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Show DENT 4890 Advanced Community or Clinical Work Experience (2) DENT 4920 Short Courses, Workshops, Institutes & Special Programs (1-4) DENT 4990 Seminar (1-2) Suggested Course Sequence Please refer to this program in the online catalog (weber.edu/catalog) or contact the department for a suggested course sequence. DENTAL SCIENCE COURSES - DENT All Dental Science Courses require prior acceptance into the Dental. Required Dental Science Courses DENT 2201. Concepts of Community Dental Health (1) This course will present the basic concepts of planning and implementing community dental health programs. These prindples include epidemiology, sociological concepts of health and illness, health behavior, public altitudes and principles of dental health education. DENT 2205. Head/Neck and Dental Anatomy (2) Identification of major anatomical landmarks of the head and neck, thdr innervation, blood supply and function. Also includes instruction in the histology and embryology of head and neck development and tooth morphology. DENT 2206. Clinical Dental Hygiene/Radiology (4) Clinical application of principles of DENT 2207 and DENT 2208. Must accompany DENT 2207 and DENT 2208. Students partidpate in three four-hour labs each week. DENT 2207. Dental Hygiene I (3) Theory essential to performing clinical treatment, including, but not limited to armamentarium, client-operator positioning, aseptic technique, soft tissue exam, health history, prindples of instrumentation and disease control therapies. Must accompany DENT 2206. DENT 2208. Radiology (2) Preparatory skills for clinical radiology, induding information on radiation safely and exposure techniques. Must accompany DENT 2206. DENT 2211. Oral Pathology (3) The study of manifestations and identification of disease processes in the oral cavity. DENT 2215. Periodontology (2) The study of basic periodontal strudures and disease processes. DENT 2216. Clinical Dental Hygiene II (3) Clinical application of DENT 2217. Must accompany DENT 2217. Two four-hour labs each week. Prerequisites: DENT 2206 and DENT 2207. DENT 2217. Dental Hygiene II (3) Continuation of DENT 2206. Didadic instruction for intermediate skills in dental hygiene treatment. Must accompany DENT 2216. Prerequisites: DENT 2207. DENT 2219. Dental Materials (1) Identification of and laboratory experiences with materials used in dentistry and dental hygiene. DENT 2235. Dental Medicine I (2) The study of common medical conditions and their treatment. Emphasis is placed on oral manifestations of systemic disease and related pharmacology. 283 DENT DV2250. Professional Ethics (1) Professional Ethics is designed to provide dental hygiene students with a foundation in the professional standards governing the dental hygiene profession and the development of ethical decision-making skills, in the context of diversity and resped for others. Throughout the course the student will be guided to explore issues of diversity, prejudices, and their responsibility to provide culturally sensitive care. DENT 3301. Community Dental Health Service Learning Lab (1) This course leads the student through on-campus and off-campus fidd projects with selected community agencies. DENT 3305. Dental Medicine II (3) The study of local anesthesia with regard to pharmacology, administration techniques, methods of pain and apprehension control and nitrous oxide sedation. Includes laboratory experiences in the administration of local anesthesia and nitrous oxide sedation. Prerequisite: DENT 2235. DENT 3336. Clinical Dental Hygiene III (4) Clinical application of DENT 3337. This course must accompany DENT 3337. Three four hour clinics each week. Prerequisite: DENT 2206 and DENT 2216. DENT 3337. Dental Hygiene III (3) Continuation of DENT 2207,2217. Emphasis on advanced instrumentation in the care of clients with periodontal disease. Must accompany DENT 3336. Prerequisite: DENT 2207 and DENT 2217. DENT 3346. Clinical Dental Hygiene IV (4) Clinical lab which must accompany DENT 3347. One eight hour clinic and one four hour clinic each week. Prerequisite: DENT 2206, 2216, 3336. DENT 3347. Dental Hygiene TV (2) Continuation of DENT 2207,2217, 3337. Emphasis on expanded client care services and with client populations with special treatment needs. Must accompany DENT 3346. Prerequisite: DENT 2207,2217,3337. Elective Courses DENT 2230. Oral Health Research 8c Statistics (2) This course is designed to provide the student with research design and statistics principles as they apply to oral health settings and issues. Prerequisite: WSU Quantitative Literacy requirement. DENT 2800. Individual Research (1-3) Special project in a student's area of interest. DENT 2830. Directed Readings, Projects and Research (1-3) Limited to dental hygiene majors. A maximum of nine hours may be accumulated with this course. DENT 2920. Short Courses, Workshops, Institutes and Special Programs (1-3) Consult the semester dass schedule for the current offering under this number. The specific title and credit authorized will appear on the student transcript. DENT 3130. Independent Study (1-3) Independent projed in an area of interest; second year dental hygiene students only. Projed approval by dental hygiene faculty. A maximum of nine hours may be accumulated with this course. DENT 4010. Interdisciplinary Health Care Teams (3) This course provides an interdisciplinary experience with the team concept as a priority. The students learn the role of the health care team members, each with thdr different skills and objedives. The General PROFILE ENROLLMENT STUDENT AFFAIRS ACADEMIC INFO DEGREE REQ GENED Engaged Learning 8 Interdisciplinary OUR/CBL HNRS/BIS ESL LIBS INTRD MINORS Applied Science 8 Technology AUSV/ATTC CMT CEET/EE CS MFET/ETM MET DGET ENGR IDT SST TBE Arts & Humanities MPC/MENG COMM ENGL FL MUSC THEA ART/ARTH Business 8 Econ MBA MACC/MTAX ACTG BS AD/FIN MGMT MKTG SCM ECON/QUAN 1ST Education MSAT/MED CHF AT/HLTH NUTR/PEP/REC HPHP COURSES ATHL/PE EDUC Health Professions MHA/MSN MSRS DENT PAR HTHS HAS/HIM MLS NRSG RADT DMS/NUCM RATH REST Science BTNY CHEM GEO MATH/MTHE MICR PHYS/ASTR ZOOL Social S Behavioral Sciences MCJ/CJ ECON GEOG HIST POLS/PHIL PSY SW/GERT SOC/ANTH AERO MILS NAVS Continuing Ed Davis Campus Weber State University 2011-2012 Catalog |