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Show ou make | | the news “ B. LI. ~S 7 print it NUMBER 4 OGDEN, UTAH, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1963 BEN LOMOND HIGH SCHOOL VOLUME 11 UW, just i YK coaliacen Contest Wi SCOTTIE CONTEST REVEALS RESULTS A Scottie drawn by Jeanette Lund won her a $10.00 gift certificate from Fred M. Nye Company in a contest sponsored by the Highlander staff. Norman Smith won second place and Ludene able Rivera received honor- mention. Dick Brown, Joe Battisti, and Mr. Harvey judged the entries of Ben Lomond students on October 25. Their choices depended upon the neatness, color, and originality of the entries. The contest began on Octo- ber 4. All Ben Lomond students, with the exceptions of the judges and the Highlander staff, could the Scots Celebrate One e Halloween 1 in the eiiiens| icine wea most sani ’ Halloween aeouent, : tha The like ° sien a A “HBO of falls on sper the ‘da participate in “drawing The Boy’s Association, sponsers of the Beard Seeing oe { “beards” were chosen: Doug abroad, together with witches, devils and mischief-making Post, best over-all beard; Carl a in Ametion chant “trick-or- treat”, the Berube, heaviest beard; Barry der | “This isi the 0’ ‘Halloween, * Funk, the Scot hardest. While lads and lassies in America use poor Mr. Pumpkin celebrate Halloween, Scotland uses the cabbage. The cabbage is an inseparable part of the Scottish Hallo- ween and is used mischievous acts. not only in the dinner but also in games and Mischievous boys push out the middle of the cabbage and fill the hole with tallow. Then, lighting the tallow with fire, they blow darts of flame a yard in length through the keyholes of people who have given them trouble. Boys thumping and girls take cabbages them against the owners’ in unharvested doors, they run fields and for safety. Also, unharvested cabbage fields serve as a place for a game of blind man’s bluff. Each boy and girl is blindfolded and sent into the field Where they pick a cabbage. What their future mate will be like, depends on the condition of the cabbage they pick. The straightness or crookedness, leanness or fatness of the cabbage indicates the appearance of their future mate, while the taste, whether bitter or sweet, forecasts the character and disposition. can The association of apples, candy and nuts be found in both Scotland and America. Indeed, the people Halloween in much the to Halloween of Scotland celebrate and enjoy their same way as we observe our own. Scot Schedule November November November November November November November November 1 1 1 4 7 & 8 8 > 11 18 Nonconformity has become = fad. students, help F ay ‘inacel can ie find security in numbers. Once, long ago during junior high and elemen- increase school spirit and unity before football games. | _ Bearing |ie egene < tary | school, he could hide Eggleston, best mustache; Steve | “ SCOTS T: S and: force his he among his Deere 08 Burt, most. original; and Rupe r t blue tags have ne a custo- anes aehe - When a’ the witchie micht be seen; ' Some o’ them black, some o’ them oo _ Some o’ them like a turkey bean.” to — By LINDA WATTS 4 wan- NONCONFORMITY Victory Tags Scottie.” Halloween Dance End of first term Football—Clearfield at B.L.H.S. Second term begins School Play Football—B.L.H.S. at Bonneville Basketball beginning practice date Regional basketball school at O.H.S. who tried ‘the Marshall White Speaks to Seminar Facts concerning a currently controversial subject were brought to light for members of the Social Studies Seminar by Marshall White, president of the Ogden N.A.A.C.P., when he spoke on October 3 about the influence America of the Negro in and the world. He traced the contributions of the Negro from the time of the Roman Empire to the present, stating that many historians record “facts” with prejudice. According to Mr. White, the Negro race has had a much greater influence on America than generally believed. Negroes accompanied many of the first explorers, including Columbus. They helped to settle the United States. Four thousand Negroes in Louisiana held slaves; thousands more lived, themselves, in bondage. Intermingling of the became so widespread, mented Mr. White, that 80 per cent of the U. S. lation has both Negro and casian ancestry. . races comtoday popuCau- The N.A.A.C.P., the organization to which Mr. White belongs, has attempted to achieve equality through the courts for America’s darker citizens. _— | ‘nocessory to the uniforms , Bonnie Lassies, ao Pes. Club members and to this, the outfits of other students and But now graduation looms teachers on the day of each near .The future destroys the game. coherence of his crowd. Now Football players eee gained some of those not considered a new prestige because of de- “with it” before have become mands for their signatures on the real leaders, and some of the cards. the one-time fad-starters. have The Ben Lomond Printing fallen from their pinnacles. No Company has undertaken the set code rules the teen-agers must make his task of printing the victory behavior. tags. The five hundred cards own decisions, form his own principles. — provided for the game with Spanish Fork didn’t permit all This insecurity causes some of those interested to wear one. radical independence among the Therefore, student body officers affected youths. One takes a seenlarged the order before the gregationist stand in order to Iron Horse game to a thousand. “be different.” Another clings _ Officers have considered oth- to atheism as his means of diser ideas for the improvement tinction. All try to lead others, of victory tags. For instance, rather than to follow a chosen | strings could replace the pins few as before. in present use. Containers ofOnly when the individual has fered for sale to Ben Lomond attained true maturity can he students could hold all of the nonconform not merely for the season’s tags, displaying the cur- sake of nonconformity, but berent one through transparent cause his beliefs guide him plastic. there. SCOT SHORTS Have you heard football team Workers that the Pep Club © ae challanged the varsity to a game? began construction In the near future tennis sight at Ben Lomond. Remember of players our should tennis prove courst last week. to be a familiar how much shoving and pushing you do to enter the cafeteria? The school decided to improve this condition and an additional door will soon appear as a completed project. : Then you may eat without first Passing through a demonstrat ior of World Watch War III. the “INQUIRING urday. Six members EDITOR” on channel 2 this Sat- of the Social Studies Seminar will appear. © |