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Show April 26, 1964 Sunday Ogden rea) $a ha oy 12% OSL RALAWRO. vA , Ae Standard-Examiner Yxk } a Soy sate: pe cal A ‘Ae wor LO ain i Seer s + Sc bo oer Hae ’ Standard: Examiner, Sunday, pee 26, 1964 Aap uf » CET & he Ag 5 a Fr ae ed ee oh: at i if i O yde. AC ity Schools Will Pres on ta Arts Festival During Week tities: Guae r Sic? amet teow Be . Youn; lovers fhrpaabont the oe a all junior high schd Ear, g pelt Wie with anticipation to-— der the direction of Albe! 4 with \the-opening of the Ogden City Daniel L. Martino. The Na Fine Arts Festival; and welcome the priv- _ will be sung by students and ieee cof displaying original works and to and wil be followed by gr the 01. ium 4 m. many fine displays and. exhibits dy 'Q, pees superintendent of eden city lents and prominent artists. | ‘Sch way 1 festival will be held to-— Thoose in charge of the festival are ay. 1 at Ben Lomond High Taylor and Alpheus Harvey, art instru va be served in the auditorat ‘Ben Lomond High: Schoo. to 4:30 p.m. this afternoon un- der the supervision of PTA aie officers, Mrs. ‘Mrs. Mark Bott and Mrs. © art, Larry Van Meter, ee canes bin ci Lomond High Smith, Dean Norman Cen ral; Juergen ler the direction of Larry D. eS air with musical numbers “feat fing cate ae demonstra eee vaoe will G Stanek rete i ay. ry, junior Rich, Mound Fort; Charles. ington. ceramics, handiclay modeling and -and cabana colors y elemen ages OS Utah artists BH Sass, Hi Mt. Ogden, and William V." Ns acing) f Friday go g a concert Aeataring Ben Lomond High Schootband and or__chestra, val pe rhe six-day event 0 . which hun re high shisonie high school ‘students, and °- to participate. a be —_ assisted by Edward Sandgre! , and student body officers, — chsel and Robert Alley \f ‘ath . “Wilson, Ann Thomas Pig usical directors for eeeie ior it paintir a _ stu Ten, Parents and friends are tend this free REA ag 2s ae » expect invited to at- | |