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Show 350 GEO 4210. Introduction to Computer Mapping and Geographic Information Systems (4) F Prindples of spatial analysis induding data base design, data input, and spatial modeling in the context of an information system using the ArcGIS family of software. The nature of computer mapping is examined with an emphasis on scale, minimum mapping unit, topology, and projected mapped features. Three ledures and one three-hour lab per week. Prerequisites: MATH QL1040 and proficiency in the Windows operating system, or consent of instructor. GEO 4220. Technical and Applicational Issues in GIS (4) Sp A capstone course in spatial analysis in which data entry, data manipulation, spatial modeling, and analysis are addressed through the completion of the research projed addressing a spatial problem using GIS and the computer as a mod ding instrument. Advanced level, computer-intensive applications are employed using the ArcGIS family of software. Three lectures and one three-hour lab per week. Prerequisite: GEO 4210. GEO 4300. Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology (4) Sp (alternate years) The origin, classification, and identification of igneous and metamorphic rocks, and understanding of igneous and metamorphic processes. Laboratory indudes analysis of rocks in thin section and an introduction to optical mineralogy. Three lectures and one three-hour lab per week. Prerequisites: GEO 2050 and CHEM 1220; or consent of instrudor. GEO 4400. Remote Sensing II: Advanced Digital Image Processing (4) Sp A laboratory intensive assessment of digital (raster) imagery using advanced computer-assisted digital processing procedures with an emphasis on quantitative statistical analysis through ERDAS Imagine image processing software. The focus is on feature dassification of multi spectral imagery, prindple components analysis, georectification, and error assessment. Three ledures and one three- hour lab per week. Prerequisite: GEO 3400. GEO 4510. Geology Field Camp (4) Su (alternate years) Integrated approach to colleding field data and interpreting geologic processes and history Includes geologic mapping and analysis of bedrock, surfidal deposits, and geologic structures using aerial photographs, topographic maps, and surveying techniques. Results presented in written reports, maps, and graphical formats. About forty hours of lab per week for about 4 weeks. Prerequisites: GEO 3060, GEO 3550, and GEO 4060; or consent of instructor. GEO 4550. Geochemistry (3) Sp (alternate years) The chemical evolution of the Earth and geochemical processes operating in the lithosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere. Applications to chemical reactions, mineral stability aqueous solutions, geochemical cycles, and isotope geochemistry. Three lectures per week. Prerequisites: CHEM 1220 and GEO 2050; or consent of instructor. GEO 4570. Secondary School Science Teaching Methods (3) F Acquaintance and practice with various teaching and assessment methods. Development of sdence curricula induding lesson and unit plans. It is recommended that this course be completed immediately bdore student teaching. Prerequisite: Admission to the Teacher Education Program. GEO 4600. Geophysics (3) (offered as needed) Prindples and techniques of geophysical exploration, including gravity, magnetic, electric, and seismic methods. Course includes field collection and computer modeling of geophysical data. Three lectures per week. Field trips required. Prerequisites: GEO 3060 and MATH 1220; or consent of instructor. GEO 4630. Global Tectonics (3) (offered as needed) Large-scale structure and dynamics of the Earth. Framework of plate tectonics induding plate motion, processes at plate boundaries, and driving mechanisms. Processes of crustal deformation and evolution of orogenic belts over time, with examples from North America. Three ledures per week. Field trips required. Prerequisites: GEO 2050 and GEO 3060; or consent of instructor. GEO 4750. Special Topics in Geosciences (1-4) Variable Title An opportunity to examine in depth topics in the Geosdences not regularly offered as part of the standard course offerings. The specific title and credit authorized will appear on the student transcript. The course may be repeated for credit. Prerequisites: GEO PS1110, GEO 1115, and any specific courses selected by the instructor. GEO 4800. Independent Research (1-3) Su, F, Sp Prerequisite: Consent of instructor prior to registration. (May be repeated for a maximum of five credit hours.) GEO 4890. Cooperative Work Experience (1-6) A continuation of GEO 2890. Open to all students. GEO 4920/5920. Short courses, Workshops, Institutes and Special Programs (1-4) (offered as needed) Consult the semester dass schedule for the current offering under this number. The specific title and credit authorized will appear on the student transcript. GEO 4950. Advanced Geoscience Fieldtrips (1-3) F, Sp Application of Geoscience field methods during fieldtrips. Readings, written and oral reports, and/or examinations required. Prerequisite: consent of instructor. GEO 4970. Senior Thesis (2) F, Sp A thesis to be written by a student at the culmination of a period of individual field/laboratory and library research, under the direction of a specific faculty person. Prerequisites: Senior standing and departmental approval of the thesis topic. GEO 5030. Geology for Teachers (2-4) (offered as neec Science content course for teachers in the M.Ed Sdence Emphasis Program. To register, seled another departmental course and develop a contract detailing additional work required for graduate credit. Course may be repeated. Contract must be approved by instructor, department chair, and Director of the Master of Education Program. PROGRAM Developmental Mathematics Director: Dr. John S. Thaeler Location: Building 4, Room 506A Telephone Contact: Michelle Jarvis 801-626-7478 Associate Professor: John Thader; Instructors: Brenda Acor, Alice Allred, Loyal Baker, Mary Jo Hansen, David Imig, Debi McKee, Darrell Poore, Carrie Quesnell, Pamda ScMlling, Mary Ellen Yonkee I he Developmental Mathematics Program prepares students to take the Quantitative Literacy courses offered by the Mathematics Department and the Philosophy Program. See the Core Requirements listed under the General Education Requirements of the WSU Degree and General Education Requirements of this catalog. Weber State University 2011 - 2012 Catalog |