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Show co and Soction shall bo V. The Cheerleadors required to abide by forth by the advisor Rules: 1. Shall 2. A shall be sponsored by a faculty advisor the following rules and rogulations sot and shall abide by the rules be prosent Choorleader at may be a gamo one-half absent no more of the othor major hour boforo than four the gamos offices. starting. during tho yoar., Tho only oxcuses accoptable will be sickness, death in tho family, and othor oxcusos approvod by the advisor in advance to tho game. Othor absences or moro than four absences shall be considered failure to uphold the dutios of the offico of Chocrleader and shall be suspended from officc, 3. All Cheerleaders shall attend a cheerleaders! class which will bo hold at least once a wook undor tho supervision of a faculty mombor. Failure to attend this class will result in tho person's being droppod from this organization, ' 4, Eligibility of the Choorleadors shall be tho samo prescribed Part C, of for the other Student Body Officers in Article II, the Ben Lomond High School Constitution. 5e A head choorleador shall be choson by the newly cheerleaders undor the supervision of tho advisor. Article III. as that Section III, cloctod Committees Section I. Tho Assombly Committee shall consist of the class vico presidents, Vice Prosident of the Associated Students, Socretary of the Associated Students, vico presidents of tho Girls! and the Boys! Associations, Vico Presidont of the Intorclan designated by tho Student Council more student ropresentatives than Federation, and and faculty mombers faculty mombors. othor as mombers long as as there aro Section II, The Pep Assembly Committee shall consist of the Pep Club Officers, Cheorloadors, Pop Club Advisor, Cheerleader Advisor, and Sccrotary of the Associated Students, Section III, Tho Finance Committce shall consist of five The Prosident of the Associated Students, tho Treasurer of the appointed mombers of tho Student Council, and the Principal. mombors: school, two Section IV. Tho Election Committce shall consist of the Seerctary of the Associated Students, sccrotarics of the Classes, sccrotarics of the Boys! and the Girls! Associations, Secrotary of the Intorclan Federation, Student Body Officers, Section and a faculty V. The Social advisor, Committoe shall consist of the Studont cfficors , presidents of the Girls' and the Boys! Associations, *incipal, the Studont Council Advisor, and tho Principal. Body the Assistant |