upon the history of archaeology, the ways in which archaeologists recover and analyze data, and the major theoretical perspectives used to interpret the past. ANTH 2810. Experimental Courses (1-3) ANTH 2920. Short Courses, Workshops, Institutes, and Special Programs (1-3) Consult the semester dass schedule for the current offering under this number. The specific title and credit authorized will appear on the student transcript. ANTH 2950. Elementary Anthropological Field Trip (1-3) Students will visit areas and events of anthropological interest. The course will include relevant lectures, readings, and exercises designed to maximize and evaluate the learning experience. Pre- and post-trip meetings for student preparation, feedback, and course evaluation will occur. When the course number is used, it will be accompanied by a specific title and authorized credit which will appear on the student's transcript. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. A maximum of three credit hours of Anthropology 2950 can be applied toward graduation. General PROFILE ENROLLMENT STUDENT AFFAIRS ACADEMIC INFO DEGREE REQ GENED Engaged Learning & Interdisciplinary OUR/CBL HNRS/BIS ESL LIBS INTRD MINORS Applied Science 8 Technology AUSV/ATTC CMT CEET/EE CS MFET/ETM MET DGET ENGR IDT SST TBE Arts 8 Humanities MPC/MENG COMM ENGL FL DANC MUSC THEA ART/ARTH Business 8 Econ MBA MACC/MTAX ACTG BS AD/FIN MGMT MKTG SCM ECON/QUAN 1ST Education MSAT/MED CHF AT/HLTH NUTR/PEP/REC HPHP COURSES ATHL/PE EDUC Heaifh Professions MHA/MSN MSRS DENT PAR HTHS HAS/HIM MLS NRSG RADT DMS/NUCM RATH REST Science BTNY CHEM GEO MATH/MTHE MICR PHYS/ASTR ZOOL Social & Behavioral Sciences MCJ/CJ ECON GEOG HIST POLS/PHIL PSY SW/GERT SOC/ANTH AERO MILS NAVS Continuing Ed Davis Campus Weber State University 2011-2012 Catalog |